
None of us is responsible for the complexion of his skin. This fact of nature offers no clue to the character or quality of the person underneath - Marian Anderson


image by: Women's Dermatologic Society

HWN Suggests

For skincare brands, urban pollution is good for business

Big Beauty has been all about skincare lately, and that part of the industry is thriving, thanks in large part to its ballooning anti-aging category. But another category of skincare might be the next growth area: As air quality declines in cities around the world, “anti-pollution” products are making their way into the mainstream, holding new appeal for urbanites trying to protect their skin.

The World Health Organization has warned that air pollution is the largest health risk humans face. But the market research firm Euromonitor, in its latest report (PDF) on the global cosmetics market, suggested that for beauty companies, city smog may have an unexpected silver lining: “As the…

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 For skincare brands, urban pollution is good for business

Big Beauty has been all about skincare lately, and that part of the industry is thriving, thanks in large part to its ballooning anti-aging category. But another category of skincare might be the next growth area: As air quality declines in cities around the world, “anti-pollution” products are making their way into the mainstream, holding new appeal for urbanites trying to protect their skin.

8 Cosmetics Companies That Give Back

Beauty products help women feel more beautiful, but wouldn’t it be nice if they also helped women feel like they were making a difference with each swipe of blush or application of lotion? Here are eight skincare and cosmetics companies that donate a portion of their proceeds to various philanthropies.

Care for Skin Foundation

Founded in 2011, The Care for Skin Foundation is a non-profit organization created to support people who have suffered loss of skin due to accidents, tumors, burns, scars or genetic abnormalities.

Changing Faces

Welcome to Changing Faces. We’re a charity for people and families who are living with conditions, marks or scars that affect their appearance.

Skin Deep Behind The Mask

Skin Deep Behind The Mask (SDBM) is a UK skin charity with it’s aims to educate and raise public awareness of the difficulties and obstacles faced by skin disease sufferers and their families. We achieve this in running various creative art & fashion fundraising events throughout the year run by our team of volunteers.

Skin Support

The website is designed as a hub to provide a wealth of information on various skin conditions, self-help materials and support services.

Children's Skin Disease Foundation

The Children’s Skin Disease Foundation is dedicated to educating the public about skin diseases while creating a support network for children and their families.

Dermatology Foundation

Our mission is to provide research support that helps develop and retain tomorrow's teachers and researchers in dermatology, and enables advancements in patient care.

Primary Care Dermatology Society

The Primary Care Dermatology Society (PCDS) is the leading Primary Care society for GPs with an enthusiasm for dermatology and skin surgery. The society has grown in size and influence and now exceeds over 1500 members across UK and Ireland. We are affiliated to the British Association of Dermatologists and the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Society for Investigative Dermatology

The SID's mission is to advance and promote the sciences relevant to skin health and disease through education, advocacy and scholarly exchange of scientific information.

Society for Pediatric Dermatology

The Society's objective is to promote, develop and advance education, research and care of skin disease in all pediatric age groups.

UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network

The UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network (UK DCTN) was formed in 2002 with the aim of conducting high quality, independent, multi-centre clinical trials for the treatment or prevention of skin disease. It involves a collaborative network of dermatologists, dermatology nurses, health services researchers and patients throughout the UK and Ireland.

Women's Dermatologic Society

The goal of the Women's Dermatologic Society is to help women in dermatology realize and fulfill their greatest potential.

British Association of Skin Camouflage

Welcome to the British Association of Skin Camouflage website. Our main objective is to alleviate the psychological, physical and social effects that an altered image can have on someone’s life by the simple application of specialised skin camouflage products. Founded in 1985, BASC is an independent association, which is not affiliated to any industry, company, organisation or authority. We do not endorse or sell any product.

Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation

The Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation is an idependent, non-profit patient advocacy organization dedicated to supporting patients with cutaneous lymphomas.

Dermatology Nurses' Association

The Dermatology Nurses' Association is committed to you and the specialty of dermatology nursing.

Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association

DebRA is dedicated to finding a cure for EB, which affects 1 out of every 50,000 live births in the United States today. EB is a genetically based disease characterized by chronic, painful blistering.

HS Foundation

The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of life and quality of care for individuals and families affected by Hidradenitis Suppurativa.

International Rosacea Foundation

The International Rosacea Foundation is a non-profit organization whose primary mission is to make available easy readable rosacea symptom and the best rosacea treatment information on one web site.

Lupus Foundation of America

The Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. is the foremost national nonprofit voluntary health organization dedicated to finding the causes of and cure for lupus and providing support, services and hope to all people affected by lupus.

Melanoma Education Foundation

The Melanoma Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization devoted to saving lives from melanoma, a common skin cancer that is often deadly unless detected early before there are any symptoms.

National Eczema Association

The National Eczema Association improves the health and quality of life for individuals with eczema through research, support and education.

National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation

NOAH is a U.S. based nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that offers information and support to people with albinism, their families and the professionals who work with them.

National Psoriasis Foundation

Now is the time for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis to be recognized as serious, life changing conditions that affect millions of Americans. Across the nation, people are working to raise awareness, build understanding, and find a cure for these devastating diseases.

National Rosacea Society

The National Rosacea Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of people with rosacea by raising awareness, providing public health information and supporting medical research.

Scleroderma Foundation

The Scleroderma Foundation is the national organization for people with scleroderma and their families and friends.

Skin Cancer Foundation

Since its founding in 1979, The Skin Cancer Foundation has set the standard for educating the public and the medical profession about skin cancer, its prevention by means of sun protection, and the need for early detection.

Sturge-Weber Foundation

The Sturge-Weber Foundation is the comprehensive resource for all individuals interested in birthmarks, Sturge-Weber and Klippel-Trenaunay. Since 1987, education, referrals, research and awareness are shared with care by volunteers and professionals.

Vitiligo Research Foundation

Our mission is to accelerate the end of suffering for millions of people who suffer from vitiligo through research, support and education.

Vitiligo Society

Since 1984, the Society has been the primary source of information and support for people suffering with vitiligo in the UK.

Vitiligo Support International

Vitiligo Support International Inc. (VSI) is a patient driven 501(c)nonprofit organization offering a comprehensive resource of vitiligo education, research and awareness for those whose lives have been affected by vitiligo.

American Academy of Dermatology

The American Academy of Dermatology is the largest, most influential and most representative of all dermatologic associations. With a membership of over 16,000, it represents virtually all practicing dermatologists in the United States.

American Board of Dermatology

The American Board of Dermatology is a voluntary, non-profit, private, autonomous organization formed for the primary purpose of protecting the public interest by establishing and maintaining high standards of training, education and qualifications of physicians rendering care in dermatology.

American Contact Dermatitis Society

The mission of the American Contact Dermatitis Society is to promote, support, develop and stimulate information about contact dermatitis and occupational skin disease for improved patient care.

American Dermatological Association

The purpose of the association is to promote the study of dermatology.

American Osteopathic College of Dermatology

Our website will provide both our members and the public with information about the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. We invite you to explore the site. Popular features include the Skin Disease Database and Find a D.O. Dermatologist.

American Skin Association

A unique collaboration of patients, families, advocates, physicians and scientists, American Skin Association has evolved over the past three decades as a leading force in efforts to defeat melanoma, skin cancer and disease.

American Society for Dermatologic Surgery

Dermasurgery is one of the most innovative and progressive medical subspecialties in the U.S. Founded in 1970, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and its nearly 4,700 members are at the forefront of the development of safe, in-office procedures that are saving lives.

American Society of Dermatology

The mission of this organization is to facilitate optimal dermatologic care being available to all citizens of this country by preserving, promoting and enhancing the private practice of dermatology.

American Society of Dermatopathology

The mission of The American Society of Dermatopathology is improving the quality of dermatopathology as practiced by the dermatologist and pathologist.

Associated Skin Care Professionals

ASCP provides insurance and professional support for skin care providers.

British Association of Dermatologists

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) is a charity whose charitable objects are the practice, teaching, training and research of Dermatology. It works with the Department of Health, patient bodies and commissioners across the UK, advising on best practice and the provision of Dermatology services across all service settings.

British Skin Foundation

We believe research is the key to beating skin disease, and we've come a long way in terms of what we know about them since the charity was founded back in 1996. In that time, we've taken great strides in understanding how many of the skin diseases function and spread, as well as how this will ultimately affect our management of them. Our unwavering commitment to funding quality research means we won't stop until we've found cures for common skin problems like eczema and acne through to potential killers like malignant melanoma.

Canadian Dermatology Association

The association exists to advance the science and art of medicine and surgery related to the care of the skin, hair and nails.

International League of Dermatological Societies

Encouraging the worldwide advancement of dermatological education, care, and sciences; and promoting personal and professional relations among the dermatologists of the world.

International Society of Dermatology

The ISD priority is to support young dermatologists from less developed countries in their learning, teaching and investigational activities.

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