Working alongside Testicular Cancer Foundation, Tommy John is hoping to erase the stigma surrounding the disease
Probably not. But, bigger is better, at least that is the American way of life. We drive big cars, we live in big houses, we eat supersized meals and we drink big gulps sitting in front of a big screen TV
Eating sushi can be hazardous, but then again so can eating healthy. I don't eat sushi. I don't like it for one, but the thought of eating raw fish really does turn my stomach. And to top it off in 2012 there was an outbreak of salmonellosis
The sudden death of any young athlete is tragic and often comes as a shock not only to the individual’s immediate family and f riends, but also to the affected community
Paraplegics walking again is not as far-fetched as you think!
Our animals trust us. We owe them a healthy life and protection from harm and abuse
Cage-Free, free-range, free-run, organic and even omega 3's. So, which one is healthier for you and the hens... or is it simply a scramble for your breakfast dollars!
For $1500 people are sticking feeding tubes up their nose, down their esophagus and into their stomachs. It's the nose tube diet. Yuck!
People are starting to find out about the disgusting practice of using pink slime in a wide variety of meat products
Wanna know what's in your food. And it's even in your Frappucchino!