Environmental Health
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink - HWN
image by: Gustavo Diaz
HWN Suggests
You Are Recycling (Even) Less Than You Think You Are
You know that reusable containers are better than recyclable ones. You know that recyclable containers are better than non-recyclable single-use containers. You may even know that most recycling is downcycling (not as good as upcycling, but better than nothing—and worse, of course, than reuse).
What you very well may not know is that some of those seemingly recyclable products that you use when you've forgotten to bring a reusable cup or neglected to make sure that your barista served your "for here" order in ceramic or glass are not recyclable at all.
No product may better exemplify this…
Child labour, toxic leaks: the price we could pay for a greener future
Our mission to create cleaner living using natural resources could itself cause widespread environmental harm, scientists now warn.
Healthcare not very green compared to other industries
Compared to big corporations in other sectors of the economy, most healthcare organizations - even large ones - appear to be falling short when it comes to finding ways to protect the environment...
Across The World, If You Eat For Your Health, You'll Help The Planet
Telling people what to eat is perilous, whether the advice is aimed at a friend or an entire country. Of course, people and governments do it anyway. Dozens of countries have come up with recommendations for the perfect, most health-promoting diet. Those recommendations are aimed at improving people's health. But Paul Behrens, a researcher at the University of Leiden, in the Netherlands, wanted to know whether this advice — if people actually followed it — might affect the environment. Producing foods, after all, has profoundly altered the planet, and those impacts can vary a lot, depending on which foods people demand.
Is A Healthy Environment A Human Right?
Do we have a fundamental right to breathe clean air, drink clean water and eat safe food? The idea of environmental human rights is receiving growing attention worldwide, driven by our global ecological crisis. But the United States has lagged behind in codifying these rights into laws and in successfully furthering them.
Make Earth Great Again!—Here's How
Political conservatives are more likely to care about the environment if climate messages focus on restoring the planet to its past state, a study shows.
Sustainable Cinema: A Historical Timeline of the Best Environmental Movies and Documentaries
Media that sheds light on environmental issues has the ability and potential to dramatize the reality of the ecological challenges facing our planet.
The Science Behind How Nature Affects Your Health
Have you ever wondered how experiencing nature can improve your health and your life? Increasingly, healthcare and public health professionals are recognizing that the social determinants of health—including where we’re born, live, work, play and age—collectively have a far greater impact on our health outcomes than the healthcare delivery system.
This is Earth
This is where you live!
A Lazy Person's Guide to Happiness
Find the right environment, and very little effort is necessary.
Cigarette Littering: Another Unhealthy Habit
Cigarette butts are the most littered item on the planet. We do it or see it happening every day. Why do we act as if this is okay?
Do We Need to Use (and Discard) So Many Plastic Bags Each Year?
So how do I combat the blight of plastic bags in my own life? I take canvas bags into the grocery and retail stores. They have a great advantage over plastic bags. They are sturdier and can carry heavier items more easily. Some cashiers don’t like them because they say the bagging area is not set up to accommodate them easily.
Electric Cars Dirtier than Gas Cars
What if we’re totally wrong about this electric car thing, and in fact they’re worse for the environment than conventional gas cars, even SUVs?
Electric Vehicles - Healthy for the Planet or Not?
Is the electric car more of a public relations creation than an environmentalist’s dream?
Good for You, Good for the Planet?
Is healthy food always better for the environment?
Green Cars Have a Dirty Little Secret
Producing and charging electric cars means heavy carbon-dioxide emissions.
How Do You Fight The World’s ‘Largest Environmental Health Problem’? Harness The Sun
More than 4 million people die prematurely every year from household air pollution — largely a result of cooking with smoky stoves.
The five biggest threats to human existence
Most work on bioweapons have been done by governments looking for something controllable, because wiping out humanity is not militarily useful. But there are always some people who might want to do things because they can.
The Lie We Live
Exposing the truth about our world. My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is a video I wrote & created.
The Plastic Pollution Coalition: Spreading the Word to Reduce the Waste
As valuable as they can be, recycling and clean-ups are not the answer. Source reduction is the key to sparing the environment—including ourselves—from further plastic poisoning. Enter the Plastic Pollution Coalition to get that message into our thick heads.
Time for Plain Talk about Particulate Matter
Might the result of one particle—or a dozen, or a hundred—be negligible in relation to human health? Sure. But put enough particles out there, and things change.
Trump's EPA Concludes Environmental Racism Is Real
A new report from the Environmental Protection Agency finds that people of color are much more likely to live near polluters and breathe polluted air—even as the agency seeks to roll back regulations on pollution.
You Are Recycling (Even) Less Than You Think You Are
There's more to recycling than meets the eye. The paper coffee cup, for example. Looks recyclable, right? Relatively environmentally-friendly? Nuh-uh.
Collaborative on Health and the Environment
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment is a diverse partnership of individuals and organizations working collectively to advance knowledge and effective action to address growing concerns about the links between human health and environmental factors.
Tox Town
Tox Town provides consumer-level information on everyday locations and situations where you might be exposed to toxic chemicals. This site will help you better understand risks of exposure, potential health effects, and how to protect yourself.
Toxic-Free Future
Toxic-Free Future advocates for the use of safer products, chemicals, and practices through advanced research, advocacy, grassroots organizing, and consumer engagement to ensure a healthier tomorrow.
Toxipedia is a free toxicology encyclopedia offering articles and resources about toxic chemicals (such as pesticides and endocrine disruptors), health conditions, ethical considerations, the history of toxicology, laws and regulation, and more. Our goal is to provide scientific information in the context of history, society, and culture so that the public has the information needed to make sound choices that protect both human and environmental health.
350 is the red line for human beings, the most important number on the planet. The most recent science tells us that unless we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million, we will cause huge and irreversible damage to the earth.
Biomimicry is a new discipline that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.
Blue Earth
Blue Earth believes documentary photography can inspire positive change. We support visual storytelling on critical environmental and social issues through direct assistance to photographers and a collaborative community of professionals.
Blue Sphere Media
We fuse dramatic imagery with intimate and thought-provoking stories, to connect people to globally important issues and inspire action.
Carbonfund.org is leading the fight against global warming climate change, making it easy and affordable for any individual, business or organization to eliminate their climate impact and hastening the transformation to a clean energy future.
The only app that pits volcanoes against spaceships. Learn how the carbon footprint of one thing stacks up against another. Simple, yes? Let’s CARBONIZE.
The largest online community of people passionate about making a difference.
Center for Environmental Health
The Center for Environmental Health is working to eliminate the threat that chemicals pose to children, families, and communities.
Center for Health, Environment & Justice
The Center for Health, Environment and Justice can help you and your community if you are facing an environmental health risk. From leaking landfills and polluted drinking water to incinerators and hazardous waste sites, we can help you take action towards a healthier future.
Dot Earth
By 2050 or so, the human population is expected to pass nine billion. Those billions will be seeking food, water and other resources on a planet where humans are already shaping climate and the web of life. In Dot Earth, which moved from the news side of The Times to the Opinion section in 2010, Andrew C. Revkin examines efforts to balance human affairs with the planet’s limits.
E-The Environmental Magazine
Since its inception, the magazine’s mission has remained the same: to provide information about environmental issues and to share ideas and resources so that readers can live more sustainable lives and connect with ongoing efforts for change.
Earth Trust
Here on Earthtrust's extensive web site, you'll find a wealth of information about our innovative and cost-effective programs for protecting some of the world's threatened and endangered species.
Earth 911 delivers actionable local information on recycling and product stewardship that empowers consumers to act locally, live responsibly and contribute to sustainability.
Earthjustice uses the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health; to preserve magnificent places and wildlife; to advance clean energy; and to combat climate change.
EarthSave continues the educational work that Diet for a New America began. EarthSave educates, inspires and empowers people to shift toward a plant based diet centered on fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes - foods that are healthy for people and the planet.
Each year we connect hundreds of thousands of individuals with our member environmental and conservation charities through EarthShare @ Work, an employee engagement and philanthropy program offered at hundreds of public and private sector workplaces across the country. EarthShare @ Work gives employees meaningful opportunities to connect, contribute, and volunteer, helping to embed sustainability awareness into decision making and actions at work and at home.
Ecojustice is a national charitable organization dedicated to defending Canadians' right to a healthy environment. Our lawyers and scientists set legal precedents and strengthen environmental laws that protect and restore the environment, both today and for the future.
Each month we examine the connection between a wide range of subjects. Whether it's food, war, politics, pharmaceuticals, farming, toxic chemicals, corporate fraud, mass media or supermarkets, the ecologist challenges conventional thinking and empowers readers to tackle global issues.
Ecology Center
The Ecology Center is a membership-based, nonprofit environmental organization based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Founded by community activists after the country's first Earth Day in 1970, the Center is now a regional leader that works for a safe and healthy environment where people live, work, and play.
A place to help save the earth.
EHS Today
EHS Today, formerly known as Occupational Hazards, informs safety, health and industrial hygiene professionals in the manufacturing, construction, and service sectors about trends, management strategies, regulatory news and new products that help them provide safe and healthy work sites. Thousands of safety professionals are logging onto http://www.ehstoday.com and viewing our eNewsletters to receive instant access to safely, health and industrial hygiene information. Our content-rich site is updated daily, is easy to navigate and allows safety professionals to find daily news, articles, features and columns.
The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.
Environment California
Environment California is a statewide, citizen-based environmental advocacy organization. Our professional staff combines independent research, practical ideas and tough-minded advocacy to overcome the opposition of powerful special interests and win real results for California's environment.
Environment, Health and Safety Online
Welcome to Environmental Health & Safety Online, for EHS Professionals and the general public! We hope to answer your questions and concerns about the effects of chemicals in the air you breath, the quality of the water you drink, food safety, and compounds found in building materials, etc. that you and your family may be exposed to.
Environmental Expert
Environmental Expert connects over 500,000 environmental industry professionals from around the globe to over 13,000 companies that provide the products, services and information they need to do their job successfully.
Environmental Health Coalition
Environmental Health Coalition is one of the oldest and most effective grassroots organizations in the United States, using social change strategies to achieve environmental justice.
Environmental Health News
A not-for-profit organization founded in 2002 to help increase public understanding of emerging scientific links between environmental exposures and human health.
Environmental Health Trust
Environmental Health Trust (EHT) is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education, and policy. We are the only nonprofit organization in the world that carries out cutting edge research on environmental health hazards and also works directly with communities, health and education professionals, and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards.
Environmental Health Watch
EHW helps devise, assess, demonstrate and promote programs to prevent and reduce exposures to harmful substances indoors and outdoors that cause or aggravate serious health conditions.
Environmental Working Group
The mission of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) is to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment.
Evergreen Solar
We are a non profit group with a mission to educate homeowners and businesses about the economic and environmental benefits of PV solar. Our primary objective is to influence a greater number of solar panel installations on homes, schools, and businesses across the US and the rest of the world at an accelerating pace.
Farm Wars
When the government tells you that you cannot grow your own food, and slips pesticide-ridden GMOs into the nation’s food supply unlabeled, it’s time to discard the system.
Food, Inc. exposes America's industrialized food system and its effect on our environment, health, economy and workers' rights. Learn about these issues and take action through the Hungry For Change cafeteria and check out the 10 Simple Tips for making positive changes in your eating habits. Learn more about these issues and how you can take action on Takepart.com.
Global Green
President Gorbachev founded the organization in order to create a new approach to solving the world's most pressing environmental challenges by reconnecting humanity to the environment.
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
The national Green & Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) is implementing a cost-effective and integrated approach to housing interventions by combining federal and philanthropic investments in weatherization, energy efficiency, health and safety. GHHI is setting a new standard for policies and practices to create more sustainable, affordable and healthier homes.
Green Car Congress
Green Car Congress mission is to provide timely, high-quality editorial about the full spectrum of energy options, technologies, products, issues and policies related to sustainable mobility.
GreenBiz Group provides clear, concise, accurate, and balanced information, resources, and learning opportunities to help companies of all sizes and sectors integrate environmental responsibility into their operations in a manner that supports profitable business practices.
Our Mission is to bring complex scientific reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists.
The GreenMoney Journal encour-ages and promotes the awareness of socially & environmentally responsible business, investing and consumer resources in publications & online.
Directory of eco-friendly and holistic health products.
Happy Planet Index
HPI is an innovative new measure that shows the ecological efficiency with which human well-being is delivered around the world. It is the first ever index to combine environmental impact with well-being to measure the environmental efficiency with which country by country, people live long and happy lives.
Health Care Without Harm
We are a global coalition of 473 organizations in more than 50 countries working to protect health by reducing pollution in the health care sector.
Healthy Child, Healthy World
Healthy Child Healthy World is dedicated to protecting the health and well being of children from harmful environmental exposures.
Indigenous Environmental Network
A network of Indigenous Peoples empowering Indigenous Nations and communities towards sustainable livelihoods, demanding environmental justice and maintaining the Sacred Fire of our traditions.
Kids Environment Kids Health
A resource for kids, parents, and teachers to find fun and educational materials related to health, science, and the environment we live in today.
Living on Earth
Living on Earth with Steve Curwood is the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public Radio International. Every week approximately 300 Public Radio stations broadcast Living on Earth's news, features, interviews and commentary on a broad range of ecological issues.
Our Focus Has Always Been on Environmental Wellness At Melaleuca, we were green long before being green was popular. For 25 years, we've been leading the way in selling concentrated products and preserving nature's resources. Listen to how we lead the way in environmental wellness.
National Center for Environmental Health
NCEH strives to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases or deaths that result from interactions between people and their environment.
National Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
The goal of environmental public health tracking is to protect communities by providing information to federal, state, and local agencies. These agencies, in turn, will use this information to plan, apply, and evaluate public health actions to prevent and control environmentally related diseases.
National Tree Benefit Calculator
The Tree Benefit Calculator allows anyone to make a simple estimation of the benefits individual street-side trees provide. This tool is based on i-Tree’s street tree assessment tool called STREETS. With inputs of location, species and tree size, users will get an understanding of the environmental and economic value trees provide on an annual basis.
Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC is the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the grassroots power of 1.2 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals.
Natural Society
Natural Society has thousands of articles on natural health that are absolutely free to anyone, and require no subscription of any kind. From the intricate science of nutrition to the ongoing politics of health, Natural Society is here to keep you informed — and we are oftentimes the first source to predict and release vital health information that mainstream media ignores.
Oceana, founded in 2001, is the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Our offices in North America, South America and Europe work together on a limited number of strategic, directed campaigns to achieve measurable outcomes that will help return our oceans to former levels of abundance.
On the Commons
Onthecommons.org is a web portal and blog that explores activism on behalf of the commons in all its variety. The commons is a powerful organizing principle for understanding countless aspects of nature, creativity and knowledge, local community and everyday experience.
One Green Planet
Our goal is to help create a world where we eat delicious food and use amazing products that provide us with maximum benefit and have minimum impact on the planet.
Orion’s mission is to inform, inspire, and engage individuals and grassroots organizations in becoming a significant cultural force for healing nature and community.
People & Planet
Peopleandplanet.net provides a global review and internet gateway into the issues of population, poverty, health, consumption and the environment. It is published by Planet 21, an independent non-profit company and a registered British charity recognised by the United Nations.
Planet Ark
Planet Ark works to show people the many ways they can reduce their day to day impact on the environment - at home, at work and in the community.
Planet Thrive
you are visiting PlanetThrive.com, a grassroots community for personal wellness with a focus on the health-environment connection.
A tolerably good human future is possible if we work together toward it. It’s not a question of predicting. It’s a question of deciding.
Truth will set you free!
Project Kaisei
Project Kaisei is a non-profit organization based in San Francisco and Hong Kong, established to increase the understanding and the scale of marine debris, its impact on our ocean environment, and how we can introduce solutions for both prevention and clean-up.
Remineralize the Earth
Remineralize the earth promotes the regeneration of soils and forests worldwide with finely ground rock dust as a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, creating fertile soils much as the Earth does.
Rodale Institute
For more than sixty years, we’ve been researching the best practices of organic agriculture and sharing our findings with farmers and scientists throughout the world, advocating for policies that support farmers, and educating consumers about how going organic is the healthiest option for people and the planet.
SafeMama™ should serve all parents as a resource to find information to help them protect their kids. With the onslaught of toy problems, lead paint, toxic chemicals and other health concerns popping up in the news, I wanted to create a site where parents can go to find what they need to make educated and informed decisions.
The purpose of SafetyLit is to provide SafetyLit users with information to allow users to identify and find material that has been published about injury prevention and safety promotion topics -- good and poor.
Science & Environmental Health Network
SEHN was founded in 1994 by a consortium of North American environmental organizations concerned about the misuse of science in ways that failed to protect the environment and human health.
Second Nature
We work to promote a learning environment that provides the awareness, knowledge, skills and values to achieve this vision, a future where current and future generations achieve good health, economic security, social fairness and stability while restoring and sustaining the Earth's life support systems.
Sierra Club
Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization.
When you buy a TerraPass, your money funds clean energy and efficiency projects such as wind farms. These projects result in verified reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
The Breakthrough
The Breakthrough Institute is a small think tank with big ideas. Breakthrough is committed to creating a new progressive politics, one that is large, aspirational, and asset-based.
The Cornucopia Institute
The Cornucopia Institute is dedicated to the fight for economic justice for the family-scale farming community. Through research, advocacy, and economic development our goal is to empower farmers both politically and through marketplace initiatives.
The Dirt Doctor
Natural Organic Gardening and Living For Your Family, Plants & Pets
The Earth Institute
The Earth Institute is helping to advance nine interconnected global issues: climate and society, water, energy, poverty, ecosystems, public health, food and nutrition, hazards and urbanization.
The Green Guide
Site offers tips and extensive information on creating and living in a green environment.
The Jane Goodall Institute
JGI is a global nonprofit that empowers people to make a difference for all living things. We are creating healthy ecosystems, promoting sustainable livelihoods and nurturing new generations of committed, active citizens around the world.
Moving news forward.
Bringing together innovative thinking on agriculture, NRM and poverty alleviation to deliver solutions for food security and environmental protection.
Toxic-Free Future
Toxic-Free Future advocates for the use of safer products, chemicals, and practices through advanced research, advocacy, grassroots organizing, and consumer engagement to ensure a healthier tomorrow.
Toxics Targeting
Toxics Targeting helps property buyers check homes and businesses for more than 270,000 known or potential environmental hazards in New York State. Our free toxic site map is linked to Google, "Bird's Eye View" and "Street View."
Databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases.
TreeHugger.com is devoted to sustainability, design, food, culture, transportation, energy, fashion, politics, health and other environmental issues.
Wake Up World
Wake Up World is a platform for new ideas, positive ideas, new ways forward. You’ll find nutritional advice from nutritionists who don’t have a vested interest in which product you buy. You’ll find medical research reported without the bias of big pharma companies or the governments they control. You’ll find political analysis from writers who see our current time period in an historical perspective, and who don’t conform to the status quo thinking of government-controlled media and academia. And you’ll find discussions of our burgeoning new world…. and it isn’t just sustainable and peaceful, it’s multidimensional too!
Covering worldwide weather including nuclear fallout, volcanic ash
Wild Sanctuary
Since 1968, Wild Sanctuary has traveled the globe to record, archive, research, and express the voice of the natural world - its soundscape. These increasingly rare sounds of the wild inform and enrich our specialized efforts from the field to public performance.
Worldwatch Institute
Worldwatch Institute delivers the insights and ideas that empower decision makers to create an environmentally sustainable society that meets human needs.
We incubate exploratory and innovative programs, remaining open to the evolving needs and opportunities of our constituents and our world.
Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow
AHT is a coalition of citizens, scientists, health professionals, workers, and educators seeking preventive action on toxic hazards.
Basel Action Network
BAN works to prevent the globalization of the toxic chemical crisis. We work in opposition to toxic trade in toxic wastes, toxic products and toxic technologies, that are exported from rich to poorer countries. Alternatively, we work to ensure national self-sufficiency in waste management through clean production and toxics use reductions.
Bio Diesel America
Both the book Biodiesel America and this web site reflect my ongoing commitment to provide you with the information, resources, and people necessary for you to benefit from the ever-changing world of energy. Not twenty-five years from now. Not even a decade from now. But right now.
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
CAPE is a group of physicians, allied health care practitioners and citizens committed to a healthy and sustainable environment. As an organization composed mostly of physicians, CAPE brings its health expertise to environmental issues and is an important voice for environmental health in Canada.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the nation''s premier public health agency''working to ensure healthy people in a healthy world.
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Environmental health is concerned with the health and wellbeing of communities, individuals and organisations; the condition and sustainability of the places where we live, work and relax; and the safety of the food we eat.
Children's Environmental Health Center
The mission of the Children's Environmental Health Center is to protect children against environmental threats to health.The CEH Center accomplishes this by guiding, supporting, and building the programs of the Department of Community and Preventive Medicine of Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Clean Edge
Clean Edge is a leading research and publishing firm helping companies, investors, and governments understand and profit from clean technologies.
Clean Production Action
Clean Production is a way of designing products and manufacturing processes in harmony with natural ecological cycles. It aims to eliminate toxic wastes and inputs and promotes the sustainable use of renewable energy and materials.
Cleantech Group
The concept of cleantech embraces a diverse range of products, services, and processes across industry verticals that are inherently designed to, provide superior performance at lower costs, greatly reduce or eliminate negative ecological impact & improve the productive and responsible use of natural resources.
Founded in 1976, Commonweal conducts programs that contribute to human and ecosystem health '' to a safer world for people and for all life.
CorpWatch investigates and exposes corporate violations of human rights, environmental crimes, fraud and corruption around the world. We work to foster global justice, independent media activism and democratic control over corporations.
Earth Tones
Earth Tones is the only communications company to donate 100% of its profits to environmental organizations. We offer high-quality long distance telephone service, wireless service and internet access to help you keep in touch with the important people in your life.
This website provides access to several EPA databases to provide you with information about environmental activities that may affect air, water, and land anywhere in the United States.
European Commission
Protecting the environment is essential for the quality of life of current and future generations. The EU''s priorities are combating climate change, protecting biodiversity, reducing the impact of pollution on health and better use of natural resources.
Hands on Health
This section of Hands on Health-SC is designed to help you learn about environmental health. These issues are complex and can be controversial. Even scientists have differing opinions on issues like global warming, pesticide use, and levels of toxins in the air or water.
Investor Enviro Health Network
The Investor Environmental Health Network is a collaborative partnership of investment managers, advised by nongovernmental organizations, concerned about the financial and public health risks associated with corporate toxic chemicals policies.
Jeffrey Hollander Partners
Hollender has worked with some of the nations largest businesses – including: Wal-Mart, Nike, Microsoft and Kimberly Clark – in their efforts to become more sustainable and responsible companies Jeffrey frequently addresses social and environmental responsibility at regional, national and international venues.
National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is a 501 (c) (3) non-for-profit, charitable, international public service organization dedicated to educating and influencing people to prevent accidental injuries and deaths.
The NIEHS has evolved to its present status as a world leader in environmental health sciences, with an impressive record of important scientific accomplishments and a proud history of institutional achievements and growth.
For 60 years, NSF has been committed to public health, safety, and protection of the environment. While focusing on food, water, indoor air, and the environment, NSF develops national standards and provides learning opportunities.
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
The School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences has a renowned history for international excellence in research and teaching. Geology at Birmingham dates back to 1881 and Geography began here in 1924. We are proud of our long history and build on our successes through our research and teaching to address the challenges of the 21st Century such as climate change, oil exploration, renewable energy and resilience.
The Encyclopedia of Earth
The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. The EoE is a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The content is presented in a style intended to be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public.
Trust for America's Health
TFAH is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to saving lives by protecting the health of every community and working to make disease prevention a national priority.
Environmental health addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health.
Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.