Enzymes are things invented by biologists that explain things which otherwise require harder thinking - Jerome Ysroael Lettvin
image by: Billie J. SwallaSICB (Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology)
HWN Suggests
Seven Projects Pushing the Boundaries of Biology
Biologically, the Anthropocene has been remarkable. For millennia, humans have altered our planet by clearing land for cities and agriculture, hunting animals into extinction, and introducing invasive species into vulnerable ecosystems. We've had an effect at a global scale through climate change and microscopically with the introduction of antibiotic resistance.
Until relatively recently, scientists have actively ignored these human-nature entanglements. The field of biotechnology in particular has been known for its reliance on a reductionist approach to ecosystem complexity and control of the natural environment. But with the rise of Anthropocene-aware thinking, there has been a…
A New Way To See Biological Molecules Wins Nobel Prize
The 2017 Nobel prize in chemistry recognizes three men who developed a technique that's letting us see molecules in detail so fine it was thought impossible just a few decades ago.
Seven Projects Pushing the Boundaries of Biology
For millennia, humans have altered our planet by clearing land for cities and agriculture, hunting animals into extinction, and introducing invasive species into vulnerable ecosystems. What's our next trick going to be?
Experimental Biology
Experimental Biology is an annual meeting comprised of over 14,000 scientists and exhibitors representing six sponsoring societies and multiple guest societies.
Royal Society of Biology
The Royal Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting our members, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences.
Society for Developmental Biology
SDB is a non-profit professional society dedicated to advancement of the field of developmental biology.
Society for Experimental Biology
The Society for Experimental Biology believes that the broad nature and lack of “ology” boundaries implicit in Experimental Biology give it a pivotal role in the development of Life Sciences which are of considerable benefit to its members and to society.
Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
Established in 1987, the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine is a professional organization comprised of scientists and clinicians with an interest in the research and medical applications of free radical chemistry, redox biology and antioxidants.
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
The mission of SICB is to further research, education and public awareness in the areas of organismal, functional and evolutionary biology. Organismal biology comprises diverse fields that lead to a better understanding of whole organism function and the interface between organisms and their physical and biological environments.
Society for Leukocyte Biology.
The goals of the Society are to promote the discipline of leukocyte biology by: 1. Promoting research and scientific endeavor in the field. 2. Promoting the study of leukocyte biology by young investigators. 3. Promoting the field to a wide audience, including other scientists and people interested in science.
Society for Mathematical Biology
The Society for Mathematical Biology is an international society which exists to promote and foster interactions between the mathematical and biological sciences communities through membership, journal publications, travel support and conferences.
Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution
The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution is an international organization whose goals are to provide facilities for association and communication among molecular evolutionists and to further the goals of molecular evolution, as well as its practitioners and teachers
Society for Reproductive Biology
The society for reproductive biology fosters and promotes basic and applied research in reproduction, fertility and development directed towards improving health, agriculture and conservation.
Society for the Study of Human Biology
The Society for the Study of Human Biology (SSHB) is a learned society whose objectives are the general advancement and promotion of research in the biology of human populations in all its branches, including human variability and genetics, human adaptability and ecology, and human evolution.
The Company of Biologists
The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publisher and UK charity. Established in 1925, The Company aims to promote research and study across all branches of biology.
American Institute of Biological Sciences
The American Institute of Biological Sciences is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) scientific association dedicated to advancing biological research and education for the welfare of society. AIBS works to ensure that the public, legislators, funders, and the community of biologists have access to and use information that will guide them in making informed decisions about matters that require biological knowledge.
American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Founded in 1906, the Society is based in Rockville, Maryland. The Society's purpose is to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology through publication of scientific and educational journals: the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, and the Journal of Lipid Research, organization of scientific meetings...
American Society for Cell Biology
ASCB is an inclusive, international community of biologists studying the cell, the fundamental unit of life. We are dedicated to advancing scientific discovery, advocating sound research policies, improving education, promoting professional development, and increasing diversity in the scientific workforce.
American Society for Matrix Biology
The mission of the ASMB is to promote basic, translational, and clinical research on the extracellular matrix (ECM), cell-ECM interactions, and ECM-based therapies and devices, and to support the growth and professional development of the ECM research community.
American Society for Photobiology
The ASP promotes research in photobiology, integration of different photobiology disciplines, dissemination of photobiology knowledge, and provides information on photobiological aspects of national and international issues.
Association for Biology Laboratory Education
The Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE) was founded in 1979 to promote information exchange among university and college educators actively concerned with teaching biology in a laboratory setting. The focus of ABLE is to improve the undergraduate biology laboratory experience by promoting the development and dissemination of interesting, innovative, and reliable laboratory exercises.
Association of Applied Biologists
To promote the study and advancement of all branches of Biology and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), to foster the practice, growth and development of applied biology, with a focus on the application of biological sciences in the production of food, materials and energy, and for the maintenance and improvement of earth's environment.
Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Society aims to advance Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Australia, facilitating research and education, and interfacing with business and the community.
Australian Vascular Biology Society
The Australian Vascular Biology Society is an organization active throughout Australia and New Zealand which aims to foster research communication by scientists and clinicians from a broad range of disciplines but with a unifying interest in biology of the cardiovascular system.
Biological Survey of Canada
The Biological Survey of Canada (BSC) is a not-for-profit organization that helps to coordinate scientific research among specialists on the Canadian fauna.
Biology Society of South Australia
The primary aim of the Biology Society of South Australia (BSSA) is to develop and maintain contact between people with an interest in field biology and the conservation and management of natural resources in South Australia.
British Society for Cell Biology
The British Society for Cell Biology (founded 1965; registered charity no. 265816) exists to promote the advance of research in all branches of cell biology and to encourage the interchange of information. The Society organizes and supports meetings and conferences relevant to cell biology and plays an increasing role in raising awareness of science policy issues in the UK.
British Society for Protist Biology
The BSPB exists: - To promote the study, teaching and dissemination of all aspects of protozoology. - To provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of results obtained from original research and for an exchange of information on experimental design and techniques. - To encourage developing and novel aspects of protozoology. - To represent the interests of protozoology on other professional bodies. - To assist young scientists researching in protozoology to attend professional meetings.
Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Professional activities of the Society include an annual meeting, sponsorship of symposia and student activities, advocacy efforts to increase research funding, and the administration of a number of awards.
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) is the world's largest international society of biomedical engineers. The organization's 9,100 members reside in some 97 countries around the world. EMBS provides its members with access to the people, practices, information, ideas and opinions that are shaping one of the fastest growing fields in science.
European Countries Biologists Association
The ECBA mission is to support the development of a sustainable society by progressing all aspects of biology, old and newly discovered, including established and newly establishing biological disciplines, in a balanced fashion, and present them in a clear and comprehensible manner to end users in industry and academia as well as to the general public.
European Society of Evolutionary Biology
The ESEB is an academic society that brings together over 1600 evolutionary biologists from Europe and the rest of the world - researchers, academic teachers, students, as well as journalists and other persons interested in evolution. By joining you become part of this academic community.
EurProBiol has been developed in 1992 as a high level professional qualification running in addition to any academic qualifications and is intended to fulfill a need in all European Countries for identification of and easy mobility of professional standards
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Founded in 1912, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) was originally created by three independent scientific organizations to provide a forum in which to hold educational meetings, develop publications, and disseminate biological research results. What started as a small group of dedicated scientists has grown to be the nation’s largest coalition of biomedical researchers, representing 27 scientific societies and over 110,000 researchers from around the world.
International Chemical Biology Society
The International Chemical Biology Society (ICBS) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting research and educational opportunities at the interface of chemistry and biology. ICBS provides an important international forum that brings together cross-disciplinary scientists from academia, nonprofit organizations, government, and industry to communicate new research and help translate the power of chemical biology to advance human health.
International Society for Computational Biology
The International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) serves over 3,000 members from more than 70 countries by addressing scientific policies, providing access to high quality publications, organizing meetings, and serving as a portal to information about training, education, employment and news from related fields.
International Society for Systems Biology
The International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB) is a newly-formed society aimed at advancing world-wide systems biology research by providing a forum for scientific discussions and various academic services.
International Society of Developmental Biologists
The International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) is a non-profit scientific association which has as its aim the promotion of the study of developmental biology.
International Union of Biological Sciences
The International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, established in 1919. Its objectives are: -to promote the study of biological sciences -to initiate, facilitate and coordinate research and other scientific activities necessitating international, interdisciplinary cooperation -to ensure the discussion and dissemination of the results of cooperative research, particularly in connection with IUBS scientific programmes -to support the organisation of international conferences and assist in the publication of their reports.
Marine Biological Association
The charitable aims of the Marine Biological Association (MBA) are: 'to promote scientific research into all aspects of life in the sea, including the environment on which it depends, and to disseminate to the public the knowledge gained.
This website aims to provide information not only for those interested in marine biology, but also interested in travelling, working abroad, volunteering on marine biological related conservation projects, looking for courses, wondering what they could do in their Gap year or after graduation.
National Association of Biology Teachers
The National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) is the “leader in life science education.” Since its inception in 1938, thousands of educators have joined NABT to share experiences and expertise with colleagues from around the world, keep up with trends and developments in the field, and grow professionally.
Panamerican Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Association exists to foster and support the growth and advancement of the sciences of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology within the Americas.
Society for Biological Engineers
SBE connects you to a community of biological engineers enjoying access to bio-engineering education, webinars, e-newsletters, publications, career services, and discounts on related conferences.
Society for Conservation Biology
The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity.
Society for In Vitro Biology
The Society for In Vitro Biology (SIVB) was founded in 1946 as the Tissue Culture Association to foster exchange of knowledge of in vitro biology of cells, tissues and organs from both plant and animals (including humans). The focus is on biological research, development, and applications of significance to science and society.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of all people.
Association for Science Education
The Association plays a significant role in promoting excellence in teaching and learning of science in schools and colleges. Working closely with the science professional bodies, industry and business, the ASE provides a UK-wide network bringing together individuals and organisations to share ideas and tackle challenges in science teaching.
National Academy of Sciences
Four organizations make up the Academies: the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. Known collectively as the National Academies, our organization produces groundbreaking reports that have helped shape sound policies, inform public opinion, and advance the pursuit of science, engineering, and medicine.
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…"
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