Topic Search: S



Sudden onset, Unlike previous headaches, Maximal at onset - Lucas Chartier

Saccharin (Sweet'N Low)

Saccharin has been the subject of controversy almost since it was discovered -

Saccular (Berry) Aneursyms

About 85% of cerebral aneurysms are located in the anterior circulation at the arterial bifurcations on the circle of Willis and the middle cerebral artery bifurcation - Mohammed Faluk

Sacral Fractures

Sacral fractures, often undiagnosed and untreated, frequently result in neurologic symptoms and deficits to the lower extremities and urinary, rectal, and sexual dysfunctions. These same neurologic problems often remain the major chronic sequelae after the more obvious pelvic trauma lesion has healed - F Denis


Sacroiliitis is characterized by tenderness to palpation of the sacroiliac joint, pain that is reproduced with the FABER (Flexion, ABduction, External Rotation) test, and no pain with passive range of motion of the hips - KevinMD


The good news about SAD is that there are lots of things that you can do to treat it effectively - Norman E Rosenthal MD

Saddle Pulmonary Embolism

The management of saddle PE is controversial. There is a diversity of opinions and practices, with no apparent consensus for treatment - E. Gandara

Safe Injection Sites

Critics say supervised injection sites encourage drug use and bring crime to surrounding communities. Proponents argue that they save lives and can help people in addiction reconnect with society and get health services - Elana Gordon

Safer Sex

Safe sex is all about caring for you and your partners’ health - DIG Jamaica

Salicylate (Aspirin) Overdose

Always consider salicylate toxicity In patients with tachypnea, hyperpnea, AMS and clear lungs, in the presence of an anion gap metabolic acidosis with a respiratory alkalosis - Anand Swaminathan

Saline Nasal Sprays

Regular, daily use of saline nasal spray or drops could reduce the effects of noxious stimuli in the nose, helping to support respiratory health - E. Santoro


It’s easy to take our saliva for granted. Most people have so much of it that they think nothing of spitting it out into a trash can when they finish chewing a stick of gum. Perhaps only people who have lived without it truly understand the great gift that is a perpetually moist mouth - Melissa Glim

Saliva Tests Covid-19

Your spit could be the best coronavirus test - Ben Cohen, Louise Radnofsky and Brianna Abbott

Salivary Glands

Although our mouth is lined with hundreds of salivary glands, more than 90 percent of saliva comes from just three pairs of these glands (parotid, submandibular, and sublingual) - Dr. Francis Collins

Salmonella & Chickens & Eggs

Eliminating this food-poisoning bacterium from poultry is tricky — not least because rapid, precise tests are still unavailable. Researchers are looking at vaccines, probiotics, prebiotics and even essential oils as ways to reduce contamination on the farm - Maureen O'Hagan

Salmonella & Turtles

People don't understand that turtles can appear perfectly happy, healthy and clean and still carry salmonella - Casey Barton Behravesh

Salmonella Outbreaks: Who's Watching the Hens?

Salmonella outbreaks will continue to occur despite new regulations aimed at minimizing hen and egg exposure. Stay egg smart. Forego those raw eggs in your next Caesar and don't forget to keep your reuseable bags clean!


Some say cutting salt consumption can lower your death risk; others say the salt threat is overblown - The Wall Street Journal


Few people abusing the plant’s hallucinogenic properties have pleasant experiences. So why is it growing in popularity among party-goers? Mostly, because it’s a fast and short trip that doesn’t have any lasting side-effects - Sally Painter

Salvia & Miley Cyrus

As parents, we warn our kids about the dangers of alcohol and drugs but teens are creative and always looking for new, inexpensive ways to get high and it looks like they may have a new legal one...smoking salvia

Sandhoff Disease

Sandhoff disease is a severe form of Tay-Sachs disease, the incidence of which had been particularly high in people of Eastern European and Ashkenazi Jewish descent, but Sandhoff disease is not limited to any ethnic group - NINDS

Sanfilippo Syndrome

MPS III is a diagnostic challenge, particularly in the early stages and in patients with an attenuated course of the disease, due to a variable course, nonspecific early neuropsychiatric symptoms and the lack of obvious somatic features - Delia Lorenz


It's easy to forget that having clean and accessible water is a luxury that many in the world do not have - Jonathan Parks-Ramage

Santa Wants You to Help St. Jude

This holiday season be thankful for what you have. Especially if you have your health - Stacy Matson


Sarcoidosis is a multi-system disorder once thought rare. Sarcoidosis is now known to be common and affects people worldwide. The disease can affect people of any age, race and gender - Sarcoidosis Research and Education Foundation

Sarcoidosis? What?

Campbell-Martin credits her daily routine of exercise and proper nutrition with helping her successfully manage the same disease that contributed to the death of comedian Bernie Mac in 2008


There is a third family of cancer, however, that arises in the tissue that hold all of us together. These are sarcomas. They are cancers of muscles and bones and nerves and arteries and fat - Sarcoma Warriors


The name itself sounds gross, but no, it is not a disease, insect, or food. And no, we should not fear sarcopenia. However, we should know what it is, and how we can wage the noble fight against it - Sandra Feaster

Sargassum Belt

Sargassum is a genus of large brown seaweed (a type of algae) that floats in island-like masses and never attaches to the seafloor - NOAA


It's possible that sarin and other nerve gases have only seldom been deployed as a weapon of war because the outfall is so unpredictable - Diana Fong & Esteban Pardo


The SARS outbreak was the first major international health emergency in which the W.H.O. was able to take full advantage of the Internet age - David L Heymann

Sartan Recall (Losartan & Valsartan)

Valsartan and Losartan are two of the most commonly-prescribed high blood pressure medications, however, the side effects may outweigh the benefits. In addition to helping regulate high blood pressure, Valsartan (Diovan) and Losartan (Cozaar) are also used to treat congestive heart failure - AMA Law

Saturated Fatty Acids

Turns out that delicious animal fats found in butter, cream, and chocolate are nowhere nearly as bad as we have been brainwashed to believe - Nick Rose


So while exercise remains the best way to improve your health, research shows that bathing in a sauna or hot tub are alternative options for those who are either unwilling or unable to take part in enough exercise - Charles James Steward

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto has held great appeal to men as a phytotherapy for prostate enlargement for many years because it is derived from a natural source and has relatively few side effects - Peter J. Stahl MD


In 90% of cases, small bowel obstruction is caused by adhesions, hernias, and neoplasms. Adhesive small bowel obstruction represents 55–75% of small bowel obstruction cases while hernias and small bowel tumors account for the remainder. Large bowel obstruction is provoked by cancer in about 60% of cases; volvulus and diverticular disease are responsible of other 30% - Fausto Catena


Society should be rightly shocked by any assault on its weakest members, - Dr. Norman Guthkelch


Despite the advent of CPR and AEDs, sudden cardiac arrest outcomes remain dismal. Why?


Scabies is frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated, partly because most physicians are unfamiliar with it and partly because its symptoms mimic so many other skin diseases - Jane Brody


SCAD is a difficult diagnosis to get your heart around. We’re here to help - SCAD Alliance

Scapular Fracture

A fractured scapula requires significant force, which demands the consideration of deeper injuries such as pulmonary contusions, pneumothorax, brachial plexus, and vascular injuries - Alissa Katz

Scarlet Fever

Largely forgotten over the past century thanks to the rise of antibiotics, this bacterial infection is perhaps best known for the role it plays in the classic children’s book The Velveteen Rabbit -


In terms of impact this disease is second only to malaria as the most devastating parasitic disease - CDC

Schizoid Personality Disorder

People with the disorder prefer to be alone and rarely show emotion - Erica Sweeney


A challenging disorder that makes it difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal, think clearly, manage emotions, relate to others, and function normally. But that doesn't mean there isn't hope. Schizophrenia can be successfully managed

Schizophrenia & Cannabis

We know THC is psychoactive, and its concentration in marijuana plants has increased four times in the last 20 years, posing a particular danger for adolescents who are genetically predisposed to psychoactive disorders including schizophrenia - Atsushi Kamiya

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

The study of schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is important clinically, as it is understudied, challenging to treat, often under-recognized or misdiagnosed, and associated with significant functional impairment - Daniel R. Rosell MD

School Lunches

This is an obesity crisis and we’ve gotten rid of health classes and P.E., so we’re back to the lunch lady and the tray - Betti Wiggins

School Shootings

Will there be a way forward this time - Adam Gopnik


In what looks like an urgent game of catch-up, medical and nursing schools across the country are retooling how and what they teach - Laura Pappano

Schools & Covid-19

Schools are where our children run around, play and laugh and argue with each other. They need to return to that sort of a healthy normality as soon as possible - Russell Viner


When told they have sciatica, many people believe that is their diagnosis. Sciatica itself is not actually a condition or disease, but rather a name for a set of symptoms...Michael A. Gleiber, MD

Science & Health

Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research - Ike Skelton


Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) is rare but feared. Thankfully, about <1% of patients with SCIWORA require surgical stabilization from an injury found on MRI but CT was negative - Blake Briggs MD


The hallmark of scleritis is pain. It is described as a deep, boring type of pain, which is exacerbated by palpating the eye - Student Doctor Network


As many people have scleroderma as they do MS, lupus and other diseases of that nature, but nobody knows what it is because it's not the 'sexy' illness - Eric Goldstein


Since the invention of synthetic sclerosants and the development of post sclerotherapy compression therapies in the 1940s and 1950s, injection sclerotherapy has assumed a major role in the treatment of venous insufficiency, particularly in the treatment of smaller veins such as telangiectasias and spider veins - Robert L. Worthington-Kirsch MD


I have very few limitations as a result of my Scoliosis, but I am always aware it’s there. I fervently hope that someday a more effective, less tortuous treatment option will become available - Leah LaRocco


Today the demands are for even higher standards in the quality of care, for greater flexibility and convenience in treatment times, and for more prevention through screening and health checks - Lucy Powell

Screening Alzheimer's

No-one is comfortable with the possibility of something going wrong with one's brain. But remaining in the dark is denying oneself the ability to minimize the problem. Knowledge is power - Gary Moore

Screening for TB

The primary objective of screening is to ensure that active TB is detected early to reduce the risk of poor disease outcomes and the adverse social and economic consequences of the disease, as well as help reduce TB transmission - WHO


May the scribes record it - Wayne Gerard Trotman, Veterans of the Psychic Wars


The possession of a scrotum to contain the male gonads is a characteristic feature of almost all mammals, and appears to have evolved to allow the testes and epididymis to be exposed to a temperature a few degrees below that of core body temperature - Richard Ivell


The mysterious disease that haunted the age of exploration - Rebecca Onion


SDHs can result from minor head trauma or even just rapid acceleration/deceleration of the head, particularly in elderly patients - The County EM Blog

Sea Moss

A few years back, people decided that eating more seaweed and certain types of nutrient-rich algae was the new key to 21st-century eating. Now, all of a sudden, sea moss has been added to this list of ocean-borne, plant-based superfoods - Andrew Krosofsky

Sea Sickness

Life isn't fair. One of the clearest instances of this is the mysterious illness scientists call kinetosis — which most people know as motion sickness - Joseph Stromberg


Farm vs Wild? Although much has been made about the risks in consuming seafood, mercury content, PCB's...the health benefits of seafood probably outweigh the risks - HWN

Seafood Poisoning

Whether its mercury or other toxins, consumption of contaminated seafood with its potential consequences on human health is always in the news. However fish can carry other risks and weren't not just talking about shellfish


Seaweed and marine algae have more concentrated nutrition than vegetables grown on land and they have long been considered to possess powers to prolong life, prevent disease, and impart beauty and health - Mao Shing Ni

Seasonal Affective Disorder

The good news about SAD is that there are lots of things that you can do to treat it effectively. - The good news about SAD is that there are lots of things that you can do to treat it effectively - Norman E Rosenthal MD

Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are the immune system's response to the millions of pollen grains — plant sperm cells — floating through the air every spring - Joseph Stromberg

Seatbelts & Helmets

People may choose to not wear or use protective equipment for a variety of reasons. Some of these stem from personal choices about freedom, while others may be based on information the person has about the equipment - Christopher Hawk

Seawater & Desalination

After decades of slow progress, desalination is increasingly being used to provide drinking water around the globe. Costs for processing salt water for drinking water have dropped, but it remains an expensive option and one that creates environmental problems that must be addressed - Jim Robbins


Seaweed and marine algae have more concentrated nutrition than vegetables grown on land and they have long been considered to possess powers to prolong life, prevent disease, and impart beauty and health - Mao Shing Ni

Seborrheic Dermatitis

The truth is there is not “cure” for SD. You’ll probably have to deal with it for years. But it can absolutely be improved - The Seborrheic Dermatitis Blog

Second Degree AV Block

Unlike first-degree atrioventricular (AV) block in which the atrial impulse is delayed in reaching the ventricles, some atrial impulses in second-degree AV block fail to reach the ventricles. There are three types of second degree atrioventricular block = James F. Ginter PA-C

Second Impact Syndrome

Any athlete may be at risk for SIS if he/she returns to sports competition while still experiencing the symptoms from an initial injury - Terry Zeigler EdD ATC

Second Opinion

When confronted with the diagnosis of a serious illness or confusing treatment options, everyone seems to agree that it can be useful to seek out another perspective - Michelle Andrews

Second Trimester Abortion

Although some second-trimester abortions occur because of maternal disease and fetal anomalies, the majority occur because of delay in obtaining first-trimester abortion in unintended pregnancies - Cassing Hammond MD

Secondary Hypertension

A specific, remediable cause of hypertension can be identified in approximately 10% of adult patients with hypertension. If a cause can be correctly diagnosed and treated, patients with secondary hypertension can achieve a cure or experience a marked improvement in BP control, with reduction in cardiovascular disease risk - Whelton et al.

Sedative-Hypnotic Toxidrome

The hypnotic toxidrome (also described as sedative toxidrome) is similar to but different from the narcotic one. The most common drugs are the benzodiazepines and barbiturates, but alcohol excess can also be considered as belonging to this category as there are some similarities - The Gasman Handbook


Sedatives encompass a wide variety of drugs with different mechanisms of action that can induce depression of the central nervous system (CNS). In the first part of the 20th century, the pharmacotherapy of anxiety and insomnia relied on barbiturates, which were replaced with benzodiazepines - Tomislav Meštrović MD PhD


What do you think of when you think of the colour purple? Purple Rain, Purple Haze or Lucky Heather maybe? It means much more to many people, as pink is to breast cancer, purple is to epilepsy - Epilepsy Sucks UK

Seizures & CBD

In more recent times, cannabis has returned as a possible treatment for epilepsy thanks to parents who have turned to the plant after anti-epileptic drugs failed to help - Mari Lodi

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) are non-hormonal compounds that can act as estrogen-agonist or antagonist according to the different target tissues. For instance, a SERM may be an estrogen agonist on bone tissue and, conversely, a potent estrogen antagonist on breast tissue - Stefano Lello


Selenium was discovered over 200 years ago – it's an element vital for health so long as you don't overdo it - Dr. Justine Butler


Self-care and medical empowerment are not just buzzwords, but action - Fiona Gilbert


Seltzer may not be the sugar or chemical bomb that soda or energy drinks are, but it’s far from the pure, healthy beverage it’s marketed as - Taylor Ann Spencer

Semaglutides (GLP1 agonists)

GLP-1 agonists are used to lower blood sugar levels to treat diabetes type 2 by releasing more insulin into the bloodstream


Semen is actually one of those things that will probably make you marvel at how amazing the human body is - Zahra Barnes

Senior Fitness

It could be any activity. Even walking with friends. New things are good for your mind too. You’re not just sitting by yourself or doing the same things. When you do new things. You feel different, and you feel like doing more. Just a little bit at a time makes a big difference - Janice Lennard 

Senior Health

We are all living longer, but are we living healthier?

Senior Health & Get Over It

Betty White has partnered with AARP to inspire those 50+ to abandon their pre-conceived ideas of what it means to get old. The campaign is called “Get Over It”

Sense of Hearing

The hearing brain is vast. It engages how we think, feel, move, and interpret our other senses. Not only does it shape our health, but it is deeply involved in forming memories and contributes in no small way to making us who we are -

Sense of Sight

The human visual system is a pattern seeker of enormous power and subtlety. The eye and the visual cortex of the brain form a massively parallel processor that provides the highest bandwidth channel into your cognitive centers. You rely more on the sense of sight than on any other of the senses - Mike Schoultz

Sense of Smell

Smell is incredibly important and sensual; it communicates who you are - Sean Combs

Sense of Taste

Taste is a complex phenomenon - Anita Setarehnejad & Ruth Fairchild

Sense of Touch

Deprived of sight, hearing, taste or smell, people soldier on and sometimes flourish, but being deprived of touch is nearly unimaginable - Stephen Schiff


There is so much that we don’t know yet about sepsis and we don’t have many hard answers. But as sepsis becomes more present in the news and as more people ask and talk about it, using the word, it is being noticed - Sepsis Alliance

Septic Arthritis

Challenge is that presentations overlap and that there sometimes remains diagnostic uncertainty even after aspiration of the joint - Lucas Chartier

Septic Arthritis Child

Unfortunately, diagnosing septic arthritis is not always straightforward. Transient synovitis is a benign, self-limiting condition that mimics septic arthritis. Other less common orthopaedic conditions can also present in a similar fashion, and need to be excluded - Christopher Wall & Leo Donnan

Septic Joint

Challenge is that presentations overlap and that there sometimes remains diagnostic uncertainty even after aspiration of the joint - Lucas Chartier

Septic Shock

The diagnosis of septic shock requires the presence of sepsis and hypotension requiring vasopressor therapy to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) 65 mmHg or greater and a serum lactate of greater than 2 mmol/L despite adequate fluid resuscitation - Kelly Thompson

Sequencing Covid-19

You can’t fix what you don’t measure” is a maxim in the business world. And it holds true in the world of public health as well - Alexander Sundermann

Serological Covid-19 Tests

Many tests for detecting past infections are reaching patients with their reliability unproven and with much still left to learn about Covid-19 immunity - Denise Roland and Brianna Abbott

Serotonergic Toxidrome

Perhaps adding to the diagnostic challenge is the fact that a huge number of drugs — prescription, over the counter, recreational and herbal — can trigger the syndrome - Jane E Brody


To the credit of public science (or, perhaps, the pharmaceutical industry), the basic contours of "serotonin culture" hold water. The jewelry and wall decorations available online accurately represent the structure of serotonin, a small, organic molecule that the human body makes naturally from L-tryptophan - Grace Huckins


A sinister bacterium implicated in Catholic miracles and "blood"-tainted polenta also kills coral, insects, and are even are up to no good in your contact lens case - Jennifer Frazer

Serum Sickness

The term ‘serum sickness’ has become confusing. Strictly, the term should only apply to reactions of humans to the administration of nonhuman (animal) serum. However, it is commonly now used as a catch-all term - Pediatrics Clerkship

Service Dogs

A service dog provides hope and encouragement to accept our illness, and fight it together as we walk hand in leash through life’s journey - Stuart Sherman

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Should we still be worried about another SARS outbreak? We have become very good at detecting risk, but it's impossible to know if this latest virus will be another SARS or disappear

Severe Sepsis

Sepsis is the most expensive and deadliest condition we are battling in our hospitals. But when did you last see headlines trumpeting a blockbuster new sepsis drug? You haven’t — and you won’t — until we make a serious commitment to fight the oldest disease of all - Derek Angus


We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift ― Marilyn Monroe

Sex Addiction

Just as a heroin addict chases a substance-induced high, sex addicts are bingeing on chemicals — in this case, their own hormones - Alexandra Katehakis

Sex Change

People who undergo sex-reassignment procedures do not become the opposite sex—they merely masculinize or feminize their outward appearance - Ryan T Anderson PhD

Sex Determination & Gender Reveal

The majority of couples find out what their baby’s gender is when that 2nd trimester ultrasound rolls around. But over the years, multiple methods and theories have developed in determining the sex of a child - Molly Thornberg

Sex Education

The more diverse the world becomes, and the more it globalizes, the faster people and ideas move across borders, the more difficult [agreeing how to teach] sex ed becomes - Jonathan Zimmerman

Sex Male

Anybody who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach flunked geography - Robert Byrne

Sex Selection

Choosing the sex of your baby has become a multimillion-dollar industry - Jasmeet Sidhu

Sex Trafficking

The danger is real. It is happening across the globe. It is happening across the nation. It is even happening in our cities, neighborhoods, and even in our own homes - Dr. John DeGarmo


In the digital age we live in, exchanging sexually loaded messages — from flirty texts to racy images to sexually explicit videos — has become entrenched in our cultural zeitgeist -

Sexting & Teens

Sexting among young people has become a hotly debated topic over the past few years. Over the same period, our understanding of sexting has evolved. What was originally understood as sending naked or semi-naked images has now expanded to also include videos and text messages of a sexual nature - Elizabeth Agnew

Sexual Assault

Short of homicide, [rape] is the "ultimate violation of self" - Byron R White

Sexual Assault & Harassment Vetrenas

Sexual assault is a pervasive problem in armed forces across the globe. Any nation with gender integrated forces are grappling with unacceptable levels of sexual assault - Sarah Chamberlain

Sexual Dysfunction Women

Some argue that a female sexual-dysfunction drug is a matter of equality among the sexes. Others say it creates a medical problem where none exists - The Atlantic

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective - Kathie Lee Gifford

Sexual Harrassment & Hollywood

I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut shamed, I've been harassed, I've been maligned. And you know what, I'm just like you - Rose McGowan

Sexual Health

Humans are sexual beings. This urge does not stop when the clock strikes 60. Or even 90 - Heather Honoré Goltz & Matthew Lee Smith

Sexual Health & Teens

Sex education — both the Netflix show and the class in school — often leaves out important information about our bodies and sexual and vaginal health - Devra Ferst

Sexual Intercourse

We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift ― Marilyn Monroe

Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Across the world, the LGBTQ community is continuously subjected to myriad forms of oppression - John Haltiwanger

Sexual Wellness

The convergence of sexual wellness into the larger wellness industry is revving up excitement for the future of women’s health - Georgianna James

SGLT2 Inhibitors

Harnessing the kidneys to help treat diabetes - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Shaken Baby Syndrome/Abusive Head Trauma is a real and recognized public health problem - Marilyn Barr

Shellfish Allergy

Unlike allergies to egg and cow’s milk for which children often gradually acquire natural tolerance, shellfish allergies usually persist throughout life - Christine Wai

Shellfish Paralysis

The consumption of shellfish (e.g. mussels, clams) is one of the most common ways for algal toxins to impact human health - Harmful Algae

Sheryl Sandberg Women's Rights

"Women’s rights are human rights and there is no more basic right than health care"

Shift Work Sleep Disorder

The World Health Organization deemed it a carcinogen in 2007 due to its repeated disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm - Alena Hall

Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)

Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, others can make you sick. E. coli O157:H7 is a kind of E. coli that can cause disease by making a toxin called Shiga toxin. Often when you hear news reports about outbreaks of E. coli infections, they are talking about E. coli O157:H7 - USDA

Shigella (Shigellosis)

The Gram-negative bacterium transmitted via contaminated food or water, does not seem to get the attention it’s due for the worldwide devastation it causes - Food Safety News

Shilo Zylbergold

Is a columnist for a local paper on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia as well as occasionally contributing to Best Medicine

Shin Splints

Shin splints isn't a good term because it is too simplistic, and does not convey the serious problems that lurk behind it - Rebecca Christenson


This virus is unique in that it has the capacity to cause two very distinct forms of clinical disease in the same infected person throughout his or her lifetime - Brian Secemsky

Shingles Vaccine

The good news about the shingles vaccine, recommended for all adults age 60 or older with normal immune systems, is that it works even better than scientists first thought - Paula Span


Not only can you shop on line for all your health, diet, exercise, fitness and medical needs, but you can also do it right here on HealthWorldNet

Short QT Syndrome

Establishing a definition of Short QT Syndrome including symptomatology and QT interval duration is still a work in progress -

Short Workouts

The science has spoken: you do not need to exercise for hours on end in order to improve all aspects of your health, nor to boost your life expectancy - Hannah Coates

Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Classrooms?

A Washington high-school teacher disallows cell phones in his classroom, and it’s nationwide news. But the most remarkable thing about the story is that it’s not the norm.

Should Medical Research Ever Be Crowdfunded?

Since there’s more science happening than could ever be funded by the government, maybe crowdfunding is an important tool to start these things off - Reid Rubsamen, M.D.

Should Tackle Football Be Phased Out of American Life?

Football is far and away America’s biggest sport. But considering what’s been learned in recent years about the possible brain damage that comes along with it, should we keep it on its pedestal?

Shoulder Dislocation

The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated joint (over half of all dislocations) - emDocs

Shoulder Dystocia

It can be recognized by presence of the “turtle sign” during deliveries – when the fetal head retracts back toward the mother’s perineum immediately after its presentation - Alexandra Hamelin

Shoulder Impingement

Certain clinicians have actually been pushing back against the diagnosis of shoulder impingement for over a decade, but it’s hard to change 50 years of medical history that we think we know to be true. However, enough research has surfaced since that time to question the usefulness of shoulder impingement as a diagnosis - Marc Surdyka

Shoulder Injuries

The complex structures of the shoulder can be injured by fracture, dislocation, and overuse, and correctly identifying and classifying injury is essential to avoiding pain, disability, and life- and limb-threatening complications - Eb Medicine

Shoulder Joint

The shoulder is the most flexible joint in the body making it the most susceptible to instability and injury - Anita Boecksteiner

Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder implants are designed using information gleaned from studying the shoulder joint, and new shoulder replacement technology is appearing all of the time - Thomas Kovack DO

Sialadenitis (Parotitis)

Don’t dismiss sialadenitis as a simple infection and throw antibiotics at it. It is multifactorial and may not merely be an antibiotic deficiency. Keep other etiologies in mind, especially when educating families about it - Sean M Fox

Sialolithiasis (Salivary Stones)

Most cases occur between the ages of 30 and 60. Sialolithiasis is more common in men than women and rare in children, whereas sialadenitis affects both genders equally and can occur in newborns - Sagar Desai MS4

Sick Sinus Syndrome

A disease characterized by abnormal sinus node functioning with resultant bradycardia and cardiac insufficiency. May be multi-factorial in origin. Causes can be considered either intrinsic or extrinsic - Ed Burns and Robert Buttner

Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell warriors are powerful people with an indomitable spirit. We are often in a constant fight on a daily basis to keep our head above water, deal with the pain, make the right decisions in life...Sickle Cell Warriors

Sickle Cell Crisis Management

Sickle cell disease (SCD) patients are at increased risk for a whole slew of life-threatening problems. One of the many reasons they are vulnerable is because people with SCD are functionally asplenic - Anton Helman MD

Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell warriors are powerful people with an indomitable spirit. We are often in a constant fight on a daily basis to keep our head above water, deal with the pain, make the right decisions in life...Sickle Cell Warriors

Sickle Cell Trait

The benefits of having sickle cell trait, namely the protection it offers against the lethal effects of malaria infection, are very clear and dramatic. On the other hand the problems it can cause are much less significant - Dr Roger Amos

Side Effects Hormonal Birth Controll

Part of the reason that some non-hormonal birth control methods seem to have gained such traction on social media is that there is a tendency among some medical professionals to downplay the side effects of hormonal birth control methods that many women experience - Jessica Grose

Side Effects Post Covid Vaccination

Since Covid-19 vaccine administration began around the world, side effects have been more severe in women - Annalisa Merelli


Well let me just say… there is no CAUSE that any of us know and that is why it is called SUDDEN Infant Death. Sure, they think certain things can help prevent it but when it comes down to it… there is no real prevention - Keisha Waller

Sigh Syndrome

Sigh syndrome is a genuine medical diagnosis with distinct criteria, conferring significant stress for those affected. Despite outward signs of an abnormal breathing pattern, this symptomatology is unrelated to any respiratory or organic pathology - S. Mandal

Sighing (Sighs)

Research reveals that sighing is more than a sign of depression or despair: it’s a reflex that happens several times an hour and helps preserve lung function - Tim Radford

Sign Language

The fastest-growing foreign language class... isn't foreign at all. Nor is it spoken. It's American Sign Language - Libby Nelson

Silicone & Saline Implants

When women come in to discuss breast augmentation, one of the big decisions is whether to go with saline or silicone breast implants - Dr. Reath

Silicosis (Black Lung)

If coal is clean, why's it still causing black lung? - Coal is Dirty

Simple Carbohydrates

Simple Choices to Limit the Spread of Infectious Disease

Ebola quarantines have been big news recently, but simply covering your mouth when you cough is part of doing your part.

Simple Sugars

Despite some crazy names you may read on the ingredients list of packaged foods, there are only 6 types of sugar that naturally occur in this world - Lindsey Cortes

Single & Dual Chamber Pacemakers

The act of forcibly taking control of somebody's cardiac conduction system - Alex Yartsev

Single Payer National Health Insurance Is There Middle Ground?

Despite the advent of Obamacare in 2010, most estimates indicate that about 50 million Americans remain uninsured or underinsured or uninsurable. So, why can't the United States insure all its citizens like the rest of the industralized world?

Single Payer Plan

If the goal of health-care reform is to provide comprehensive, universal health care in a cost-effective way, the only honest approach is a single-payer approach - Bernie Sanders

Single Payer Socialized Medicine An Outdated Pejorative

The United States is the only industrialized nation that does not provide universal health care!

Single Payer Thank God for Medicare

Considering I was born in the 6th month of the 49th year of the last century, you might say I had just won the jackpot in cancer’s Blotto 649

Single-Use Plastics

Governments and individuals all need to reconsider how we use and dispose of our single-use plastics (SUPs). Within just two generations we have produced and discarded so much plastic that we are now literally drowning in it - Tony Robert Walker


An empty space can be a lot of something. That's the story of your sinuses ― four pairs of air-filled interconnected cavities located between your eyes and nose - Quintin Cappelle MD


For millions of people, sinusitis can drag on for months or years, unresolved by medical interventions - Ingfei Chen

Sixth Nerve Palsy

CN6 palsy is the most common isolated ocular motor cranial nerve palsy, representing 50% of all patients. Microangiopathic disease has been reported to account for as much as 36% of all patients with CN6 palsies, with other etiologies being trauma, demyelination, and rarely, neoplasms in adults. All microangiopathic CN6 palsies should spontaneously resolve within 2– 3 months - Edward Margolin MD

Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjogren’s Syndrome is a very difficult autoimmune disease to diagnose. It can take many years to identify Sjogren’s Syndrome in patients. The symptoms behave like a disappearing act...Sjodry & Parched


You rarely hear someone say they’re going to the gym for a hip workout. But whether you’re roller skating, Rollerblading or ice skating, the hip muscles are doing the heavy lifting - Angela Smith

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants

Muscle relaxants encompass medications with different mechanisms of action—many of which have been used for decades. Yet most are sedating, can have significant side effects, and can interact with opioids and other substances to worsen CNS and respiratory depression - Michael Weaver MD

Sketter Syndrome

Skeeter syndrome isn’t common, but it happens enough. And, if you’re left incredibly uncomfortable and even sick after being bitten by a mosquito, you could have it - Korin Miller

Skier's or Gamekeeper's Thumb (Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury)

Called “Gamekeeper Thumb” because injury was originally described in gamekeepers who job was to break the necks of captured game (or animals). The act of breaking necks led to a repetitive stress and injury secondary to the valgus forces on the thumb - Haney Mallemat MD

Skiing & Snowboarding

Adult playfulness can influence people's happiness, while activities and socially convening around a sporting activity such as skiing have positive psychological outcomes and contribute to overall well-being - Hyun-Woo Lee

Skin Abscess

The most common cause of abscess skin is Staphylococcus aureus... occurring in up to 75% of cases; many patients infected with MRSA do not have risk factors - Mohammed Malih Radhi

Skin Apps & Images

Teledermatology — or the use of technology to diagnosis and treat skin conditions without an in-person visit — is becoming more common. The main appeal is similar to that of any form of telemedicine. It’s fast and easy - Amanda Cuda

Skin Cancer

When we hear the word “cancer,” skin cancer is usually not the first thing to come to mind – but it’s actually the most common type of cancer in humans - Arianna Yanes

Skin Cancer Screening

Learn your own skin, learn your moles. It takes a while to learn what to look for - Darrell Rigel

Skin Emergencies

Skin Infections

Probably the first infections that benefited from antibacterial therapy. Yet they continue to evolve. Who doesn't know the MRSA story. But what about tattoos - P LeBlanc

Skin Journals

Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul - Douglas MacArthur

Skin Rashes

Having trouble figuring out that rash. Well, so do doctors! There's an old saying, if it's wet, dry it, if it's dry, wet it, and if you don't know what it is, treat it with steroids - HWN

Skin Stuff

Not only can you shop on line for all your skin health needs, you can also do it right here. *HealthWorldNet does not endorse or guarantee any product or drug and does not provide medical advice

Skincare Face Masks

Face masks are one of the little pleasures in life — like buying sparkly cocktails or unzipping your high waist jeans once you get home - Marlen Komar

Skull Fractures

Neurosurgery consult is required for any depressed, open, or complicated skull fractures or any CSF leak - Blake Davidson MD

Sleep Apnea Implants

For sleep apnea patients, a possible alternative to masks- Catherine Saint Louis

Sleep Apps & Trackers

Wanna sleep, try these apps - HWN

Sleep Deprivation

Your life is a reflection of how you sleep, and how you sleep is a reflection of your life - Dr. Rafael Pelayo

Sleep Disorders

From insomnia to sleep terrors, here are the most common impediments to nightly rest - Chris O'Shea

Sleep Medicine

Resources for the specialty of sleep medicine

Sleep Paralysis

If you do experience sleep paralysis, don’t panic. Remind yourself that however frightening and disconcerting, this is a temporary and harmless condition that will soon pass - Dr. Michael J Breus

Sleep Study & Polysomnography

Your fancy sleep tracker is no match for a dedicated sleep lab. But who wants to spend 8 hours in a strange hospital room wired with electrodes while someone video records you all night - Kelly Mayes

Sleep Supplements

Can't catch those Zzzzs? A quality, natural sleep supplement could be the difference between a restful night and one spent counting sheep - Aaron Toumazou

Sleep Waking Up to the Need for (Enough) Sleep

Many resign themselves to not getting enough sleep, while many others don't realize how much they need or what insufficient sleep does to the body and brain.

Sleeping pills

A perfect sleeping pill — one that gets people to fall asleep faster, and for a longer period of time, with no side effects — is still a dream - Brian Resnick

Sleepless in Hollywood

What do Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, Jimi Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, and now Michael Jackson have in common? Insomnia, prescription drugs, and premature death


Other than tales of assaulting baked goods, an interesting aspect of sleepwalking is that it’s most common in children, and no one is quite sure why - Chris O'Shea

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) is the most common hip disorder affecting adolescents - Physiopedia

Slit Lamp

Take a few minutes to re-familiarize yourself with the dials and widgets on your slit lamp – and use it - Ryan Radecki

Slow Food

Slow Food is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment - Slow Food International


it is an enormously exciting time for people living with spinal muscular atrophy, their families and scientists working on it, with available therapies showing results that were the stuff of dreams only a couple of decades ago. But there is a long way to go before we can declare that this is a disease we can cure - Judith Sleeman

SMA Syndrome

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a frequently overlooked cause of abdominal pain and emesis associated with food consumption in patients who have lost substantial weight. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome results from the compression of the horizontal duodenum between the SMA and the aorta owing to atrophy of the mesenteric fat pad resulting from weight loss - Dennis Gibson MD

Small Bowel Obstruction

Over the centuries, the management of SBO has evolved. Early treatments included bloodletting and ingestion of heavy metals. Advancements brought intestinal tube decompression and operative interventions - Maung, Adrian A. MD

Small Fiber Neuropathy

SFN is a relatively common disorder resulting in severe and troublesome symptoms, which may be difficult to control. Standard electrophysiological tests such as nerve conduction studies and EMG remain normal in SFN. Therefore, the syndrome may easily be overlooked - E. Hoitsma

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

SIBO is not a diagnostic term–it is a condition that arises due to something else - Kate Scarlata MPH RDN


For centuries smallpox killed about a third of the people who became infected. But thanks to worldwide vaccination, in 1980 smallpox became the only human disease so far to be declared eradicated from the environment - Lauran Neergard

Smallpox & Bioterrorism

Smallpox is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. It has killed more people throughout history than any other infectious disease, including the bubonic plague - Toyin Ajayi

Smart Drugs

Nootropics aren’t new—the word was coined in 1972 by a Romanian doctor, Corneliu E. Giurgea—but the Silicon Valley-led body-hacking movement..seems to have given them new life -

Smart Pills

Scientists have not yet figured out how to miniaturize crack teams of pilots or CIA agents, but they have been able to create ‘smart pill’ technology

Smartphone Addiction

Most of the alluring apps and websites in wide use today were engineered to exploit this habit-forming loop - Haley Sweetland Edwards

Smartphones Healthy or Not

Innovation should be good, but all too often it's progress toward the unhealthy. A stupid new smartphone is a perfect case in point.


Even if the Apple Watch does work correctly, it is by no means clear it will generate benefits to the public’s health - Larry Husten


The main threats to local air quality across the United States (as well as most everywhere else) remain smog and particulate pollution, which combined or acting alone trigger millions of hospital visits and health complications - EarthTalk

Smoke Inhalation

While it is critical to anticipate impending airway compromise and consider securing an airway sooner rather than later, the systematic reviews suggests that 1/3 of burn patients are unnecessarily intubated in the ED. Signs such as singed nasal hairs and facial burns alone are not indications for intubation. Mild inhalational injuries in patients with normal oxygen saturations and no signs of respiratory distress can be safely observed - Shaun Mehta


Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics - Fletcher Knebel

Smoking & Pregnancy

There is no safe amount of smoking. Every puff of a cigarette releases harmful chemicals that will reach your baby and affect your health too. E-cigarettes are also not harmless - Smokefree Women

Smoking Pity the Poor Cigarette Smoker

The smoker has become shunned by society and pushed farther and farther towards its dark recesses and outer fringes. Are there any solutions to alleviate the pain that smokers are suffering?


Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it - Lifehack

Snake Bites

Globally the greatest burden is experienced in the tropical world; where many nations remain under developed or suffer from poor governance, political and/or social, conflict, resource scarcity, high disease burdens, or food insecurity - Global Snakebite Initiative

Snake Bites First Aid

You probably already own the best emergency snake bite kit available: a cell phone from which you can call 9-1-1 - Glenn D. Braunstein MD


Snoring is not an illness, but it is a symptom. Just as a cough can be a symptom of pneumonia, snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea - Lynn A D'Andrea

Snoring Aids

Luckily, the good news is that there are quite a few natural and effective remedies that you can try to end the snoring affliction for good - Vicky Law

SNRIs (Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors)

SNRIs, developed in the mid-1990s, are very similar to another category of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but they have a slightly broader effect on chemical processes in the brain, and some individuals who do not respond to SSRIs may benefit from an SNRI - Good Therapy


Altogether, comprehensive research shows that soccer is medicine, soccer is for almost all and soccer is for life - Peter Krustrup

Social Distancing

Social distancing not only reduces transmission of the coronavirus, but the vacating of public places also creates possible sites to set up makeshift hospitals on and ease chronic congestion in existing medical facilities ― Stewart Stafford

Social Interaction

Evidence shows that social interaction is a biological requirement, much like eating, drinking and sleeping. Our ability to learn to talk, play, acquire new skills, fall in love, conduct business, and age in good health all hinge on our motivation to connect with other people - Susan Pinker

Social Isolation

If there is anything this pandemic has taught us... it’s that we need to address the high cost of isolation and loneliness in our post-pandemic world - Marc Agronin

Social Media

The more social media we have, the more we think we're connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other - JR

Social Media Addiction

Don’t become a social media narc. People will turn off even faster than they turned onto you. And you don’t want that—do you? - Tom Lowery

Social Media Doctors

Community is important, so we’ve tracked down the best social networking sites for medical professionals to interact, learn and share their knowledge - UpCity

Social Networks

Whatever side of the fence you are on there is no doubt that social networks are rapidly becoming the norm as people realize that they can stay healthy without completely having to rely on the medical establishment - HWN

Social Networks Professionals

Sharing is the essence of social media - Zoe Sugg

Social Worker Blogs

From mental health and hospitals to social policy, child welfare and psychotherapy, here's some of the best blogs

Social Worker CE

Making it easy to keep CEUs up to date

Social Worker Jobs

Always be smarter than the people who hire you - Lena Horne

Social Worker Journals

Besides having to keep up with the latest journal articles, we also have to endure the stress of everyday life

Social Worker Organizations

It takes a village to raise a child - African Poverb

Social Workers

If someone wanted to know what a social worker is, they should follow him around - Dale Horner

Social,Worker Careers

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give - Winston Churchill


We are talking about a substance that is often consumed in place of water which most of us don’t drink enough of, contains no nutrients/beneficial properties whatsoever, & is packed with sugar and artificial additives that make it harmful - Wellness Mama


To be sure, sodium is an essential nutrient, as is chloride that makes up the rest of the salt molecule. We evolved from ocean-dwellers, and human tissues still swim in a salty sea - Jane E. Brody

Sodium Bicarbonate (Bicarb)

Soooo who gets bicarb? Bicarb ampules in sodium channel blockade (like TCAs) are... the cornerstone of therapy. Bicarb ampules may be appropriate to alkalinize urine in certain toxicities. Seizing hyponatremic patients - Duncan Grossman

Sodium channel blockers

Clinically, one usually encounters these drugs in the management of ventricular arrhythmias, for which purpose they seem almost uniquely suited - Deranged Physiology

Soft Tissue Cancers

Many believe that water flouridation may be one of the main causative agents

Soft Tissue Foreign Bodies

Maintain a high suspicion for foreign body in evaluation of all wounds - Maintain a high suspicion for foreign body in evaluation of all wounds - Christopher Creech MD

Solar Energy

The sun is a tremendous source of renewable energy. Nevertheless, the adverse effects of solar power are associated with land use, water use, habitat loss, and the harmful materials used in manufacturing of solar panels - Pradhnya Tajne



Gone are those days when people used artificial sweeteners in food and beverages. Sugar alcohols are the new low-cal sugar alternatives in the market. Sorbitol is one of the simplest, cheapest, and safest sugar substitute - Madhu Sharma RD

Sore Throat

Sore throat is a symptom, not a disease - Jane E. Brody


While more research is needed—especially clinical trials to test sorghum’s health effects in humans—preliminary findings from animal and laboratory studies suggest the compounds found in sorghum benefit health. But one thing is certain: Sorghum is gluten-free - Densie Webb, PhD, RD

Sorghum Syrup

Cane Sorghum is a healthier alternative to your everyday sugar. Unlike sugar, it is not made from simply calories from head to toe and has a serious nutritional punch - Healthy Living


Given its in vitro activity against variants of concern, as well as its ability to neutralize other sarbecoviruses, we speculate that sotrovimab has the potential to remain therapeutically active even as SARS-CoV-2 continues to evolve - Anil Gupta MD

Sound Therapy

Sound is everywhere. Sound is powerful. But most importantly, it's captivating - Devon Barrow

South Beach Diet

In a nutshell the South Beach Diet is not about just having low fat or low carb meals. The south beach diet is more about eating the right carbs and the right fats to help to induce weight loss -

Soy (Soybeans)

There is no food quite as controversial as soy. There are those who claim that soy is good for everyone, helps prevent breast cancer and is the ideal alternative to dairy. Then there are studies that show that soy is downright evil - Lisa Hayim

Soy Milk

Soy milk, a popular alternative option...was found to be the most comparable to cow’s milk in terms of overall nutrient balance...It’s also the highest in protein of all the alternative milk options studied - Amanda MacMillan

Soy: Friend or Foe?

In recent years, scientific evidence has questioned the health benefits of soy, and more importantly, has brought to light possible adverse effects. Tell me it's not soy!!


A food-replacement product is getting a lot of buzz. But for all that might be gained by maximizing the efficiency of one's nutritional intake, so much more might be lost.


Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and creates a cooling effect - Christina Nunez

Space Exploration Mars

Mars is more popular than ever, with pie-in-the-sky talk of manned missions within our lifetime. But such aspirations don't come cheap. Should we really be throwing money into space when there's so much good it could do on the ground?

Space Medicine

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known - Carl Sagan

Space Travel

Looking down the road, space exploration and the benefits it yields - in medicine and information technology - should not be overlooked - Bob Barr

Spanish Flu

World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives. The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people - National Archives and Records Administration

Sparkling (Carbonated) Water

There’s still water and then there’s what my 4-year-old calls spicy water, better known as seltzer or sparkling water. Crisp, bubbly and effervescent, carbonated water has become a daily ritual for many and a growing segment of the beverage industry - Christina Caron

Spasmodic Dysphonia

Spasmodic dysphonia, long believed to be a psychological problem, is now considered to be part of a family of conditions called dystonias—neurological movement disorders characterized by involuntary muscle contractions - Daniela Hernandez


Suprapubic catheters are considered after unsuccessful attempts with urethral catheters usually in the setting of severe urethral strictures or complex prostatic disease. Another indication for suprapubic catheter is urethral disruption due to trauma - Shaun Mehta and Deb Saswata

Special K

The main effects are powerful hallucinations and, with only a little too much - incapacitation - you can't move or if you do try you'll be unsteady on your feet and will do a lot of falling over. If you inject it, you will pass out

Special K (Illicit Ketamine)

Given what's medically known about ketamine—that it numbs the senses and has an impact on brain function—it's not hard to imagine why some people imbibe it off-label - Anna Codrea-Rado

Special Olympics

If I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt - Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Speech Language Therapists

Speech is civilization itself. The word... preserves contact -- it is silence which isolates - Thomas Mann

Speech Therapy

Speech is civilization itself. The word... preserves contact -- it is silence which isolates - Thomas Mann


It's a centuries-old superfood and "wonder grain" that sustained Roman soldiers as they marched and which has enjoyed a more recent revival in popular artisan breads and cereals - Rebecca Smithers


Men are embracing sperm health, while society is recognizing that fertility isn’t just about women - Nellie Bowles

Sperm Banks & Donors

For companies that are expected to bring life into the world, they face very little government regulation and largely handle sperm behind closed doors with little checks or balances - Gillian Branstetter


How well spermicides prevent pregnancy is highly variable depending on whether they are used correctly and consistently. Their effectiveness also depends upon whether they are used in addition to another barrier method - Maitreyee Banerjee et al

Spice K2

Most people, though, think ‘spice’ is a seasoning for your food like paprika or pepper. They think ‘K2’ is a famous mountain. And that’s exactly what the makers of this dangerous drug want non-users to think - Spice Addiction Support

Spider Bites

The vast majority of spider bites, despite the myths and hype, are not medically significant -

Spina Bifida

One can still live life to the fullest, even with the challenge of Spina bifida - Laurita, Holdin' Out for a Hero

Spinal Anesthesia

Fast-acting, powerful and short in duration — spinal blocks are ideally suited for lower-body same-day surgeries, especially as more complex procedures such as total knee replacements migrate to outpatient centers - Jared Bilski & Joe Paone

Spinal Cord Challenges

The spinal cord, a cylinder about the width of a little finger which runs down the backbone and is the core component of the central nervous system, is a hugely complex structure - Charlie Cooper

Spinal Cord Compression

MRI is the test of choice to evaluate cord compression, but no imaging modality is the “gold standard” in this disease - Meredith Horton MD

Spinal Cord Stimulators

Neuromodulation with Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is one of the most exciting developments in chronic pain management - Young Hoon Jeon MD

Spinal Cord Syndromes

Spinal cord syndromes are usually the result of conditions extrinsic to the spinal cord, such as: compression due to spinal stenosis, herniated disc, tumor, abscess, and trauma (i.e. hematoma, retropulsion of bony fragments, bullet/knife injury) - Vishal Gulati

Spinal Cord Trauma (Injury)

Some people are walking around with full use of their bodies and they're more paralyzed than I am - Christopher Reeve

Spinal Cord Trauma Management

As most spinal cord injuries occur in patients due to high force mechanisms, such as motor vehicle accidents, it is important for the emergency physician to keep a broad differential and be aware of concomitant injuries - Casey Thompson BS

Spinal Epidural Abscess

Unfortunately, spinal epidural abscesses may be difficult to identify clinically due to variable clinical presentations - Christine T Luo MD PhD and Jennifer Yee DO

Spinal Epidural Hematoma

Though an extremely rare diagnosis, spinal epidural hematoma is very important to consider due to its potentially devastating effects, especially in elderly patients on anticoagulation who report sudden pain and neurological deficits - Seth Lotterman MD

Spinal Fractures

Spinal fractures or vertebral fractures usually occur in two different populations of patients. They can occur in an elderly osteoporotic person with very little trauma, or they can occur in a younger person after a more major trauma, like a car accident, falling from a height, skiing accident - EuroSpine

Spinal Fusion

We don’t have high-quality evidence on the benefits and harms of spinal fusion - Gustavo Machado et al

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Zolgensma’s approval, and that of Spinraza, is the beginning of a new paradigm for treating SMA and for the fight against muscular dystrophy in general. Without any treatments, SMA would remain the top genetic killer of children under 2 - Nathan Yates

Spinal Shock Syndrome

“Spinal shock” is a neurologic phenomenon that generally lasts < 24 hours in the acute phase of a SCI and is best described as a transient physiologic reflex depression of cord function below the level of injury, resulting in loss of all sensorimotor functions - Andrew Asimos MD

Spinal Stenosis

The impact of this disease varies widely from patient to patient. Your choice of treatment depends on how severely spinal stenosis affects your quality of life - Spinal Stenosis UK

Spinal surgery

For one reason or another, the public has been conditioned to see consideration of spine surgery as an “easy way out” of back pain. I’m here to tell you that nothing can be further from the truth - Neel Anand MD

Spinal Trauma

Traumatic spine injuries (TSIs) carry significantly high risks of morbidity, mortality, and exorbitant health care costs from associated medical needs following injury - Deborah M. Stein

Spinal Tumors

Most people experience back pain at some point in their lives... The source of that pain can be anything from a muscle spasm to a herniated disk to osteoarthritis. It could also be a benign or cancerous spine tumor - John E. O'Toole MD

Spine Health

Dealing with back and/or neck pain is a long-term vocation, not a short-term assignment. So you need to educate yourself with correct information to ensure your continued health - Stephanie Burke

Spirituality & Health

When we are spiritually healthy, we realize that we exist beyond the physical and our life has a sense of meaning and purpose - Robyn L. Gobin


Humans have eaten macroalgae, like wakame and nori seaweed, for thousands of years. But recently attention has turned to the nutritional and environmental potential of their microscopic cousins - Abigail Beall


So, tired of seeing misinformation about AS--that it's a mans disease, that it only affects the spine--that you MUST have sacroiliac joint damage FIRST or spine MRIs or X-rays before you can be diagnosed. All of this MUST change - Meloni


This condition is a life long presence and battle. It can be very scary, painful, and all around difficult - Cat

Spondylosis (Spinal Arthritis) Spinal Degeneration

In essence, spondylosis is a general term describing any type of spinal degeneration -

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP)

SBP is very common among cirrhotic patients with ascites. Clinical suspicion cannot be used to rule out SBP and a diagnostic paracentesis should be performed in any patient admitted to the hospital or with worsening clinical status, fever, leukocytosis, or renal failure - Michael Moss MD

Spontaneous Pneumothorax

There is perhaps no single diagnosis where we see such a huge practice variation than in the management of spontaneous pneumothorax - Humna Amjad & Gil Yehudaiff

Spoonies & Spoon Theory

Are you a "Spoonie?" What??? Got chronic migraine? chronic anything? then you are officially a Spoonie - Lisa Jacobson

Sport & Concussions

We are at the crossroads when it comes to addressing the issue of brain trauma in sport. Increasing numbers of athletes and their families are revealing their daily struggles resulting from a history of repetitive hits to their brains - Alan Pearce

Sport Apps

Our goal is to make your life better by presenting products, services, and digital content that allows anyone to pursue the best version of themselves regardless of age, gender, or activity level - Sideline Sports Doc

Sport Drinks

From sports and energy drinks to electrolyte and recovery drinks, fitness drinks have flooded the market. However, despite their growing popularity, energy drinks remain controversial

Sport Events

Everyone wins! Healing the world thru fitness

Sport Fitness Careers

Are you ready to help shape the fitness industry and the people in it?

Sport Fitness Jobs

Fitness workers are one of the healthiest occupational fields in terms of what the job outlook is like for the next decade or so

Sport Medicine

The development of arthroscopy and the recognition of the long-term consequences of repeated concussions have morphed the field of sports medicine into a well-organized, scientific specialty - Sarah J Martinez

Sport Organizations

When a social and human rights purpose is attached to sport, it opens up our eyes to the power sport has to contribute and make an impact in communities around the world - Eli A. Wolff & Dr. Mary Hums

Sport Screening

Why do volunteer organizations have to do this? Why not schools? Or pediatricians? Why isn’t it mandatory - Andy Kessler

Sport Supplements

Supplements aren’t the magic bullet that I think some people think they are - Dr. Kevin Currell


Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life – Billie Jean King

Sports & Covid-19

The improbable contributions of sports to public health—some intentional, others accidental—started on the very first day of the pandemic - Ben Cohen, Louise Radnofsky and Andrew Beaton

Sports Cheaters

We love giving lip service to the value of fair play, but with society so often sending a different message, our kids might think we're delusional to say that cheaters never prosper.

Sports Clubs

Get in Shape with Fitness Clubs and Programs - HWN

Sports Dentistry

Sports dentistry is an exciting adjunct to most dental practices that, for the most part, goes untapped...William Balanoff, DDS

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks serve a purpose among elite athletes and those who exercise for long periods. But for those who exercise at a moderate intensity for an hour or less, water is probably the better choice - Meredith Melnick

Sports Hernia

A sports hernia is not a true hernia. Instead, it’s an injury in the area we typically find an inguinal hernia. Other names for sports hernia are Sportsman’s Hernia, Athletic Pubalgia, Athletic Hernia, Gilmore’s groin, or simply chronic groin strain. - Mile High Hernia Institute

Sports Injuries

The biggest controversy in sport injuries, besides sudden death, drugs and spinal injuries is without a doubt concussions

Sports Journals & Magazines

Some of the sports medicine journals and fitness magazines plus we give you the added benefit of a synopsis. OK, which one did we miss - HWN

Sports Rehab

We all, at one time or another will have to be rehabilitated...

Spousal Abuse

Spousal abuse is generally defined as a form of domestic violence. It isn’t necessarily restricted to married couples. Instead, it can refer to any kind of abuse that exists within an intimate or committed relationship - Karen Foster LPC

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

While a significant number of these cancers are treated with simple surgery or a burn and scrape technique known as electrodessication and curettage, there is a subset of these tumors that behave in a very aggressive manner - Dr. David Roy

SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)

Too many people are taking these drugs for different underlying conditions, some of which they are not useful for treating - SSRIstories


SSSS is differentiated from Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)/toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) based on the level of the epidermal separation and the fact that SSSS does not affect mucous membranes - ScienceDirect


Probably the first infections that benefited from antibacterial therapy. Yet they continue to evolve. Who doesn't know the MRSA story. But what about tattoos - P LeBlanc

St. John's wort

St. John's wort has been used for hundreds of years in folk medicine, especially for healing wounds. It was used for "driving out the inner devil" in medieval times - Christian Nordqvist

St. Louis Encephalitis

Few people ever even know that they have SLE, as the CDC reports less than 1% of the infections are apparent - Mosquito Squad

St. Valentine's Day

Having a yearly moment to reflect, one that’s just about us and not the shared celebrations we enjoy with our families and friends on Thanksgiving and Christmas, helps us look at our relationship in the round, - Annaliese Griffin

Stable Angina

Less than 30% of women have classic chest pain or discomfort prior to their heart attacks - HWN

Stacy Matson

Regularly blogs on Celebrity Health as well as contributing to the Best of Best

Stand Up Paddling

Paddle boarding, or stand-up paddle boarding (SUP) as it is also known, might not be an activity that everyone instantly recognizes as a mainstream sport, but that's changing - Lee Bell

Stand Up to Cancer

Stand Up To Cancer's objective is to unite the celebrities, researchers, and scientists that share a common goal: bringing new therapies to patients quickly and ultimately finding a cure for cancer


Staph & its “ugly cousin” MRSA have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. Why? It’s because they have moved from being well-behaved and non-threatening to people, to causing dangerous & downright deadly infections - Staph Infection Resources

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome

SSSS is differentiated from Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)/toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) based on the level of the epidermal separation and the fact that SSSS does not affect mucous membranes - ScienceDirect

Starbucks and non-recyclable coffee cups

There's more to recycling than meets the eye. The paper coffee cup, for example. Looks recyclable, right? Relatively environmentally-friendly? Nuh-uh.


Starch is a complex plant-derived sugar that forms the carbohydrate reserves of plants. It is a mixture of two polysaccharides, amylose, and amylopectin, whose proportions vary according to the type of food - Kathryn Adel

Starchy Vegetables

Starchy vegetables don’t have to be off-limits, even for people with diabetes. A better way to approach it is by learning how to identify them and portion-control them - Mary Agnew

Startup Funding

Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great - Jimmy Johnson

Stasis Dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis is a sequela of chronic venous insufficiency that classically presents with diffuse erythematous and eczematous patches with scaling of the lower leg - Dermatitis Academy

Stasis Ulcers

Venous ulcers are the most common of all leg ulcers, with high morbidity and strain on economic resources, and have a negative impact on quality of life - Sasanka S Chatterjee


Statins have become so popular with adults middle-aged and older in industrialized countries, they are almost a pharmaceutical rite of passage. Yet...there is little evidence they are effective in many groups and no evidence they are effective in one group: women without heart disease - Martha Rosenberg

Stationary Bike Workouts

Aside from the health benefits that it gives, it is easy to use. You can use it as an ordinary bicycle. You can also use it anywhere and at your most convenient time. It is an ideal indoor and outdoor exercise equipment for all ages - Alana Patrick

Status Epilepticus Pediatrics

Seizure that has been going on for >5 minutes OR recurrent seizures without return to baseline. If the patient was seizing at home and still seizing when they get to the ED, consider it to be status - Anand Swaminathan

Staying Sane While Staying Home

Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem - Dr. Scott W Atlas


Exercise confers all the same benefits to seniors that it does to those earlier in life, including increased longevity, improved mental clarity, a boost in energy, and greater strength to meet the physical demands of daily living - Carolina Gerard

STDs and Cancer

The incidence of head and neck cancers is going down. The bad news is another type of head and neck cancer is on the rise and is related to a common STI...HPV the same virus implicated in cervical cancer. Could oral sex play a role?

Steam Rooms

The history of using steam rooms to benefit health dates back all the way to the ancient Greeks and Romans who regularly used hot springs and steam bathing, so it is a practice that has truly stood the test of time.

Stem Cell Cancer Therapy

Most often used to help people with leukemia and lymphoma. They may also be used for neuroblastoma and multiple myeloma. Stem cell transplants for other types of cancer are being studied in clinical trials - National Cancer Institute

Stem Cell Clinics

The problem is that stem cell therapies are still mostly theory. So what is going on? How can there be clinics, even chains of clinics run by companies, offering stem cell treatment for almost any disease you can think of - Gina Kolata

Stem Cell Debate

Stem cell therapies are not new. Doctors have been performing bone marrow stem cell transplants for decades. But when scientists learned how to remove stem cells from human embryos in 1998, both excitement and controversy ensued - University of Utah

Stem Cell Joint Therapy

Stem cell therapy is the hot new solution for seemingly every physical problem, whether it's back pain, creaky knees, or blindness. But while everyone seems to be trying it, there's actually not much reliable research to back the efficacy, or even safety, of practicing many forms of the therapy - Evy Pitt Stoller

Stem Cell Research

Making sense of the torrent of stem-cell research findings, separating the false claims from the scientists and studies that matter, requires an unusually well-honed baloney detector - Elizabeth Svoboda

Stem Cell Therapy

This is a field that has received a lot of attention -- some would even say hype -- and I think that expectations about how quickly we can do things have been raised. But I feel good that even though it looks like we're proceeding incrementally, that we're starting to accelerate and get more interesting data - Stephen Huhn

Stem Cell Transplantation

Stem cells are a promising part of advances in therapy, because they can turn into a variety of cell types. But stem cells may only be useful after they've begun to change into the cell type they're destined to become - Joe Palca

Stem Cells Diabetes Implants

Can synthetic biology finally cure the autoimmune disease - Jacob Brogan

Stem Cells Our Future

Stem cell therapy is probably one of the most promising medical advancements this century. Yet the politically charged embryonic stem cell issue has stymied research. But there is good news for your future!

Stem Cells Ready for Prime Time?

Adult stem cells hold enormous potential in the treatment of disease but if you are traveling internationally to seek treatment be careful.

STEMI & LBBB (Sgarbossa/Smith Criteria)

The diagnosis of STEMI in the presence of left bundle branch block has been problematic for years - Mark Plaster

Stemming the Opioid Epidemic

So it’s not enough just to help people who are already addicted. It’s important to prevent people from getting addicted, too, in part by stemming the proliferation of painkillers - German Lopez


As the newest ED medication on the market, Stendra offers many of the same benefits as older drugs like Viagra with fewer side effects- hims

Sternal Fractures

The outcome of patients with an isolated sternal fracture and a normal ECG is very good. Routine admission and cardiac monitoring do not appear to be warranted in this subset of patients with a sternal fracture - Seth W Wright MD


The sternum is the bone that lies in the anterior midline of our thorax. It forms part of the rib cage and the anterior-most part of the thorax. Its functions are to protect the thoracic organs from trauma and also form the bony attachment for various muscles - Shahab Shahid MBBS

Steroid Injections

Cortisone, the patch-’em-up injection of choice for injured athletes, may be worse than useless at healing some tendon injuries - Tom Scocca

Steroid Nasal Sprays (Flonase Nasacort)

Currently, topical steroid nasal sprays are considered as the first-line treatment for the management of allergic rhinitis (hayfever) and chronic rhinosinusitis - Waqas Jamil

Steroids & Covid-19

With glucocorticoids already being readily available globally and relatively inexpensive, they may be our best therapeutic option for treating Covid-19 CSS worldwide for now. - Randy Cron, W. Winn Chatham, and Scott W. Canna

Stevens Johnson Syndrome

If you have recently taken a drug, no matter how common it may seem and you have a reaction that includes flu-like symptoms and a rash, rush to the emergency department, as Stevens Johnson Syndrome can turn deadly very fast - Anushka Fernando-Goonetilleke

Stevia (Truvia)

Major health and food safety organizations generally regard stevia, a sweetener made from a plant native to South America, as safe. But some researchers warn that we don’t have enough evidence to fully understand how products like stevia, so-called nonnutritive sweeteners that have no calories, affect the body - Alice Callahan

STI Screening

Getting tested for an STD is a pain. There's a doctor's appointment, a week of waiting for results and a wealth of opportunity for embarrassing human interaction. These hassles may be part of the reason STD infection rates are on the rise - Erin Biba

Stick It to the Flu

The return on investment in global health is tremendous, and the biggest bang for the buck comes from vaccines. Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history — Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance

Stiff Person Syndrome

Because it is so rare, it is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, psychosomatic illness, or anxiety and phobia - Richard David Leslie

Still's Disease

The scarceness of this condition may cause some difficulty in diagnosing it - Jack Cush MD


Stillbirth is ten times more common than cot death, yet it's often not talked about. It remains something of a taboo - Emma Beck

Stimulant Laxatives Bisacodyl Dulcolax Sennosides Senokot

While the available evidence is divided on whether chronic use of stimulant laxatives will result in a condition of a sluggish colon, all attempts should be made to move to bulk-forming laxatives and refrain from chronic use of stimulant laxatives - Optimal Health Network


Debate exists whether a stinger is due to C5 or C6 nerve root injury or a brachial plexus injury - Gregory Rubin DO


Although not well-publicized until recently, the risks for developing HPV-positive head and neck cancer is closely linked to sexual behaviour and practices such as having multiple sexual partners and oral sex

Stomach (Gastroenteritis) Viruses

There are many types of viruses that can cause a stomach bug, but the two most common are norovirus and rotavirus - Preeti Parikh MD

Stomach ache

Everyone experiences digestive problems now and then, and they’re nobody’s idea of a good time - Stacey Colino

Stomach Cancer

At least 90% of these cancers are thought to be caused by Helicobacter pylori, with this disease occuring due to genetic abnormalities that develop in stomach cells as a result of constant and severe gastritis - Phil Sutton

Stomach drugs

Regardless of what medication you take, it can be a drug mugger of essential nutrients, thus causing all sorts of side effects - Suzy Cohen R.Ph

Stomach Flu

Next time a friend or family member loses his or her lunch, extend empathy for their enteritis; good vibes for their gastric distress, but don’t call it the flu - Kavin Senapathy


Stomatitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, including the inner aspect of the lips, cheeks, gums, tongue, and throat. It is a type of mucositis. It can be acute or chronic, mild or serious. Inflammation of the vermilion of the lips is known as cheilitis, inflammation of the tongue is glossitis, inflammation of the gums is gingivitis, and inflammation of the back of the mouth is pharyngitis - DermNet NZ

Stool Based Colorectal Cancer Screening

There are two different types of tests on the market today that you can take in the privacy of your own home that requires no laxative-taking/bowel-cleansing preparation - Jim T Miller

Stool Softeners Docusate Colace

Despite common practice, the efficacy of docusate as a stool softener has not been borne out by rigorous scientific data. On the contrary, multiple randomized controlled trials have failed to show any significant efficacy of this drug over placebo - Robert J Fakheri MD & Frank M Volpicelli MD


Crossed eyes, lazy eye, amblyopia, wall eyes, squint, tropia, double vision, turned, floating, wandering, wayward, or drifting eyes - Eyes Apart: Living with strabismus


The majority of strangulation attacks do not leave any visible external injuries on the victim - Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention

Street Drugs

Over the past decade, however, some of these drugs have largely become adulterated or flat out replaced by cheaper synthetic street drugs that can be even worse for the person taking them - Scott Froum DDS

Street Harassment

A recent video shed light on the street harassment that women suffer on a daily basis. But much of the ensuing chatter—particularly from women—has served to obscure the problem.

Strength Training

Despite a prevalent allegiance to cardio machines for things like weight loss and overall health, strength training not only builds muscle but can prevent disease, improve mood and — really! — help you lose weight - Sarah Klein


A shot to prevent streptococcus infections could save lives and reduce health care costs. And although creating a strep vaccine is a trickier proposition than it was for those other pathogens, evidence is mounting that it isn’t impossible - Kate Sheridan

Strep Pneumoniae (Pneumococcus Pneumonia)

Multiple causes of pneumonia exist, but the most common and deadliest is the pneumococcus bacterium, responsible for close to half of the cases of pneumonia in children -

Strep Throat (Streptococcus Pharyngitis)

The patient is usually younger than 50, and the sore throat comes on like gangbusters within hours or overnight, making swallowing so difficult that drooling can occur - Marvin M. Lipman MD


Although streptokinase (not available in United States) and urokinase may be less costly than newer agents, their lack of specificity and less favorable adverse effect profiles (i.e. higher risk of hemorrhage) limits their clinical utility - Scott Fitter PharmD


Streptomycin, a ground breaking antibiotic discovered in the mid-20th century, has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the treatment of various bacterial infections. Its discovery marked the beginning of the antibiotic era, saving countless lives and significantly improving global public health - Kishore Thorve


If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn't ask me, I'd still have to say it - George Burns


Stretching is perhaps one of the most controversial fitness subjects of present day - Sock Doc

Stroke & Aneurysms

Surviving three strokes and an untreated aneurysm makes Kevin Sorbo much more like Hercules than his TV character

Stroke and Women

Stroke has been considered a male disease, but we know that it is very prevalent in women and has a high risk of disability and death - Dr. Tracy E. Madsen

Stroke Apps

Rehabilitation...can be an uphill battle. Both stroke survivors and caregivers encounter monumental challenges. With technology advancing so rapidly, there are ways to utilize your smartphone or tablet to help in the recovery process - Mara Calomino

Stroke Can We Turn It Around?

The message is clear, stroke incidence is increasing, recognition is difficult and unlike heart attacks there is no widely-available treatment

Stroke Centers

Stroke has transitioned from a disease dominated by neurologic consultation services only to one managed by vascular neurologists in geographical stroke units, stroke teams and care pathways - Philip B. Gorelick

Stroke Clincal Trials

By volunteering for a clinical study, you would be participating in research that may result in a new treatment for a deadly or debilitating disease - NIH

Stroke Drugs

There are several kinds of medications that doctors may administer or prescribe to a stroke patient: tPA, a clot buster; blood thinners; and drugs that lower high blood pressure and cholesterol -

Stroke Imaging

Imaging maintains a critical and growing role in the care of stroke patients, broadly spanning diagnosis, prognostication, therapy selection, and treatment monitoring - Seena Dehkharghan MD and Jalal Andre MD

Stroke Is the Treatment Worth the Risk?

It's sad to say that customary stroke treatment is similar to how heart attacks were treated before the 1970's. New technology is needed, not just clot busters. In the meantime know where the nearest stroke treatment center is

Stroke Journals

More money should be placed on stroke research and campaigns to educate people about the risks of stroke - Dr. Richard Benson

Stroke Procedures

Care has improved dramatically in the last few years as advances in thrombectomy—surgical clot removal—have allowed doctors to clear larger blockages and treat patients up to 24 hours after symptoms began - Diana Kwon

Stroke Rehab Products

While most stroke therapy works by exercising the part of the body associated with the injured portion of the brain, some of the new therapies take a different approach - Emma Court

Stroke Research

The bottom line for most people in most countries: changing behavior to reduce the risk factors, especially hypertension, can dramatically reduce incidence of stroke - David DiSalvo

Stroke Survivors

The ultimate goal should always be to maximize recovery of function to support the patient’s ability to maintain independence at home and in the community - Karen J Nolan PhD

Stroke Types

There are two basic types of strokes – ischemic and hemorrhagic. An ischemic stroke occurs when blood cannot reach part of the brain for a prolonged period of time and permanent damage to brain tissue takes place. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures and bleeding occurs within the brain. Roughly 80% of strokes are of the ischemic type - Jodi Gehring MD

Strongyloides (Strongyloidiasis)

The unique nature of S. stercoralis results in clinical practice challenges, including diagnostic complexities, a broad spectrum of disease presentations depending on the host’s immunity, and corresponding difficulties caused by treatment complications - Dr. Viravarn Luvira

Student Nurse Organizations

Nurses are a unique kind. They have this insatiable need to care for others, which is both their biggest strength and fatal flaw – Dr. Jean Watson


It's very stressful being a student, yes we remember. There are tons of sites out there that cater to students but to our knowledge, no one has tried to accommodate them all in one site. So, we are going to give it a shot - HWN


Despite scientific breakthroughs in our knowledge about stuttering, there is still no reliable, research-backed “cure” that works consistently, over time, and for all people who stutter - National Stuttering Association

Styes (Hordeola) and Chalazia

In general, hordeola are acute, infected, and painful lesions at the rim of the eyelid. Chalazia are subacute or chronic, noninfected, and generally less painful lesions on the conjunctival side of the eyelid - Pediatrics Clerkship, University of Chicago


Unfortunately, the very qualities that make expanded polystyrene (EPS) such an ubiquitous, cost-effective material are also the reasons it has become an all-out environmental nightmare - Becky Ferreira

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Sudden onset, Unlike previous headaches, Maximal at onset - Lucas Chartier

Subclavian Steal Syndrome

Subclavian steal syndrome is a phenomenon of arterial flow reversal secondary to occlusive disease in proximal subclavian arteries, occasionally resulting in neurologic sequelae - Jonathan D Woo MD

Subclinical Hypothyroidism

Countless patients with hypothyroid symptoms are dismissed because their lab values don’t fit within the narrow diagnostic criteria established by standard thyroid panels - Chris Kresser


Its capacity is virtually unlimited. It permanently stores everything that ever happens to you. By the time you reach the age of 21, you’ve already permanently stored more than 100 times the contents of the entire Encyclopedia Britannica - Brian Tracy

Subcutaneous Emphysema

Subcutaneous emphysema is the presence of air within the subcutaneous layers of the skin caused by gas formation secondary to infection, or more commonly, air escaping from pleura, mediastinum, peritoneum, or gastrointestinal tract. Common causes include trauma, spontaneous pneumothorax, iatrogenicity, and barotrauma - Yue Jay Lin MD

Subdural Hematoma

SDHs can result from minor head trauma or even just rapid acceleration/deceleration of the head, particularly in elderly patients - The County EM Blog

Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone)

The reasons drugs like Suboxone aren’t more commonly administered are more cultural—and arguably more entrenched and difficult to solve—than a mere issue of training - David Holmes

Substance Abuse & Adam Goldstein

Drug addiction is a life long struggle. Due to DJ AM's untimely death we may never know if 'Gone Too Far', his upcoming MTV show, would have made a difference for young people whose lives had been turned upside down by drugs

Substance Use Disorder

We should be dealing with it as a disease that needs treatment, rather than prosecuting it as a crime - Julie Beck

Substance Use Disorder Facilities

Even its cheerleaders recognize that there’s miles to go before all people with addiction have access to respectful, ethical, effective and evidence-based care - Maia Szalavitz

Substance Use Disorder Rehabilitation

Be wary of any program that claims a 100 percent success rate. There is no such thing - William Moyers

Substance Use Disorder Tests

Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem - Kurt Cobain

Subtypes HR/HER2

Breast cancer is a heterogeneous malignancy that can be divided into several molecular subtypes according to estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) - Hengqiang Zhao* and Yiping Gong

Subungual Hematoma

The subungual hematoma is probably the most common nail injury encountered in Emergency Medicine - Gabby Alzadeh MD


Unrefined sugars can be SO confusing – sucanat, rapadura, panela, and muscovado. Not only are they unfamiliar in the culture, tough to find at your local grocery store, and a maze of nutritional myths - Katie Kimball CSME


Succinylcholine; the only depolarizing NMBA we use, was introduced in 1951 and has been used since the advent of RSI. Due to its contraindications and side effects, alternative non-depolarizing NMBAs such as vecuronium and rocuronium were introduced. Vecuronium has largely fallen out of favour for RSI due to its slow onset - Bo Zheng and Richard Hoang

Sucralose (Splenda)

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener made from the combination of chlorine and sugar molecules and is commonly sold under the brand name Splenda. Although this sweet, calorie-free sugar substitute is tempting, it may be doing more harm to your health than good - Lucas Irwin NASM


Sucrose is simply the chemical name for sugar, the simple carbohydrate we know and love that is produced naturally in all plants, including fruits, vegetables and even nuts - The Sugar Association

Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS)

The most common Sads conditions include genetic arrhythmia syndromes such as long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) and Brugada syndrome - Frank Chung

Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Despite the advent of CPR and AEDs, sudden cardiac arrest outcomes remain dismal.- HWN

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Cool the Body

Evidence suggests that the number of people resuscitated from SCA without significant brain damage may double simply by using hypothermia. Yet most hospitals and EMS systems have not embraced it. Why?

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Is There Hope?

Sudden cardiac arrest mortality remains high even in the setting of bystander CPR and AEDs. Routine placement of AEDs in the homes of patients who are at risk for SCA may be worth it but we still have a long way to go!

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Talkin’ About My Generation

Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Heart attack are not the same. Learn the difference! John Hughes’unexpected death helps focus attention on this devastating disease

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Young Athletes Is It Stoppable?

The sudden death of any young athlete is tragic and often comes as a shock not only to the individual’s immediate family and f riends, but also to the affected community

Sudden Coronary Artery Dissection

All the research done so far to understand spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) has turned up only a single confirmed risk factor. Having a heart

Sudden Onset Aphasia

In most cases, the cause of aphasia is stroke or hemorrhage to the brain. It’s something that’s a sudden onset, an acquired brain event, and one-third of all stroke survivors end up having aphasia - Swathi Kiran


Suffocation and smothering are two ways of preventing the intake of air into the lungs via the mouth. Both of these methods have been used throughout the ages as a means of committing murder... Likewise suffocation and smothering can also be applied to young children who perhaps are left alone with small toys or small items that can fit into their mouths - Jack Claridge

Sugar (Sucrose)

Avoiding sugar is not a panacea, though. A healthy diet is about so much more than refusing that second sugar cube and keeping the cookies out of reach or hidden in the cupboard - Ferris Jabr

Sugar Alcohols

Despite what the name might imply, sugar alcohols are neither sugars nor alcohols. They are a type of carbohydrate that can be added to foods and drinks to make them sweeter without adding the same amounts of calories and carbs as regular sugar. They are not technically artificial sweeteners- Imashi Fernando

Sugar Crash

Probably the most well-known downside of bingeing on excess carbs is the dreaded crash - Brooks Miller

Sugar Free Diet

Because there are over 50 different names give to sugars, it can make it even harder when reading food labels to determine what foods actually contain added sugar - Emily Maguire

Sugar Free Foods

Sugar-free foods are often marketed to seem healthy. Yet these foods are typically pumped full of artificial sweeteners that are bad for your body – and can actually make it harder to lose weight - Ideal You

Sugar Rush

It’s a myth American culture has clung to for decades—and these days, it’s not just a kid thing - Adrianna McIntyre

Sugar Substitutes

Sugar substitutes are food additives that duplicate the taste of sugar in food, but do not supply food energy or calories. Some sugar substitutes are natural and others are synthetically produced. These synthetically produced sweeteners are generally called artificial sweeteners - Carolyn Washburn and Nedra Christensen


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem - Phil Donahue

Suicide Do You Know What to Look For?

Despite the widespread use of antidepressants, the worldwide rate of suicide has not changed, which reinforces the importance of recognizing who's at risk. You may save a life - HWN

Suicide Prevention

Suicide, and its recent increase in the United States, is a frustrating, stubborn tragedy. But remember: We’re not powerless. We can help - Julia Belluz


Sulfur Dioxide, also known as sulfite or SO2 is a commonly misrepresented, yet critical component of wine. In the United States, wineries are required to use the statement Contains Sulfites on the label which has caused somewhat of a hysteria over the substance. SO2 occurs as a natural bi-product of alcoholic fermentation by yeast, whether in nature or in the winery. - Rick Haibach


As one of the earliest developed antimicrobial classes, sulfonamides remain important therapeutic options for the empiric and definitive treatment of various infectious diseases. In the general population, approximately 3–8% of patients are reported to experience a sulfonamide allergy. Sulfonamide allergies can result in various physical manifestations; however, rash is reported as the most frequently observed - Amber Giles


Sulfonylureas for patients with Type 2 diabetes: still an option. Glimepiride, in particular, does not appear to confer excess risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes.- Allan S. Brett, MD

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)

Sulfur Dioxide, also known as sulfite or SO2 is a commonly misrepresented, yet critical component of wine. In the United States, wineries are required to use the statement Contains Sulfites on the label which has caused somewhat of a hysteria over the substance. SO2 occurs as a natural bi-product of alcoholic fermentation by yeast, whether in nature or in the winery. - Rick Haibach

Sulfur Dioxide Emissions

Sulfur dioxide and closely related chemicals are known primarily as a cause of acid rain. But they also reflect light when released in the atmosphere, which keeps sunlight out and creates a cooling effect - Christina Nunez

Summer Olympics 2020

It will not be a moment, as some hoped, of a world showing solidarity amid the toll and tragedy of the pandemic. Instead, it will be a showcase for just how far the world still has to go to defeat Covid-19 - Jen Kirby

Summer Paralympics 2020

Shaped by evolving societal attitudes towards physical and mental impairment, the Paralympics have gone from championing rehabilitation to being the second biggest mega-event in the international sports calendar - Christopher Brown

Summer Sores (Habronematidosis)

When larvae migrate into horse tissue, it sets of an intense inflammatory reaction. This reaction – the “sore” as it were – is what people see and worry about (the “summer” part of “summer sores” comes, of course, because flies are most active in the summer) - David Ramey DVM

Sun Poisoning

Generally speaking, a severe sunburn tips over to sun poisoning when the symptoms you are experiencing also include headache, nausea, chills, fever, dizziness, lethargy, and/or weakness - Apple Bodemer MD


Given that sunburns are such a mundane phenomenon, it's surprising how many questions and misunderstandings are out there - Joseph Stromberg

Sundown Syndrome

Experts agree that confusion and agitation are more common in the evening and at night. But there is surprisingly little scientific consensus on what sundowning actually is - Dr. David Scales


There's sunscreen in just about every cosmetic and lotion available, as well as most lip balms throughout the planet. Yet, skin cancer including melanoma is on the rise - HWN


Before you despair and never leave the house again on a sunny day, take heart: There is some positive news in the world of sunscreen. Never before have so many skin protection options been available, and in such a wide price range - Christine Lennon

Sunscreens & Melanoma

Despite aggressive campaigns reminding people to liberally use sunscreens, skin cancer including melanoma is on the rise. Just look at Australia. Could ‘slip, slop' causing more harm than good?

Sunscreens Are They An Oxymoron

Could sunscreens be causing more harm than good? Then again, which one do you choose?

Sunscreens...Are You Better Off Without?

You're better off without sunscreen. At least, that's what a few recent articles are telling you. But guess what you're really better off without?

Super Glue

Accidental cyanoacrylate adhesive exposures to any and all parts of the body are not uncommon,.. Recommended treatments for non-ocular injuries include irrigation, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, topical antibiotic ointment, peanut butter, acetone, and WD-40 - Marwa K. Maki & Jason W. David MD

Super Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea, once an easily treated and relatively mild STI, is becoming a superbug, with major public health implications - Ed Cara

Super Immunity & Covid-19

Vaccine policy should consider the power of ‘Hybrid Immunity’ - Charlotte Thålin

Superbugs (Drug Resistant Bacteria)

Things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill - Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization

Superficial Fungal Infections

The great majority of superficial fungal infections are caused by dermatophytes, which belong to one of three genera Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum, with T. rubrum being the most prominent cause of nail infection - William E. Goldman

Superficial Venous Thrombosis

Diverse mechanisms play a role in its development, but it is most frequently linked to varicose veins. Diagnosis is clinical, but ultrasound visualization of the venous segment is essential for the initiation of adequate management - Denis L. Clement


Residing under the umbrella of ‘functional foods’, a superfood is usually found in nature and contains a high amount of nutrients that are said to positively impact on one’s health and wellbeing - Milly Stilinovic

Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome

Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a frequently overlooked cause of abdominal pain and emesis associated with food consumption in patients who have lost substantial weight. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome results from the compression of the horizontal duodenum between the SMA and the aorta owing to atrophy of the mesenteric fat pad resulting from weight loss - Dennis Gibson MD

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

Superior vena cava syndrome occurs when the SVC is extrinsically compressed or occluded. Thoracic malignant disorders are the most common cause, but SVCS also can be caused by SVC thrombosis and stenosis secondary to indwelling venous lines or pacemaker leads -

Superspreaders & Covid-19

Superspreading drives the COVID pandemic — and could help to tame it - Dyani Lewis

Supper Clubs

The concept of the secretive supper club is driven by their exclusivity and intimacy, with nights that might involve a much-lauded chef or an unusual or surreptitious location. Some are centered on a theme or a gimmick (make your own meals - Rick Rojas

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