
If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary - Roger Stone

Celebrity Health
Jeremy Piven = Soy or Sushi - NOT

Jeremy Piven = Soy or Sushi - NOT

It seems that for every study that proves a connection between soy and reduced risk of disease there’s another that challenges the claim. Just ask Jeremy Piven

Celebrity Health
Andre Agassi - Just Methin’ Around

Andre Agassi - Just Methin’ Around

Crystal meth is one of the biggest threats facing us. The most interesting part of Andre Agassi's new autobiography 'Open' (besides the mullet wig) is clearly his ultimate victory over meth addiction

Celebrity Health
Congenital Hearts & Adoption Fever Strikes Again

Congenital Hearts & Adoption Fever Strikes Again

The list of celebrities adopting foreign born children just keeps on growing and some of the children come with special needs such as congenital heart disease

Celebrity Health
Survivor Samoa - Scariest Moment Ever

Survivor Samoa - Scariest Moment Ever

We’ve heard about the importance of hydration during sports, but now more than ever we are learning about the importance of keeping our bodies hydrated throughout the day, no matter what one's level of activity

Celebrity Health
This is Where the End of Cancer Begins

This is Where the End of Cancer Begins

Stand Up To Cancer's objective is to unite the celebrities, researchers, and scientists that share a common goal: bringing new therapies to patients quickly and ultimately finding a cure for cancer

Celebrity Health
Hugh Hefner Fights For Wounded Warriors

Hugh Hefner Fights For Wounded Warriors

Hefner is actually doing something for the benefit of others. All the proceeds from the annual Halloween event at the Playboy mansion will be given to the Wounded Warrior Project

Celebrity Health
Oh My Aching Head

Oh My Aching Head

Women are three times more likely to have migraines than men and 50% are more likely to be misdiagnosed. Cindy McCain decided to open up about her migraines because of the stigma attached to them, especially for women

Celebrity Health
Elizabeth Taylor Keeps On Ticking

Elizabeth Taylor Keeps On Ticking

MitraClip belongs to a new category of minimally invasive procedures that use catheters to replace and repair heart valves. No more cracking the chest especially for pretty women. It's commonly used in Europe but still in clinical trials in the US

Celebrity Health
The Rock v. Diabetes

The Rock v. Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of blindness and along with hypertension is the most common cause of kidney failure worldwide. But, Diabetes may have finally met its match, 'The Rock'

Celebrity Health
Powered by Tofu

Powered by Tofu

Most celebrities don’t actually come right out and say that they are vegetarians/vegans but when it comes to losing weight they do talk about the “health benefits” of a plant-based diet