If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader - John Quincy Adams

image by: RODNAE Productions
HWN Suggests
Medicine is the most emotional profession. This story proves it.
There you are in your father’s arms. He is practically running to keep up with the triage nurse. The nurse is walking quickly toward the room that we leave open for true emergencies and the sickest patients. Your father’s eyes are full of fear, and the nurse’s tone is worrisome.
I look down at you all snuggled up to your father’s chest. You are beautiful. So small and bright-eyed. You don’t recognize how hard your body is working, and you are just taking in all the sights and sounds around you as any baby would. The nurse takes you from your father’s arms, and she places you on the stretcher. I lean in and place my stethoscope on your chest. I’m sorry if it’s a bit cold. I lean in…
Calling health care workers ‘heroes’ harms all of us
Here’s an unjust fact: Some of the frontline health care workers we’ve been celebrating with social media likes, sidewalk chalk, and asynchronous concerts are getting pay cuts and losing their jobs.
The Front Line At Home: A Health Care Worker's New Normal
The daughter of health care worker in the New York City area portrays her family during the pandemic. Her photography gives witness to her mother's determination to live fully in a new normal.
'I Can't Turn My Brain Off': PTSD and Burnout Threaten Medical Workers
Before Covid-19, health care workers were already vulnerable to depression and suicide.
AI mimics the way doctors think to make better medical diagnoses
Unlike traditional AI systems, which identify the most probable disease based on symptoms presented by a patient, the causal AI system more closely mimics the way a doctor diagnoses patients: by using counterfactual questions to narrow the range of possible conditions.
Doctors and nurses are risking their mental health for us
As they treat coronavirus, health care workers report high rates of depression and anxiety, a new study shows.
How health professionals need to discuss end of life situations – during coronavirus and beyond
Even with evidence-based advice on which phrases to use in difficult conversations, it is important to remember the importance of context and nuance. For example, one phrase currently recommended by many in the field of healthcare for when the medical judgement is that someone’s death is imminent is: “sick enough to die”.
Jennifer Darlow: Thanks for the support, but I don’t want your clapping
We have been hailed as these breakthrough superheroes, coming out of nowhere to take on what has been described as the biggest threat to our country in peacetime. But to me, the clapping is bittersweet. I don’t want it. Let me explain why.
Nurses are on the coronavirus frontline, so why are they being left out of the response?
Our role in policy development and planning is negligible despite the invaluable insights our unique position in health systems gives us. Our lack of representation and reward means that we are also suffering from the impacts of inequalities along with those we care for.
Should Medical Research Ever Be Crowdfunded?
Since there’s more science happening than could ever be funded by the government, maybe crowdfunding is an important tool to start these things off - Reid Rubsamen, M.D.
Alcohol: The True Gateway Drug?
Generations of kids have been warned that marijuana is the gateway drug to more dangerous substances. It's a classic case of both logical fallacy and government misinforming the public—all while a likelier candidate has been pushed on kids with government sanction.
Depression Screening is Long Overdue
Clinical depression is so common, so potentially damaging, and so often undiagnosed that a board coalition of experts now recommends that primary care providers screen everyone over 12 for what is the most common of all mental disorders.
Imaging Studies - Our Children are Glowing
Children have ten times the risk for CT Scan caused cancer compared to adults. Ultrasounds and MRIs, whenever appropriate, should be substituted especially in the younger population.
Medical Errors: Are We in Safe Hands?
Medical mistakes happen. Medical professionals are only humans who can err. One gets to wonder how many medical misadventures go unreported!
STEM CELLS...It's Our Future
Stem cell therapy is probably one of the most promising medical advancements this century. Yet, the politically charged embryonic stem cell issue has stymied research. But there is good news for your future!
Medicine is the most emotional profession. This story proves it.
There you are in your father’s arms. He is practically running to keep up with the triage nurse. The nurse is walking quickly toward the room that we leave open for true emergencies and the sickest patients. Your father’s eyes are full of fear, and the nurse’s tone is worrisome. I look down at you all snuggled up to your father’s chest. You are beautiful. So small and bright-eyed. You don’t recognize how hard your body is working, and you are just taking in all the sights and sounds around you as any baby would.
Doximity makes your life simpler.
Our mission is simple: connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. When you join LinkedIn, you get access to people, jobs, news, updates, and insights that help you be great at what you do.
Online Community and Association for Women in Medicine. A career site with professional and personal support for women M.D & D.O. physicians, residents, medical and premed students. Whether wondering how to become a doctor or already practicing, MomMD is for today's women in medicine.
Social media meets healthcare. We’re passionate about social media and its impact on healthcare. That’s why we created the largest online community, exclusive to physicians. With over 125,000 licensed physicians, Sermo is facilitating collaboration in medicine like never before.
TEDMED celebrates conversations that demonstrate the intersection and connections between all things medical and healthcare related: from personal health to public health, devices to design and Hollywood to the hospital. Together, this encompasses more than twenty percent of our GNP in America while touching everyone's life around the globe.
We are a group of physicians that have developed a framework and rating system to evaluate therapies based on their patient-important benefits and harms as well as a system to evaluate diagnostics by patient sign, symptom, lab test or study. We only use the highest quality, evidence-based studies (frequently, but not always Cochrane Reviews), and we accept no outside funding or advertisements.
BETs were developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK, to provide rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature.
ClinicalKey is the clinical search engine that thinks and works the way you do, making it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge.
Cochrane is for anyone interested in using high-quality information to make health decisions. Whether you are a doctor or nurse, patient or carer, researcher or funder, Cochrane evidence provides a powerful tool to enhance your healthcare knowledge and decision making.
ConsultantLive pulls together practical clinical advice from top experts in many specialties in a convenient source for primary care practitioners. The journal and Web site provide peer-reviewed articles on key topics encountered in clinical practice, as well as short, quick-reading features that emphasize diagnostic quizzes and color photography.
A free electrocardiography (ECG) tutorial and textbook to which anyone can contribute, designed for medical professionals such as cardiac care nurses and physicians.
Future Medicine
Welcome to - your gateway to objective and authoritative information on medical advances in the post-genomic era, delivering concise, forward-looking perspectives on the scientific, clinical, economic and policy issues that confront us in modern healthcare. Future Medicine is part of the Future Science Group, an expanding group of independent companies active in the field of scientific information and endeavor. was officially launched in December of 2000. This site is based on a hospital-wide intranet that is located at the VA Medical Center in Detroit Michigan. Several programs on this site are rated number one in the world based on search engine rankings.
HCP Live
Healthcare Professionals Network.
Healio enables you, the health care specialist, to select and tailor news and education to fit your daily practice of medicine. Designed as an in-depth specialty clinical information website, Healio features the industry’s best news reporting, dynamic multimedia, question-and-answer columns, CME and other educational activities in a variety of formats, quick reference content, blogs, peer-reviewed journals and a full line of popular book titles.
Health Informatics Forum
A Social Network for Health Informatics Professionals and Students.
Health On the Net
Health On the Net, a non for profit organisation, promotes transparent and reliable health information online.
Healthcare Finance
Healthcare Finance is the leading news source for developments in the healthcare finance industry. Through its highly integrated platform, its team of award-winning editors deliver breaking news, in-depth reporting, analysis and best practices around compelling topics such as capital investments, reimbursements, quality and safety, physician relations, billing collections a data integrity and how they affect both providers and payers alike.
Published in partnership with HIMSS, Healthcare IT News is the industry’s leading news source, providing healthcare IT and other executives the information they need to implement and harness technology as a means to enhance patient care.
Professional medical news from HealthDay.
Welcome to the HealthEconomics.Com website, for health outcomes research and health economics jobs and resources on the Internet.
To help health care workers and patients understand about the effects of the internet on the practice of Medicine and Healthcare in the world, and to update new developments that are constantly occurring in this field of Internet Medicine.
Journal Watch
To help physicians and allied health professionals save time and stay informed by providing brief, clearly written, clinically focused perspectives on the medical developments that affect practice.
Martindale's Virtual Medical Center
Comprehensive resource covering the field of medicine.
This is a site for medical professionals to help us do calculations and process algorithms and scores. To make patients better. Faster. You can access the full list through the navigation bars, or, preferably, through the search menu.
Medgadget is an independent journal of the latest medical gadgets, technologies and discoveries. Our website is written and published by a group of medical doctors and biomed engineers.
MedicineNet is an online, healthcare media publishing company. It provides easy-to-read, in-depth, authoritative medical information for consumers via its robust, user-friendly, interactive web site.
MedPage Today
MedPage Today MedPage Today is the only medical news service for physicians that links consumer medical news and the professional medical analysis needed by clinicians.
Medscape offers specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals the Web's most robust and integrated medical information and educational tools. After a simple, 1-time, free registration, Medscape automatically delivers you the specialty site that best fits your profile.
MedWorm collects updates from over 5000 authoritative data sources (growing each day) via RSS feeds.
Medical News Today brings you hourly health news from well-regarded sources such as JAMA, BMJ, Lancet, BMA, plus articles written by our own team. Our archive contains over 253,300 news articles.
NewsRx publishes the largest weekly database of current medical news, disease research, and business reports for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, updating our online database with thousands of articles each week.
The Library collects materials in all areas of biomedicine and health care, as well as works on biomedical aspects of technology, the humanities, and the physical, life, and social sciences.
PEPID is the most comprehensive point-of-care resource available to healthcare professionals. With PEPID Online, you can access a wealth of clinical knowledge through your internet browser on any laptop or computer. PEPID offers individual subscriptions to PEPID Online as well as access for your entire institution or department.
PubMed is a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine that includes over 17 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s. PubMed includes links to full text articles and other related resources.
Your source for the latest research news.
Scrubs is not just another clinical nursing site…there are plenty of those! Scrubs is the one and only site that’s 100 percent about you – personally and professionally – and the very specific joys and challenges you face because of the noble career you chose.
The Doctor's Channel
The Doctor's Channel is a useful, time-saving tool that condenses the overwhelming amount of information doctors are forced to navigate each day in a creative, informative way
The Knowledge Network
The Knowledge Network provides evidence, information, e-learning and community tools. It supports all staff to find, share and use knowledge in day to day work and learning.
The Virtual Pharmacy
Comprehensive section on phamacology and toxicology.
Therapeutics Education Collaboration
The main goal of the Therapeutics Education Collaboration (TEC) is to provide physicians, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, naturopathic physicians, other health professionals, and the public with current, evidence-based, practical and relevant information on rational drug therapy. The overall philosophy of the TEC is to encourage clinicians to engage in shared informed decision-making, critical thinking, and exercise some degree of healthy skepticism when it comes to the use of new and old medications.
U.S. Medicine
U.S. Medicine is a monthly publication that serves healthcare professionals working in the Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense and U.S. Public Health Service. Each month U.S. Medicine provides 35,000 physicians, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and administrators with a mix of news, medical updates, interviews, reports on special government topics and monthly columns.
Cocise daily essentials, curated for the modern clinician.
UpToDate® is the premier evidence-based clinical decision support resource authored by physicians to help healthcare practitioners make the best decisions at the point of care. By combining the latest clinical knowledge with cutting-edge technology, UpToDate changes the way clinicians practice medicine and has become an indispensable part of clinical workflows in institutions and practices worldwide.
Acupuncture Today
Acupuncture Today is a monthly newspaper delivered to members of the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession.
A nursing community of 719,160 members. Where nurses and nursing students talk everything about nursing. - Helping you become a better nurse. Welcome to
Chiropractic Economics
News, information, and tools to support your practice.
A free service to all doctors and students of chiropractic, DC News Update keeps you up to date on all the important chiropractic news and information.
DENTAL World is a dental portal designed for dentists, companies and every people or activity dental related.
Continuing education resources and online magazine.
Expansive site for the field of dentistry including dental hygienists.
Doctors Lounge
Doctors Lounge is a large online network of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. Our members have written over 10,000 articles and answered more than 30,000 medical questions.
Created by doctors for doctors, it is now the most popular, trusted medical channel enabling communication to and between 149,750 doctors, all day every day.
Family Practice Notebook
This notebook is intended to aid primary care providers in their pursuit of optimal care, well-informed patients, and healthy families.
JEMS is your complete online EMS resource, with news, product information and continuing education.
MDLinx connects healthcare professionals and patients to tomorrow's medical knowledge and provides the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries with highly targeted interactive marketing, education, content, and research solutions.
NP Central
NP Central is a non-profit organization dedicated to the practice development, advancement and educational support of Nurse Practitioners and to the promotion of accessible, quality, health care to the consumer.
Our mission is to enrich the professional lives of nurses and other healthcare professionals and to celebrate their unique contributions to society.
With a focus on unique nurse lifestyle, professional development and career content, is the only web site where the worldwide community of nurses, nursing students and those considering a career in nursing can truly come together, communicate and connect on the issues that really matter to them.
Nursing Times
Welcome to the Nursing Times website, for nursing jobs, NHS jobs, nursing news, nursing careers, clinical articles, nurse jobs, nursing courses, and nurse prescribing.
Ob.Gyn. News is an independent newspaper that provides the practicing obstetrician/gynecologist with timely and relevant news and commentary about clinical developments in the field and about the impact of health care policy on the specialty and the physician's practice.
PA Forum
Welcome to the Physician Assistant Forum. Established in 1998, the physician assistant forum has become the largest online social network of physician assistants, physician assistant students and those interested in becoming a physician assistant. Our forum has over 12 years of experience related information and physician assistant jobs or employment opportunities. We also have a large physician assistant school section with tons of helpful information for applying and interviews.
Paramedic Network News
Paramedic Network News (PNN) is your daily news and information source on the EMS industry. We produce concise, original text every day. Whether its email headlines or the complete story, PNN is your portal to what''s going on in the prehospital world. is a Pediatric Digital Library and Learning Collaboratory intended to serve as a source of continuing pediatric education.
Pharmacy Times
Pharmacy Times is dedicated to providing pharmacists with practical, authoritative information with the ultimate goal of improving patient care. Primarily focused on providing clinical information that pharmacists can use in their everyday practice when counseling patients and interacting with physicians,
Physician's News Digest is a leading online resource of news, information and features for doctors, health professionals and patients. We focus on practice management issues including business, finance, politics and technology in the healthcare industry.
Podiatry Arena
Welcome to the Podiatry Arena forums, for communication between foot health professionals about podiatry and related topics
Podiatry Today
Podiatry Today is published by HMP Communications LLC.(HMP), the authoritative source for comprehensive information and education servicing healthcare professionals.
Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News, the print and electronic news service of the American Psychiatric Association, is intended to provide the primary and most trusted information for APA members, other physicians and health professionals, and the public about developments in the field of psychiatry that impact clinical care and professional practice.
These Healthcare Workers Turn to TikTok for Some Comic Relief
Here's to combating the contagion with viral dance moves, infectious energy, and sick beats.
World Wide Wounds
The mission of World Wide Wounds is to be the premier online resource for peer-reviewed information on dressing materials providing practical guidance on all aspects of wound management to health professionals worldwide.

Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.