Give & Share
You can save lives with your giving. Here’s how - Dylan Matthews
image by: GivingTuesday
HWN Suggests
Eight Rungs of the Giving Ladder
The concept of giving anonymously without knowing the recipient can be traced back to ancient Israel. Beggars would regularly congregate next to a wall of a courtyard and donors, being aware of this, would face the opposite direction and toss coins over the shoulders in the direction of the wall. Therefore, the recipients of the charity would not feel ashamed or indebted to the giver.
Maimonides, a 12th century Jewish scholar, invented the following ladder of giving. Each rung up represents a higher degree of virtue:
- The lowest: Giving begrudgingly and making the recipient feel disgraced or embarrassed.
- Giving cheerfully but giving too little.
- Giving…
Bill Gates: The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made
After 20 years of investing in health, though, one type of investment has surprised me—because, unlike investing in a new vaccine or technology, the success rate is very high. It’s what people in the global-health business call “financing and delivery.” Decades ago, these investments weren’t sure bets, but today, they almost always pay off in a big way.
Give Back with These Volunteering Opportunities You Can Do From Anywhere
If you want to volunteer, but you feel like it might be too far for you to get where you want to help, another option is to join an organization as a remote volunteer.
Medical nonprofits are hard-hit as the pandemic upends crucial fundraising
Medical charities have long relied on black-tie galas, golf tournaments, and bike-a-thons to fund their operations. But as with so many other in-person events, Covid-19 has cancelled those plans this year, leaving nonprofits with a funding shortfall that has forced them to cut staff, end grant funding, scale back activities, and in at least one case, shut down entirely. The latest hit to the sector came this week when JDRF, the 50-year-old type 1 diabetes foundation, announced that it would overhaul its organization in response to the pandemic.
Best and Worst Charities for Your Donations
If you're planning to make a charitable donation this holiday season, make sure you know more about the group than just the name it goes by. Choosing charities by name alone is a mistake some donors make, and their money sometimes ends up going to less-than-worthy groups.
Giving Is Good, But It’s Best When Targeted Wisely
Charitable instincts are good ones, so follow them. But do so in an informed manner. After all, knowledge is power⎯and you want your donations to have as much power to do good as possible, don’t you?
How To Check Out A Charity Before Giving
For a would-be donor, evaluating a charity of any size can be daunting, and not just because there are more than 1 million of them out there. Public financial documents can be years out of date, difficult to understand and lacking in measurable metrics. Independent third-party assessments of all but the largest charities can be nonexistent. A charity’s own web site can be surprisingly uninformative or even misleading. Still, there are ways to become a knowledgeable donor. They involve taking time to conduct some due diligence and applying some common sense.
Changing the World Through Communication: The Annenberg Foundation
The name "Annenberg" is forever linked to progressivism in public education. But a new generation of Annenbergs is creating a legacy of betterment that extends far beyond the classroom.
Charities scramble to attract younger generation as their donor base ages
30% of donor base could be lost as donors age, younger generations fail to pick up where parents left off.
Choosing where to donate to charity is tough. Here's a simple guide to help
Giving to charity is great, not just for the recipients but for the givers too. But stories like this can make it intimidating to know how to pick the best charity, especially when there are thousands of worthy causes to choose from. Here are a few simple tips that can help.
Patient, Can You Spare a Dime?
The money is needed, the providers say, to defray costs or provide charity care.
The ACLU: Freely Giving Toward the Cause of Freedom
The Land of the Free wouldn't be so free without the ACLU, which for a century has zealously fought for the rights of all Americans⎯for free.
The Greatest Good
Inspired to make a meaningful donation, I wondered: What is the best charitable cause in the world, and was it crazy to think I could find it?
The most popular charities & organisations in the UK
Polling by YouGov suggests the most popular individual charities...
The pitfalls of hospitals seeking donations from their rich patients
We found that 85% of the people who took our survey agreed that patients feel good when they donate to the hospitals where they received their medical care. Yet 83% said they felt that when doctors talk with their patients about donating, it may interfere with the patient-physician relationship. And 91% said they believed that patients may feel pressure to donate if their doctor personally asks them to make a charitable contribution to support that hospital.
The Problem With Charitable Giving
Taxpayers should not have to subsidize rich people’s donations.
The trouble with charitable billionaires
More and more wealthy CEOs are pledging to give away parts of their fortunes – often to help fix problems their companies caused. Some call this ‘philanthrocapitalism’, but is it just corporate hypocrisy?
The Trust Virus: The Future Of Brands And Giving
A trust virus has infiltrated our psychological software destroying goodwill and our collective confidence in society. In a recent Ipsos Mori survey, charity chief executives were grouped in the same level of mistrust as trade union officials, bankers, and business leaders, with only 44% of the public trusting them to tell the truth.
These are the charities where your money will do the most good
Giving to charity is great — not just for the recipients but for the givers, too. But it can be intimidating to know how to pick the best charity, especially when there are thousands of worthy causes to choose from. Here are a few simple tips that can help.
A charity just admitted that its program wasn’t working. That’s a big deal.
Evidence Action’s commitment to research and transparency should be a model for other nonprofits.
All the philanthropic causes near and dear to the hearts of Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan
In 2013, Zuckerberg and Chan—along with Apple chairman Art Levinson, Google cofounder Sergey Brin, 23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki, and tech investor Yuri Milner—launched the Breakthrough Prize in Life Science, which awards $3 million (more than twice the Nobel prize) for research that helps prolong human life and cure disease.
Charitable Celebrities: The Stars Who Give Back
From Taylor Swift to Emma Watson, Madonna to Kate Hudson, these charitable celebs want to put their fame and fortune to good use...
Charities Brace for Tax-Driven Dip in Year-End Giving
Donations are increasingly concentrated among high-income givers, a new report suggests.
Charity Scams Put the ‘Disaster’ in Disaster Relief
As you build and nourish a corporate culture of giving back, make sure you also cultivate company-wide education and awareness to keep your employees safe from charity scams.
Charity’s waste impairs trust in nonprofits
The problem is the horns effect, one of the many thinking errors that are a consequence of how our brains are structured. When we dislike one member of a group, our dislike spills over to other members of that group, even if there’s no good reason to think badly of them. It’s the adage of one bad apple spoils the bunch. In other words, the Wounded Warrior Project scandal will likely reduce trust in all nonprofits — including effective ones.
Connections to a Cause: The Millennial Way of Charity
Millennials expect transparency, sophisticated storytelling and technical savvy from their charitable organizations. And many donors will not only give money, but will also volunteer and lend the force of their own social networks to a cause they believe in. Issues like education, health care and the environment are in with the charitable young, research suggests. Institutional giving to many churches and schools, as well as in the workplace, may be less popular.
Do They Know it’s Christmas? 30 Years Later
Every gift which is given, even though is be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection - Pindar
Doctors Without Borders: Pushing Compassion Across Political Boundaries
Few organizations are as universally admired as Médecins Sans Frontières, which has been called "the exemplar of humanitarian aid" because of both the emergency medical care volunteers provide in what are literally the world's worst conditions; and because the group is willing to call attention to the causes of crisis, no matter on which side of the political divide it lies.
Does Charitable Giving Lead to Better Health?
Is it really better to give than receive? A new study adds to a growing body of research that suggests it is—at least when it comes to your health.
Don’t Let Your Charitable Donation Go to Waste
None of this means you need to close your heart. By asking for proof that programs help, you improve the odds that your money will make a measurable difference in the problems you hope to alleviate. Think of these evidence-based gifts as the long-term core investments of your charitable portfolio.
Fact check: how do charities spend your money?
The Week investigates what percentage of donations goes directly to those in need.
How Melinda Gate Handles Huge Problems Without Burning Out
Melinda Gates shares how she stays productive without losing sight of the big picture.
How This Scrappy, Entrepreneurial Charity Is Making A Big Difference In Puerto Rico
We’re like a small business where every expenditure has to be accounted for and every dollar has to pay for itself, except that our goal is to put ourselves out of business—to get our constituents on their feet and self-sufficient as soon as possible.
How to Vet a Charity
Online resources such as GuideStar, Charity Navigator and CharityWatch can help donors scrutinize a nonprofit.
It's A Hairy Situation
A good mustache makes a man for many reasons - John Oates
Making the most of charitable giving
Like many people, you probably want to make the world a better place, but are wondering how to even get started? Giving to charity is a great way to contribute to a cause that is dear to you, and make an impact. You might wish you had more funds to help, yet there are many other ways to make the most of your charitable giving.
Michael Milken: From Robber-Baron to Do-Gooder
With his checkered Wall Street past, Michael Milken may seem the unlikeliest of philanthropists. But he's also proven to be one of the best.
Putting Charities to the Test
How do you decide where to give? People want to give where their money will be used effectively, of course. For many, that means researching on Charity Navigator or the Better Business Bureau’s Web site to see which charities are well run and take only a small percentage of donations for administration or fund-raising needs. Overhead does matter. But it is dwarfed by a different question: Is this group’s work effective?
Should Charity Be Logical?
So what’s an effective altruist to do? The utilitarian imperative to search out and help the people with the highest marginal utility of money around the world is in conflict with our limited knowledge about foreign cultures, which makes it difficult for us to figure out what the worst-off people really need.* For this reason, donations to Little League and other local institutions you are familiar with may not be a bad idea. The most good you can do may turn out to be—not much.
Should Federal Food Aid Come with Freedom of Choice?
Food stamps don't come with many restrictions. But some lawmakers are looking to change that. Are politicians on either side of the issue interested in genuinely debating the question, or is it just politics as usual?
Some Celebrities Care More About Helping The World Than Camera Time
Any celebrity can write a check for a good cause. But which celebrities stand for something beyond some typical good philanthropic PR? Before getting all warm-hearted and generous with your PayPal account, there has been a fair number of celebrity charity scams—mainly, it being a tax writeoff—proving that it's not all virtuous.
Thankful? For What?
Sometimes the little things in life mean the most - Ellen Hopkins
The Diseases That Actually Kill Us And Where We Donate Our Money Aren't Always Aligned
Vox, the creator of the infographic, used 2011 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to point out that the largest amount of donations go toward breast cancer ($257.85 million), but only about 41,374 people die from breast cancer yearly. Heart disease, on the other hand, kills about 596,577 people in the U.S. every year — and that only receives $54.1 million in donations.
The flip side to Bill Gates’ charity billions
Microsoft’s former CEO has made record-breaking donations to global health programmes – but an investigation by Andrew Bowman reveals some unpleasant side-effects.
The Force is Strong this Holiday Season
Do. Or do not. There is no try – Yoda
The Gender Gap in Charitable Giving
Studies show that women are more likely to donate than men, and to donate more.
The media loves the Gates Foundation. These experts are more skeptical.
The Gates Foundation spends more on global health every year than most countries There's no doubt the Gates Foundation has had a profound impact on global health. The sheer scale of its charitable giving is astonishing. It's the largest philanthropic foundation in the world, with an endowment worth $42.9 billion — roughly double the GDP of Uganda.
The Mistakes We Make When Giving to Charity
Our minds play tricks on us, limiting the effectiveness of our efforts. But we can learn to do better.
The Most Good You Can Do: Why You Should Care About the Effective Altruism Movement
An astounding fact: researchers at GiveWell have determined that the most effective charities in the world have as much as 1,000 times the impact per dollar of the least effective charities. For me, this is the most irrefutable reason why all of us ought to care about Effective Altruism—a philosophy and movement dedicated to pushing more people to donate to the most effective charities.
The problem with Jeff Bezos’s $2 billion gift to charity
Why the Amazon CEO’s new philanthropic initiative might not do as much good as he hopes.
The Super-Rich Are Stockpiling Wealth in Black-Box Charities
Even with the money in DAFs exploding, total charitable donations remain around 2 percent of disposable income, so it may be too early to judge whether they provide a societal benefit equal to the donors’ tax breaks. What is clear: The business of supporting charitable giving has never been so profitable.
The Three-Word Question That's Changing What Charities Do With Their Resources
Humanitarian groups are reevaluating their work in light of how easy (and efficient) it is to just give cash to those who need help.
The Trick to Getting Narcissists to Give to Charities
Despite their dark side, narcissistic people will engage in charitable behaviors in certain situations, new research suggests.
These are the charities where your money will do the most good
Giving to charity is great — not just for the recipients but for the givers, too. But it can be intimidating to know how to pick the best charity, especially when there are thousands of worthy causes to choose from. Here are a few simple tips that can help.
Toby Ord: Giving What He Can and Encouraging You to Do the Same
Generosity is the right instinct, but not all giving is equally effective. Meet one man who's dedicated his life—including a significant portion of his modest income—to effectively helping both those in need and those who want to pass along the most philanthropic bang for their buck.
Wealthy People Give to Charity for Different Reasons Than the Rest of Us
Charitable appeals work best when tailored to how people see themselves.
When Charity Workers Turn Predatory
There must be zero tolerance for misuse of power by staff members in the field and swift and transparent action against any appearance of abuse.
Why Can't We Sell Charity Like We Sell Perfume?
What if we let philanthropies operate like businesses? Let them pay for talent, advertise aggressively to build market share—even build a stock market for charity. Maybe then capitalism could finally save the world.
Why Doing Good Is Good for the Do-Gooder
Scientific evidence supports the idea that acts of generosity can be beneficial when we volunteer and give back regularly — and not just after a natural disaster. Volunteering is linked to health benefits like lower blood pressure and decreased mortality rates.
Why the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Matters
Collaborating for a good cause, whether you put a bucket of ice over your head or donate money, is a win-win.
Why the Rich Don't Give to Charity
The wealthiest Americans donate 1.3 percent of their income; the poorest, 3.2 percent. What's up with that?
“We shouldn’t reflexively send $10 to the Red Cross”
The easiest thing to do after a disaster strikes is to make a quick donation to the Red Cross. Millions of us have done it: You send a text, contribute $10 or $20, and imagine you’ve done a good deed.
Eight Rungs of the Giving Ladder
Maimonides, a 12th century Jewish scholar, invented the following ladder of giving. Each rung up represents a higher degree of virtue...
6 Nonprofits On Instagram Who Are Getting It Right
What if you could speak a thousand words about your nonprofit? What would you say? You’ve heard it before: a picture speaks a thousand words. So every time you share an image about your nonprofit, you’re essentially making a giant statement about it.
9 Reasons Princess Diana Was So Much More Than A Style Icon
Princess Diana captured the world's attention as a royal trendsetter, but during her time in the public eye, she also became a prominent philanthropic force. Diana worked tirelessly on behalf of charities around the world, using her fame to raise awareness of a number of important humanitarian issues. Twenty years after her death, here's why Diana will always be remembered as the "People's Princess."
The top 10 charities changing the world...
These charities are household names — and with good reason. They’re big and global, with budgets exceeding $100 million and net assets of at least $65 million. Yet they manage to do exceptional work both at home and abroad, all while maintaining top-notch financial management and transparency standards.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. One of the best ways to get involved is in your own community. We've created a directory to help you find organizations, charities, events and more in your own community.
Goodnet connects people around the world with opportunities for doing good - it’s that simple.
Inside Charity
Inside Charity curates news from respected nonprofit media outlets so sector leaders have a ONE-STOP NONPROFIT NEWS RESOURCE they can rely on...
The Life You Can Save
We’ve identified outstanding charities that will make sense to both your head and your heart.
The #MeToo movement has sparked global action against sexual violence across entertainment, media and politics. Now, the aid industry — where 86 percent of employees know a colleague who has experienced work-related sexual harassment or assault — is finding itself in the spotlight. As part of our investigation into sexual violence in global development, Devex launched #AidToo, a digital conversation about the breadth of — and solutions to — sexual harassment and assault in our industry.
25 Organizations Dedicated to Improving Health
Fortunately, many organizations are dedicated to improving the vulnerable health situation which many people are facing every single day. We are putting a great emphasis on the fact that this list is incomplete. is the world's largest petition platform, empowering people everywhere to create the change they want to see. We live in an amazing time, when the opportunity to make a difference is greater than ever before. Gathering people behind a cause used to be difficult, requiring lots of time, money, and a complex infrastructure. But technology has made us more connected than ever.
Charity Navigator
We help charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing information on over five thousand charities and by evaluating the financial health of each of these charities. We ensure our evaluations are widely used by making them easy to understand and available to the public free of charge.
CharityWatch is a nationally prominent charity rating and evaluation service dedicated to helping donors make informed giving decisions. is the country’s largest not-for-profit for young people and social change. We have 2,144,516 members (and counting!) who kick ass on causes they care about. Bullying. Animal cruelty. Homelessness. Cancer. The list goes on. spearheads national campaigns so 13- to 25-year-olds can make an impact - without ever needing money, an adult, or a car. Over 2.4 million people took action through in 2012. Why? Because apathy sucks.
Findacure is a charity that raises awareness and funds research into fundamental diseases: extreme and exceptional diseases that advance our understanding of medicine and help us discover potential new treatments.
You can make your own fundraising page on Firstgiving to raise money for any nonprofit organization. Email your page to friends, family and colleagues, who donate by credit or debit card in an easy, secure online transaction.
The mission of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance is to encourage greater public confidence and trust in the charitable sector. By producing charity evaluation reports based on comprehensive Standards for Charity Accountability,
Start collecting donations for your nonprofit with no upfront costs or hidden fees. Create beautiful fundraising campaigns, manage your organization's supporters and make better use of your valuable time.
GiveWell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities through in-depth analysis. Thousands of hours of research have gone into finding our top-rated charities. They’re evidence-backed, thoroughly vetted, and underfunded.
Raise money for yourself, others, and charities.
GuideStar's mission is to revolutionize philanthropy and nonprofit practice by providing information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving.
Medical and health charities are another major category on Justgiving, and encompass charities that work in all fields of medical research and health promotion. Medical funding charities also help those that care for patients and their families.
One Today
One Today lets you easily give $1 each day to causes and nonprofits that inspire you. It's a community of generous people like you doing one good deed a day.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy
The Chronicle provides news and information for executives of tax-exempt organizations in health, education, religion, the arts, social services, and other fields, as well as fund raisers, professional employees of foundations, institutional investors, corporate grant makers, and charity donors.
The Millennial Impact Project
The Millennial Impact Project is the largest body of data and analysis on how US millennials interact with causes. Since beginning the study in 2009, Achieve has researched the behavior and preferences of more than 100,000 millennials (born 1980-2000) through surveys, focus groups and one-on-one interviews.
Fund healthcare for people around the world.
WE is a movement that brings people together and gives them the tools to change the world. Our unique family of organizations empowers people at home, around the world and with our social enterprise.
Alpha-1 Association
The Advocacy Program focuses on access to care; maintaining and extending Medicare benefits; genetic non-discrimination; increasing public health funding; traveling with supplemental oxygen; organ allocation for lung transplantation and includes working with the Congressional COPD Caucus to further our goals.
ALS Association
The mission of The ALS Association is to lead the fight to cure and treat ALS through global, cutting-edge research, and to empower people with Lou Gehrig's Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support.
America's Charities
America's Charities helps the nation’s most trusted charities thrive by generating sustainable income through workplace giving and additional paths. We inspire employers and individuals to reach their philanthropic goals and support the charities of their choice.
American Kidney Fund
The American Kidney Fund is our nation's #1 source of direct financial assistance to kidney patients, and is a leader in providing education to those with and at risk for kidney disease.
American Liver Foundation
With the support of donors like you, the American Liver Foundation can continue to promote education about liver wellness, provide assistance to those affected by and at risk for liver disease, and work to find cures and better treatments for all diseases of the liver. Help us to continue this vital work.
American Vitiligo Research Foundation
This website was created to help vitiligo patients and their families. The AVRF strives to raise awareness, educate, and help patients live with a greater understanding and acceptance of vitiligo.
APS Foundation of America
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Foundation of America...We are independent and donating all of the costs for the website and forum to support our mission. Our mission is to spread awareness of APS and other clotting problems and for patients, family and friends to understand this disease.
CanadaHelps, a public charitable foundation (896568417RR0001), is Canada's only donation portal that provides access to all of Canada's 80,000 charities, from national organizations like national cancer charities to smaller groups like local animal shelters and soup kitchens.
Centre for Effective Altruism
The acts as a springboard for the effective altruism movement. It aims to: •promote and strengthen effective altruism as an idea and a community, •help figure out how best to advance the wellbeing of all, and •inspire people to take action based on that knowledge.
Charities Review Council
Our mission is to mobilize informed donors and accountable nonprofits for the greater good. We envision vibrant and healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.
Charity Choice
Charity Choice has been online for over 3 years allowing users worldwide to access the Charity Choice database. Entries on the internet are updated daily. is a charitable project of the Cowabunga Corporation and has from the very beginning strived to provide Charity and Non-Profit information in a caring but different way.
Community Health Charities
Community Health Charities (CHC) has more than 50 years of combined experience in workplace fund raising.
Compassion & Choices
Compassion & Choices is a nonprofit organization working to improve care and expand choice at the end of life. As a national organization with over 60 chapters and 30,000 members, we help patients and their loved ones face the end of life with calm facts and choices of action during a difficult time.
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation
The tax-deductible donation you make today, whether for you or for someone else, will go a long way in helping us get closer to curing Crohn''s disease and ulcerative colitis. We are extremely grateful to our many generous donors and sponsors who have made it possible for us to invest more than $125 million in research projects.
The UK's largest website for charity events!
We make it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.
Epilepsy Foundation
Giving to the Epilepsy Foundation means you make the world a better, easier, more manageable place for someone special '' give someone the opportunity to feel proud of who they are and live every day to their fullest potential.
Feeding America
Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Our mission is to feed America's hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger. Each year, the Feeding America network provides food to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, including more than 9 million children and nearly 3 million seniors.
Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research
FSR is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving care for sarcoidosis patients and to finding a cure for this disease. We feel strongly that rigorous and extensive scientific research will unlock the mysteries of this disease. In the last five years we have awarded $750,000 to support innovative research projects which have led to an additional $1.2 million in subsequent awards to our researchers.
GlobalGiving is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (and hundreds of places in between) access the tools, training, and support they need to be more effective and make our world a better place.
Health & Medical Research Charities of America
Health & Medical Research Charities of America (HMR) is a nonprofit organization that pre-screens high quality national and international charities and presents them for your giving consideration.
Kavli Foundation
The Foundation's mission is implemented through an international program of research institutes, professorships, and symposia in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience, and theoretical physics as well as prizes in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience.
Lupus Foundation of America
The Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) relies on your tax deductible contributions to fund vital research to find the causes and cure for lupus, to educate health care professionals about development in diagnosis and treatment, and to provide support to individuals affected by lupus.
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has made incredible strides in the fight against multiple myeloma. Think of your donation as an investment toward a cure. Think of yourself as a partner in our efforts.
Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America
The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America (MGFA) is the only national volunteer health agency dedicated solely to the fight against myasthenia gravis. MGFA has over 30 Chapters around the United States serving patients and their families and caregivers through support groups and programs.
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
NAAF supports research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease, and educates the public about alopecia areata. Founded in 1981, NAAF is widely regarded as the largest, most influential and most representative foundation associated with alopecia areata.
National Headache Foundation
Our goal is to raise public awareness that headaches are a legitimate biological disease and sufferers should receive understanding and continuity of care.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
We envision a world where individuals and families facing serious illness, death, and grief will experience the best that humankind can offer.
National Kidney Foundation
The National Kidney Foundation, Inc., a major voluntary health organization, seeks to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation.
National Parkinson Foundation
Our mission is to find the cause of and the cure for Parkinson disease through research, to improve the quality of life for persons with Parkinson and their caregivers and to educate persons with Parkinson, their caregivers, healthcare professionals, and the general public about Parkinson disease and its treatment.
NFL Charities
NFL Charities is the cornerstone of the National Football League's commitment to community service. NFL Charities supports programs and initiatives that deliver education and youth services, designates funds to assist the foundations of current and former players working in local communities.
NORD is a unique federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting the organizations that serve them. NORD is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and service.
Parkinson's Foundation
We are a leading national presence in Parkinson's disease research, education and public advocacy. We are working for the nearly one million people in the US who live with Parkinson's by funding promising scientific research and supporting people with Parkinson's, their families and caregivers through educational programs and support services.
Parkinson's Resource Organization
Our mission is to help families affected by Parkinson's forge through the journey of the disease's progression with as much quality as life can provide.
PETA focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry. We also work on a variety of other issues, including the cruel killing of beavers, birds, and other "pests" as well as cruelty to domesticated animals.
The Planetree model of care is a patient-centered, holistic approach to healthcare, promoting mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical healing. It empowers patients and families through the exchange of information and encourages healing partnerships with caregivers. It seeks to maximize positive healthcare outcomes by integrating optimal medical therapies and incorporating art and nature into the healing environment.
Project Angel Food
Project Angel Food prepares and delivers healthy meals to feed people impacted by serious illness, bringing comfort and hope every day.
Project Open Hand
Meeting community nutrition needs through programs for people living with HIV/AIDS, the homebound/critically ill, and seniors.
Scientists at the Salk Institute can pursue their important research because of the support and commitment of those who believe in the Salk's mission. Individual donors, foundations, and volunteers play a vital role in the Salk's successes.
Sarcoid Networking Association
The Sarcoid Networking Association looks beyond the sufferings and struggles in the life of Sarcoidians to finding a cure for this disease, knowing that together we can all make a difference through communication, commitment and education.
We believe that we can help people with Sarcoidosis by providing them with as much information as possible
The Floating Hospital
Founded in 1866 as New York's first pediatric clinic, The Floating Hospital (TFH) has delivered a unique blend of medical care, health education, outreach and advocacy to over 5 million New Yorkers in its 140-year history.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease within the decade through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.
The Neediest Cases Fund
he Fund has provided direct assistance to those struggling in New York and beyond.
Trudeau Institute
The Trudeau Institute was founded in 1884 as a tuberculosis treatment and research facility. As new drugs became available in the 1950's to treat the disease, the Institute was rededicated in 1964 as an independent nonprofit organization committed to world-class medical research.
Vasculitis Foundation
VF members and friends work together to host fundraising events to support our Research, Awareness and Support Programs. All of the events share the same goal to raise awareness and understanding of vasculitis and the individual vasculitic diseases.
We're a community: we connect people who want to change the world together.
Whitaker International Program
Today, biomedical engineering (BME) is a global discipline. Biomedical engineers know that, as work in the field becomes more refined, the best place to study or conduct research is not always in the U.S. Although there are currently few opportunities to go abroad to leverage international expertise, the Whitaker International Fellows and Scholars Program makes available just such an opportunity.
Will Rogers Institute
The Will Rogers Institute is a national charitable organization dedicated to the support of lung research and developing new treatments and cures for pulmonary diseases and disorders.
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Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.