Diabetes Research
Where there is no vision, there is no hope - George Washington Carver

image by: Diabetes Research Institute
HWN Suggests
A Diabetic Dream
Type 1 diabetes is a discouraging disease. Despite the availability of synthetic insulin and increasingly sophisticated monitoring technology, it’s still a condition that requires incessant vigilance: Diabetics must constantly track their blood sugar levels and carefully use that information to calibrate drug doses. Even if you manage to do all of that well, bad days remain almost inevitable. Take too much insulin, and you can spiral into a hypoglycemic delirium. Take too little, and your glucose levels will rise, filling the body with dangerous levels of ketones.
Less immediately frustrating—but no less familiar for diabetics—is the state of diabetes research. Possible…
Can Cannabis Treat, Or Even Prevent Diabetes?
One of the most promising—and pressing—areas of research has to do with the effects of medical marijuana on people with diabetes. Millions of people suffering from the disease are looking for relief from both the symptoms and the high costs healthcare associated with treating the disease.
Diabetes Awareness Month: The past, present and future of diabetes treatment
Both types are still difficult disorders to control physically as well as emotionally. There are some medications and exercise and diet changes can help reverse the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes, but there is no cure for Type 1 which is very cumbersome to control. Yet in the past decades, there has been a rapid acceleration of new research and technology to help to make the lives of people with diabetes easier to manage.
Regenerating insulin-producing cells the next big thing in diabetes
Restoring the function of pancreatic beta cells would represent a leap forward in treating diabetes, potentially allowing insulin-dependent patients to wean themselves off frequent blood sugar monitoring and injections. But work has been hampered by difficulties in developing differentiated cells that can respond to the body’s need for glucose modulation and protecting these from the autoimmune response that is the hallmark of type 1 diabetes.
We Have to Be Smart About Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Here’s the tough question: How will we know how well the system works? Diabetes software doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to accuracy. A 2015 study found that among smartphone apps for calculating insulin doses, two-thirds of the apps risked giving incorrect results, often substantially so. So far, the most developed diabetes A.I. is incorporated into devices, not stand-alone, and we might hope that device-makers have more expertise than potentially fly-by-night app developers.
A Pill to Treat Diabetes
Bariatric surgery has been shown to relieve Type II diabetes. Scientists at Glyscend are developing a drug that could mimic the effect—but with no surgery required.
Google Life Sciences Makes Diabetes Its First Big Target
GOOGLE'S LIFE SCIENCES division has its first big mission: developing new ways to treat and manage diabetes. But in a sign that the company is serious about making real progress, it's not diving into diabetes research alone. It is working with French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies.
The Frontier of Diabetes Research
We are closer to understanding the genetic contribution and environmental factors of type 1 diabetes. But when something develops over several years, like diabetes, it's much more difficult to determine the cause.
Transforming Lives Through Diabetes Research
This is an exciting time in diabetes research, with the SDP resulting in potential therapies that could transform millions of lives and improve the fiscal health of our nation. We cannot afford to stop now.
Treating Diabetes May be as Simple as Growing New Pancreatic Cells
Researchers at the Mount Sinai Diabetes Center have already developed an artificial pancreas. Next, a drug that could regenerate pancreatic cells in the body.
A Diabetic Dream
Can synthetic biology finally cure the autoimmune disease?
Diabetes Action
The Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (Diabetes Action), a non-profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1990, is committed to the prevention and treatment of diabetes and to the funding of innovative, promising research aimed at finding a cure for diabetes and diabetes related complications.
Diabetes National Research Group
One of the research efforts supported by the Diabetes National Research Group is to identify antigens. Antigens are substances capable of inducing an immune response that might be involved in the onset of diabetes. T cells, immune cells that destroy invading organisms and help other cells make antibodies that cause diabetes, are transferred into recipient experimental models.
Diabetes Research Network
We aim to achieve benefits for people with diabetes, or at risk of developing diabetes, through excellence in clinical research.
Diabetesgenes.org aims to provide information for patients and professionals on research and clinical care in genetic types of diabetes.
Joslin Diabetes Center
Joslin Diabetes Center — dedicated to conquering diabetes in all of its forms — is the global leader in diabetes research, care and education. Joslin research is at the forefront of discovery aimed at preventing and curing diabetes.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is here to find a cure for diabetes and to help you deal with diabetes day-to-day.
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
Life has improved for people with diabetes, and research continues to offer hope. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) is committed to sharing the latest in health information. Visit the websites below to learn more about current diabetes research or to participate in a clinical trial.
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute
Sansum Diabetes Research Institute is a research center devoted to the prevention, treatment and cure of diabetes.
Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research
The SBDR is an international scientific society dedicated to the advancement of biomedical research to secure remission of diabetes and an improvement in patients' healthcare.
Aoki Diabetes Research Institute
The Aoki Diabetes Research Institute (ADRI) in Sacramento, California is a non-profit organization dedicated to research in the areas of diabetes and metabolism.
Banting & Best Diabetes Centre
The BBDC was established in 1978 as an extra-departmental unit of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto with the primary objective of advancing diabetes research, education, and patient care.
Boston Area Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center
The Boston Area Diabetes Endocrinology Research Center (BADERC) is a consortium of laboratory-based and clinical investigators whose efforts are directed toward addressing many of the major research questions bearing on the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment and cure of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and their associated microvascular and atherosclerotic complications.
Diabetes Education and Research Center
The Diabetes Education and Research Center is a non-profit organization serving the needs of people living in Philadelphia, PA and surrounding communities.
Diabetes Research and Training Center
The University of Chicago Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) provides resources for the support and coordination of the research and training activities in diabetes and related metabolic and endocrine disorders.
Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center
Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 is a preclinical target for diet-induced obesity Featured Article: Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 is a preclinical target for diet-induced obesity JCI Insight (Sept. 6, 2018) The Einstein-Mount Sinai Diabetes Research Center (ES-DRC) comprises a vibrant, extensive, diverse, well-funded and highly productive program that provides the foundation for high-quality and cutting-edge research in diabetes and related studies in obesity, metabolism and endocrinology...
Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
IDOM enhances and supports research aimed at understanding the genetic, biochemical, molecular, environmental, and behavioral mechanisms underlying diabetes and obesity.
The latest on diabetes.
Michigan Diabetes Research Center
The Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) is a multidisciplinary unit of the University of Michigan funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/National Institute of Health.
Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center
The Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center (DRTC) is a NIH-sponsored Diabetes Center that facilitates the discovery, application, and translation of scientific knowledge to improve the care of patients with diabetes.

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