Rabies has never killed humans in great numbers, but it inspires fear far out of proportion to the risks. In part, this is because of the savage, almost supernatural mania that can grip its victims before they die - Wired
Rabies Postexposure Prophylaxis
Pasteur’s rabies vaccine—which, because of the long latency period between bite and brain infection, could be administered days after someone was bitten—transformed an arbitrary killer into a preventable disease - Monica Murphy et al
Rabies Vaccine
Pasteur’s rabies vaccine—which, because of the long latency period between bite and brain infection, could be administered days after someone was bitten—transformed an arbitrary killer into a preventable disease - Monica Murphy et al
At a time when so much is going on, we give you a moment of calm where you can just focus on one thing, get some history, get some context and feel like you actually understand what’s happening - Mary Harris
Racism in Healthcare
Racial discrimination has shaped so many American institutions that perhaps it should be no surprise that health care is among them. Put simply, people of color receive less care — and often worse care — than white Americans. - Austin Frakt
Radial Head Fractures
Though elbow fractures, such as an intra-articular radial head fracture, are not high in volume, we misdiagnose them at such a large rate that they still qualify as one of the most commonly missed fractures - Ryan Lynch MD
Radial head Subluxation
Don’t fret over which technique is most superior… they both work well, so if one doesn’t work… try the other one. Usually, I’ll start with the hyperpronation, merely because the position of the arm initially makes easier to attempt - Sean M. Fox MD
We all fear radiation yet life depends on it. We each are radioactive, living on a radioactive planet, in a radioactive solar system, in a radioactive universe, in a radioactive galaxy - Robert Peter Gale, MD and Eric Lax
Radiation Exposure
There is no safe amount of radiation. Even small amounts do harm - Linus Pauling PhD Nobel Laureate
Radiation Injuries
Although more than 119 million U.S. residents live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, most emergency physicians are unfamiliar with management of radiation-related injuries, including mass casualty from nuclear accidents - Leslie Crosby MD
Radiation Oncologists
Radiation oncology remains one of the more misunderstood treatment modalities in cancer care. Many patients know much less about radiation than chemotherapy or surgery, and many have difficulties in comprehending the more complex aspects of treatment. Thus, there is a particularly significant role for patient education in this field - Nadia Saeed, BA
Radiation Sickness
Rapidly proliferating cell lines such as intestinal mucosa and bone marrow are most immediately sensitive to radiation and manifest the symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome. Exposure to less than 1 Gy (1 Gy = 100 rads) is unlikely to produce symptoms, whereas greater than 10 Gy is fatal - Leslie Crosby MD
Radiation Spills
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach - Aldous Huxley
Radicalization, researchers have found, is driven by a need to matter and be respected. Violence is often a means to that end, especially when it is in the name of a cause - Daniela Hernandez and Parmy Olson
Radio Shows
What a great way to stay current! Download a radio show podcast and listen in your car, office or anywhere your mobile device goes- all at your convenience
Radioactive Fallout
Radioactive fallout poses the greatest threat to people during the first two weeks, by which time it has declined to about 1 percent of its initial radiation level - Patrick Allan
Radiofrequency Ablation
The treatment of cardiac arrhythmias has been revolutionized by the ability to definitively treat many patients with radiofrequency catheter ablation, rather than requiring lifelong medication - J.P. Joseph
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
Vein doctors recommend radiofrequency ablation (RFA) as one of their top choices for quick, efficient, FDA-approved varicose vein treatment. Although internet articles and social media may seem more excited about sclerotherapy, vein specialists know radiofrequency ablation offers a wealth of benefits - The Vein Blog
Radiologic Technician Blogs
It is perfectly okay to write garbage - as long as you edit brilliantly - C. J. Cherryh
Radiologic Technician Careers
Diagnostic imaging has proliferated, especially in the last decade, because of increased availability and widespread utilization. As a result a career in radiology technology can be rewarding and does not limit you to just the hospital setting
Radiologic Technician CE
Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence - Robert Frost
Radiologic Techs
If you have ever said, "Turn off the lights! I can't see!", you might be an x-ray tech - SomeEcards.com
Radiologist Journals
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose - Zora Neale Hurston
Radiologist Organizations
An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it - Dee Hock
Radiology (Radiologists)
There are substantial medical and productivity benefits to be gained from integrating AI with radiological practice - Thomas H. Davenport & Keith J. Dreyer DO
Radiology Procedures
There needs to be more emphasis on emerging technology that limits radiation hazards, such as some of the newer laser CT techniques, as opposed to placing imaging centers on every corner -HWN
Radiology Tech Jobs
We get enough background radiation as it is. Radiologic technicians are in a position to be patient advocates, especially when it comes to our children - HWN
Naturally occurring radionuclides are widely distributed in the earth’s crust, so it’s no surprise that mineral and hydrocarbon extraction processes, conventional and unconventional alike, often produce some radioactive waste - Valerie J Brown
Cancer is a harsh thing and the treatments are harsh, but you are stronger. Radiation saved my life - Jami Mayberry
Radiotherapy Cancer
Cancer is a harsh thing and the treatments are harsh, but you are stronger. Radiation saved my life - Jami Mayberry
Despite the risks, radon until recently has ranked pretty low on many homeowners' action lists, including mine. You can't see, smell or taste it, which makes it -- unlike mold -- easy to ignore - Gwendolyn Bounds
Radon Exposure
Radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Instead of being worried about airport scanners, perhaps we ought to be paying more attention to ensuring that our homes are as safe as possible!
Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
The strict definition of the Ramsay Hunt syndrome is peripheral facial nerve palsy accompanied by an erythematous vesicular rash on the ear (zoster oticus) or in the mouth.- C J Sweeney & D H Gilden
Ranitidine (Zantac)
The FDA took this action because they could no longer stomach the amount of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) that could be contaminating ranitidine medications. - Bruce Y. Lee
Ranitidine (Zantac) Recall
The FDA took this action because they could no longer stomach the amount of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) that could be contaminating ranitidine medications. - Bruce Y. Lee
People looking to slow or reverse the symptoms of aging can find remedies ranging from restricted diets and ice baths to an alphabet soup of vitamins. Should they look no further than the tablet form of rapamycin, a molecule isolated from soil bacteria on Easter Island that’s been shown to extend the lifespan of mice, yeast, worms and flies - Cynthia McCormick Hibbert
Short of homicide, [rape] is the "ultimate violation of self" - Byron R White
Rapid Antigen Tests
These tests closely mimic one of the earliest prototypes – the urine pregnancy test – and as a result they have gained wide acceptance based on their overall simplicity, low cost and relative accuracy. In some situations, especially as a screening test, they can be used instead of the more technically demanding and complex molecular and serologic assays that are still useful and helpful under many different circumstances - Charles S. Pavia
Rapid Antigen Tests Covid-19
Paper antigen tests aren’t SARS-CoV-2 tests at all, not like PCR tests are. They are rapid, cheap COVID-19 contagiousness tests - Robinson Meyer and Alexis C. Madrigal
Rare conditions
Rare diseases are inherently hard to diagnose. According to the European Organisation for Rare Disease, 25 per cent of diagnoses are delayed by between 5 and 30 years
Raspberry Ketones
Before you jump on the raspberry ketone bandwagon, there are a few things you should know about this over-priced, proclaimed weight-loss miracle in a bottle - Becky Hand
Raw Fish
Raw fish, such as sushi, and other uncooked seafood may be delicious, but they also may be dangerous – even life-threatening – if prepared inexpertly - Susan Scutti
Raw Foods Diet
Making the decision to eat a raw food diet is not an easy one. You have to first mentally take the steps to go vegetarian, then vegan, then gluten-free, and then basically give up ever eating hot food again - Julie R Thomson
Raw Honey
Honey is nature’s best gift to mankind, this natural sweetener has been used for centuries as a potent nectar extracted from the honeycomb, which has been used for its medicinal properties as well as for its health enriching properties - Times of India
Raw Milk
Raw milk: the benefits are unclear but the dangers are real - James Blaxland & Vitti Allender
Raw Sugar
The truth is, raw sugar has about the same number of calories as regular sugar and offers no tangible health benefits - Andrea Boldt
Raw Water
“Raw” water proponents say it contains healthy and natural minerals that get stripped out when tap water or bottled water is filtered and treated - Jen Kirby
Raynaud's disease
While there is currently no cure for Raynaud’s, you may be able to avoid it by avoiding the things that can trigger an attack - Karrie Sundbom
rbST (Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin)
Despite the proven safety of rbST and its effectiveness in reducing the carbon and nitrogen footprint of dairy cows, the industry eliminated rbST use because of consumer pressure - Chris Gambino
Findings on bedside ultrasound consistent with RD include a hyperechoic membrane floating in the posterior chamber. RD usually remain tethered to the optic disc posteriorly and do not cross midline, a feature distinguishing them from posterior vitreous detachments - Adnan Riaz MD
Reactive Airway Disease
Reactive airway disease has a large differential diagnosis and must not be confused with asthma - The Angry Asthma Mama
Reactive Arthritis
Reactive arthritis may be self-limiting, frequently recurring, chronic or progressive. Most patients have severe symptoms lasting a few weeks to six months - Wikipedia
Reactive Hypoglycemia
Reactive hypoglycemia, also known as postprandial hypoglycemia or sugar crash, is a phrase used to describe recurring episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia that occur within four hours following a high-carbohydrate meal in both persons with and without diabetes, as well as in healthy individuals - Shifa Fatima MSc
Reading Is Fundamental⎯But Less So with E-Books
All technology can be considered a form of progress, but not all such progress is for the better. And when it comes to reading to kids, e-books may be a step backward from print.
REBOA is a useful tool in the treatment of life-threatening, non-compressible traumatic intra-abdominal hemorrhage in carefully selected patients. It is very resource intensive and is only a bridge therapy, much like ECMO - Matt Astin
You may never know when the next recall will occur. Besides keeping track of the latest medication or device recalls, always try to find out where your produce comes from and never assume that your food is clean - HWN
Recalls Drugs
While the reasons for product recalls vary, they are commonly related to packaging defects, contamination of a product, improper testing of a product, or inherent safety problems which could lead a product to harm a patient - Alexander Gaffney
Recalls Medical Devices
Medical devices are intended to cure, but some may cause harm. We’re not collecting the data that would help us know the difference - Austin Frakt
Recreational Drugs
Drugs are a bet with your mind - Jim Morrison
Rectal Bleeding (Hematochezia)
The underlying etiology can vary from life-threatening variceal bleeding to clinically insignificant hemorrhoidal bleeding. The most common etiology is diverticular bleeding, which accounts for 20% to 55% of cases, followed by intestinal ischemia, anorectal disorders, and neoplasia, which each accounting for around 10% of cases.- Thomas G. Cotter MD
Rectal Prolapse
Rectal prolapse is an evagination of the rectal tissue through the anal opening. Factors that weaken the pelvic floor muscles increase the risk of rectal prolapse - Jarod Scott MD
Do not throw me out. Please - Diane Samuels, Kindertransport: A Drama
Recycling Repair Cafés: An Old Approach to New Tech
Part and parcel of our conspicuous consumerism is to buy new products even when the old ones can be repaired. It's an insidious cycle that may lead to ruin. But some people are trying to fix the problem⎯literally.
Red 3
The dye is known as erythrosine, FD&C Red No. 3 or Red 3. The ban removes it from the list of approved color additives in foods, dietary supplements and oral medicines, such as cough syrups. More than three decades ago, the FDA declined to authorize use of Red 3 in cosmetics and externally applied drugs - Jonel Aleccia
Red 40
Research is limited, but some experts believe red dye 40 and other synthetic dyes may cause behavior changes in kids due to a chemical change in the brain or a hypersensitivity causing an allergy-like reaction - Margaret Darby
Red Blood Cell Disorders
These disorders have different clinical features and mechanisms of disease, but all result in anemia - Howard Topol
Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
Red cells are one of the few kinds of cells in the body with no nucleus and only a thin layer of protein skeleton under their membrane: they are living bags of hemoglobin - Amy Sung
Red Eye
Red eye: just conjunctivitis or a serious problem - Richard Quinn
Red Meat
We all hear about how bad red meat is for both the planet’s health and our own. Planet-wise, there’s no argument: The detrimental effects of greenhouse gases from livestock production on the earth’s atmosphere can’t be overlooked - Claire Maldarelli
Red Tide
Not all algal blooms are created equal. Some just stink up lakes and ponds, but others pose a health risk or have cost coastal economies millions of dollars - Marion Renault
Red Wine
Here's the bottom line. It's possible, but far from certain, that you could get some health benefits from moderate drinking - Markham Heid
Refactory VF
If all else fails, give a double shock.. twice - jshibata
Refined Carbohydrates (Refined Carbs)
The loose label of refined carbs is an umbrella term generally used to describe carbohydrates that have had the bulk of their nutritional value removed during the manufacturing process - Lisa Young PhD
Refined Grains
The crux of the situation is that the shelf-life of products are far more important in our economy than the health and well-being of the people. If we are to lean on the "staff of life" for nutrition, we must identify the counterfeit refined grains from the real, whole grains - Food Matters
Refined Sugar
Western diets often include too much of a type of sugar called ‘refined sugar’. This is sugar which is extracted from the sugar cane or sugar beet plant and processed to remove its natural nutrients - Bhupesh Panchal
Most people often dismiss heartburn as common and trivial, an ailment to be treated with a grimace and a glug of thick, chalky pink liquid. But, while acid reflux is very common, it is far from insignificant - Glenn D Braunstein MD
One in every 122 humans is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum - UNHCR
While the Covid-19 virus was knocking the world off balance, scientists, production experts, office managers, logistics personnel and others at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. were gearing up in a monumental effort to find a therapy that could save lives.- Peter Katz
Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative medicine, which consists of tissue engineering, cell therapies, and healing therapies, is still in its infancy, but is a fast-growing segment in the medical field - A. John Hodge
Regional Anesthesia
While the pursuit of new techniques is always a worthy one, I also think there needs to be a movement toward getting the most out of the current blocks we have - Edward Mariano MD
Regional Enteritis
People with Crohn's disease know that life isn't always sunshine and roses - but it's also not always as "crappy" as it sometimes feels - Tracy Rosecrans
Rehab Facilities
For the most part, addiction treatment has skirted evidence-based medicine, flourishing outside the mainstream - Zachary Siegel
Rehab Therapist Careers
Imagine a career helping patients get back to what’s most important to them - Rehab Without Walls
Rehab Therapist Jobs
The rehab industry is not what it used to be. Can you believe that rehab therapy is coming to your local ICU
Rehab Therapists
From physical and occupational therapists to speech-language pathologists, rehab therapy is a booming industry
Rehabilitation Facilities
For the most part, addiction treatment has skirted evidence-based medicine, flourishing outside the mainstream - Zachary Siegel
The 5 elements within the system of Reiki--the precepts, the meditations, the hands-on healing, the symbols and mantras, and the attunement/reiju--are all keys to unlock our innate compassion and wisdom - Frans Stiene
Reiter's syndrome
Reactive arthritis may be self-limiting, frequently recurring, chronic or progressive. Most patients have severe symptoms lasting a few weeks to six months - Wikipedia
Sleep. Diet. Exercise. These three things, we’ve been told, are among the tried-and-true pillars of physical health. There is another, though—relationships - Amy X. Wang
Relaxation Drinks
The new drinks, containing plant extracts or even natural human hormones, are designed to chill you out without impairing your function as much as alcohol. Some have sugar, but others use low-calorie sweeteners - Laura Johannes
The main research behind Relaxium Sleep has some serious flaws and isn't robust. On top of that, many of the ingredients are not present in the right amounts to be clinically effective. However, the product performs adequately for some people - Database For Brain Effectiveness & Memory,
Relief Factor
Relief Factor is one of the most popular joint supplements in the world right now - J. Theorin
Religious Discrimination
As we have seen dramatically in recent years, unchecked persecution of religious minorities has been associated with two of the worst humanitarian calamities of our time — an unprecedented refugee crisis, and genocide - Thomas Reese
REM Sleep
REM sleep is more for mental restoration while non-REM sleep is more for physical restoration - Dr. Allison Brager
Although hardly a cure, the drug originally developed as an option for Ebola virus may yet find a life in the management of patients with pneumonia caused by severe COVID-19 - Brian Dunleavy
Remeron (Mirtazapine)
Remeron is classed as an atypical antidepressant. Unlike SSRIs or other types of antidepressants, it is tetracyclic, having a compound of four molecules in its chemical structure - Diane Ridaeus
Remote Cardiac Event Monitoring
If virtual care — including remote heart monitoring — can give patients and clinicians a clearer picture of heart health in real time, experts project their use could become far more widespread in the coming months and years - Erin Brodwin
Remote Patient Monitoring
Cloud-connected medical devices save lives, but also raise questions about privacy, security, and oversight - Neta Alexander
Renal (Ureteral) Colic
Ureteral colic is a clinical diagnosis. The goal of diagnostic tests is not to confirm the presence or absence of a ureteral stone but rather to exclude other more serious causes of the patient’s symptoms - Anand Swaminathan MD
Renal Artery Stenosis (RAS)
Precise diagnosis and detection of RAS is often a challenge due to the following problems: first, this disorder is usually asymptomatic, except the high blood pressure, which is a very common and asymptomatic disease. Second, most RAS cases occur along with other diseases that result in chronic renal diseases, especially high blood pressure and diabetes - Zahra Poshtchaman
Renal Tubular Acidosis
The most clearly defined and recognisable form, and the one in which the molecular defects responsible have been best elucidated, is the syndrome known today as distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA); also called ‘classical’, ‘type 1′ or ‘hypokalaemic’ RTA, terms that encapsulate both its origin and one of its cardinal clinical features - Oliver M Wrong and Robert J Unwin
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy provides a chance to curb greenhouse gas emissions, lower the cost of electricity, and empower communities. It’s also better for public health. - Maria McCoy
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
One of the coolest aspects of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is that it involves multiple organ systems: the liver, lung, adrenal gland, kidney, and vasculature are all prominently involved - Nathan Hellman
Rental Nurses
Learn to be flexible & remember it's only temporary unless you chose to extend. Get everything in writing & review it carefully before you sign. Get info. about the area your staying- go & explore - Highway Hypodermics
Repetitive Stress & Overuse Injuries
It's called Repetitive Stress Injury for good reason—it is the many repetitions of the same movement over many years that cause the problems - Henrik Warne
Reproductive Health
We envision a world where every woman is free to decide whether and when to have children; where every woman has access to the best reproductive healthcare available; where every woman can exercise her choices - Center for Reproductive Rights
Reproductive Rights
Sexual and reproductive rights are integral to basic human rights. Yet they are commonly ignored by governments and at times receive short shrift from some members of the broader human rights community - Jacqueline Nolley Echegaray
Repurposed Drugs
Repurposing existing drugs by finding new targets, delivery methods, and formulations is a promising approach to speed the development of much-needed treatments - Lindsay Brownell
Repurposed Drugs for Covid-19
Repurposing drugs has immense benefits for both developers and consumers. Risks are greatly reduced, as the drugs have not only gone through safety trials but have been widely used - Robert Goldberg
Modern medical advances have helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives. We owe these improvements to decades of investment in medical research - Ike Skelton
Research Docs
No matter how counter-intuitive it may seem, basic research has proven over and over to be the lifeline of practical advances in medicine - Arthur Kornberg
Research Organizations
Health-related data is becoming more valuable, especially as research institutions and hospitals start using machine-learning to make sense of the growing volume of information - Daniela Hernandez
Research Professionals
Scientific research is one of the most exciting and rewarding of occupations - Frederick Sanger
Reset Diet
A reset diet is designed to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, burn fat, identify food intolerances, reduce allergic reactions or intolerance reactions, boost energy, regulate blood sugar, and stabilise mood. This is all done without restricting the number calories you eat - The Sustainable Training Method
Resistance Training
Most of us probably know exercising is associated with a smaller risk of premature death, but a new study has found that doesn’t have to happen in a CrossFit box, a ninja warrior studio, or even a gym - Emmanuel Stamatakis
Resistant Covid
The researchers have suggested that we need to be doing more to uncover those secret few in the population who might be genetically resistant to SARS-CoV-2 - Jacinta Bowler
Resistant Starches
What sets resistant starch apart is that unlike other types of starchy carbs, which break down into simple sugars in your small intestine (the place where most food is processed), resistant starch—aptly named because it “resists” digestion—stays intact until it reaches your large intestine (colon). This is why it’s technically classified as a dietary fiber - Matthew Kadey MS RD
Respiratory Acidosis
The causes of hypercapnia are very broad, so the evaluation will need to be tailored substantially depending on the clinical context - Josh Farkas
Respiratory Alkalosis
Hypocapnia is the most common acid-base disorder among critically ill patients. This shouldn't be surprising, since hypocapnia may be caused by almost any pulmonary disease, pain/anxiety, or sepsis – exceedingly common conditions among critically ill patients - Josh Farkas
Respiratory Health
The symptoms of dyspnea and noisy breathing are identical to those experienced by patients with lower airway diseases, such as asthma and COPD, and these similarities can lead to diagnostic confusion - Sidney Braman
Respiratory Infection Outbreaks
In addition to the widely recognized novel influenza A and coronavirus threats, other respiratory viruses have epidemic if not pandemic potential. These include human metapneumovirus, human respirovirus (formerly parainfluenza virus], rhinovirus C, respiratory syncytial virus, and multiple human adenovirus species. Many of these threats are now recognized as zoonotic - Gregory C Gray
Respiratory Infections
Overuse and antibiotic resistance is a massive problem, but our weapons manufacturers are also failing us: pharmaceutical companies are not inventing the new weapons we need - Alice Roberts
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
When infants get a URI it can be devastating with RSV being the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia in children under 1 year of age
Respiratory Therapist Careers
Want to intervene in life and death situations, make a difference in people's lives, play with hi-tech machines, participate in critical care transport including air and still have a life - RT Cave
Respiratory Therapist Jobs
Many therapists can still expect to work in the hospital setting. However, opportunities outside the hospital will continue to grow - exploreHealthCareers.org
Respiratory Therapists
When it comes to the ABCs, respiratory therapists are in the forefront
Respiratory Viruses
Respiratory viruses are the most frequent causative agents of disease in humans, with significant impact on morbidity and mortality worldwide. Common respiratory agents from several virus families are well adapted to efficient person-to-person transmission and circulate in a global scale, and community-based studies conducted over the past five decades or so confirm that these viruses are the predominant etiological agents of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) - H.F. Boncristiani
If your mother cooks Italian food, why should you go to a restaurant? Martin Scorsese
Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease)
Restless leg syndrome is now recognized as both a sleep disorder and a neurological disorder. Despite this progress, RLS still remains something of a mystery condition - Dr. Michael J. Breus
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) includes a heterogeneous group of diseases that cause increased myocardial stiffness, leading to impaired ventricular relaxation and severe diastolic dysfunction. Given that it is the least common type of cardiomyopathy, it can be a diagnostic challenge - Smitha Narayana Gowda
The focus on prehospital and early hospitalization interventions recognizes the critical importance of this time frame and early congruence between the emergency cardiac and trauma populations - Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium
Resuscitative Hysterotomy
The resuscitative hysterotomy, formerly called the perimortem C-section, but name recently changed to reflect that this procedure is good for both mother and fetus - Jonathan Kaplan
Resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, has long been revered as a magical compound in red wine that is believed to have numerous health effects such as lowering blood pressure and helping prevent heart attacks - Ariana Eunjung Cha
Retail Clinics
The American health care system may finally be catching up to the rest of the 21st-century economy, in which convenience is not only expected, but demanded — and massive retailers are driving the change - Jeffrey Young
The eyes may be windows to the soul, but the retina is the brain’s window to the world - Jane E. Brody
Retinal Detachment
RD is painless but nearly always causes symptoms, often before the detachment starts: a sudden appearance of many “floaters”... sudden brief flashes of light even when your eyes are closed or a shadow over part of your visual field - Jane Brody
Retinitis Pigmentosa
In retinitis pigmentosa, almost all of the eye’s circuitry remains intact—all but the crucial, light-absorbing cells of the retina. These slowly begin dying off, like stars winking out into the night - Rachel E. Gross
Children may be born with retinoblastoma, but the disease is rarely diagnosed at birth. Most children diagnosed with retinoblastoma can be cured, even if the retinoblastoma has spread beyond the eye. An important goal of treatment in children with retinoblastoma is preserving vision - Cancer.net
Today, the term retinoids is a catch-all for an array of vitamin A-based products used on skin - American Academy of Dermatology Association
Retreats Weight Loss
From no-nonsense health clinics to luxurious spa-like experiences, these resorts are a far cry from the fat camps image that has been around for decades - Real Life Fitness and Health
Retrobulbar Hematoma
Lateral canthotomy with cantholysis is the treatment of choice for decompression of the orbit after retrobulbar hematoma. The only contraindication to lateral canthotomy include suspected globe rupture - Courtney McKee, MD
Retropharyngeal Abscess
Do not rely on the presence of respiratory compromise to make the diagnosis of retropharyngeal abscess - CA Gibson
Return of Spontaneous Circulation
The post arrest phase may potentially be as hectic as the arrest phase. You have multiple systems to think about and often must be thinking about them all simultaneously - Aaron Tiffee MD and Joel C. Mosley MD
Return to Learn & Play
The process of recovery and then return to sport participation after an SRC follows a graduated stepwise rehabilitation strategy - Paul McCrory
Reversal Anticoagulants
The wait is over for an antidote to stop rare uncontrolled bleeding linked to some newer blood thinners - Harvard Health
Reverse T3
Keep in mind that Reverse T3 itself is not evil. It is part of a healthy thyroid hormone metabolism. Every healthy person makes some every day, and that’s why there is a normal reference range for Reverse T3. However, “excess” Reverse T3, and the bigger picture of thyroid hormone inactivation, IS something that thyroid patients should be concerned about - Thyroid Patients Canada
Reye's Syndrome
Save a kid's life...be aware of all the products that contain aspirin...it's mind-boggling - Reye's Syndrome Awareness
Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy
Among the various surgical treatments, Rezūm water vapor thermal therapy has been developed as a unique, rapid and reproducible minimally invasive surgical treatment exhibiting safe and early effective relief of LUTS/BPH - Christopher H Cantrill
Rh Negative
Us negs are a creative lot, and it doesn't mean just art - Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets
Rhabdomyolysis (Rhabdo)
While almost any intense activity can cause rhabdo, it almost always strikes people who are doing something new - Anahad O'Connor
Rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) continue to be a major health hazard in most developing countries as well as sporadically in developed economies - R Krishna Kumar et al
Rheumatic Fever
Acute rheumatic fever is not a disease of the past and is not limited to populations that are underserviced or marginalized. Its presentation may be insidious or altered by concomitant medications or disease processes - Robert L. Myette
Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD)
Rheumatic heart disease is now unusual in most high-resource settings because of access to health care and availability of antibiotics. However, it remains endemic in socioeconomically vulnerable populations in high-income countries and in low- and middle-income country settings - Rosemary Wyber
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Scientists don't know what causes rheumatoid arthritis, but many suspect that the microbiome—the bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tracts—may be to blame - David Kohn
Rheumatoid Arthrits & Kathleen Turner
Kathleen Turner has partnered with Wyeth to let others know that RA does not have to mean a lifetime of limitations, pain, and unanswered questions
Rheumatologist Journals
Huge sums are invested globally in medical research and development - and with good reason - Geoff Mulgan
Rheumatologist Organizations
Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless - Paolinetti
Rheumatology (Rheumatologists)
I would venture to say that rheumatologists are probably more comfortable with ambiguity than most other - Karmela K Chan MD
Rhinitis is a global problem and is defined as the presence of at least one of the following: congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal itching, and nasal obstruction. The two major classifications are allergic and nonallergic rhinitis (NAR) - Nguyen P Tran
As the number one cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty is considered the most challenging - Geri Spieler
If there is a champion among contagions, it may well be the lowly rhinovirus, responsible for many of the coughs and sniffles that trouble us - Carl Zimmer
Rhnull Golden Blood
Golden blood sounds like the latest in medical quackery. As in, get a golden blood transfusion to balance your tantric midichlorians and receive a free charcoal ice cream cleanse - Kevin Dickinson
Anti-D is the only product that I know...that is administered to a person (the pregnant or postnatal woman) whom it does not directly physically benefit, but who has to accept the risk of possible side effects from it - Sara Wickham
Rib Cage (Ribs)
These bony spindles in your torso attach to your sternum (breast bone) to protect your lungs, heart, spleen, and most of the liver and help with giving shape to your chest cavity, which assists in breathing. Ribs are protective on the one hand, but if badly broken, your ribs can turn lethal to you, piercing your organs - Jordan Rosenfeld
Riboflavin, and its efficacy, can be destroyed by exposure to light. This is why you should limit this vitamin’s exposure to light and you shouldn’t store it in glass containers - Today I Found Out
Let me draw your attention to rice – diminutive member of the cereal grain family, frequent component of anti-low-carb advocates’ arguments, and the source of much consternation among grain abstainers. Is white rice the proverbial black sheep of the grain family? Does it deserve our full and unwavering opposition? Or, perhaps, can we treat rice like that crazy uncle who drinks a bit too much at family gatherings - Mark Sisson
Ricin is much easier to produce than other popular biological weapons like botulinum, sarin, and anthrax, but it is not as potent as any of those, which limits its effectiveness as a weapon - Dan Nosowitz
Rick Steves Using Travel to Better the World
“Keep on travelin’,” he says at the end of most of his travelogues. But for Rick Steves, it’s a catchphrase that is no less about self-betterment than sightseeing. And he walks the walk.
Although there are genetic and metabolic causes of rickets, the most common cause is a lack of vitamin D - HealthyChildren.org
Rickettsia rickettsii
As prompt treatment of RMSF is critical to a positive outcome, dx should be made on clinical grounds, history, epidemiology & exam. This can be challenging, as many pts will not recall the tick bite - Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center
Rifampin (Rifampicin)
The rifamycins include rifampin, rifapentine, and rifabutin. Of these, rifampin is most commonly used, either as first-line therapy (in combination with other agents) for treatment of mycobacterial disease (including tuberculosis) or for select invasive staphylococcal infections (as part of combination therapy) - Richard H Drew PharmD
Rifamycins are integral part of the combination regimen for treatment of pulmonary Mycobacterium avium-complex [MAC] infection, but different practitioners prefer different rifamycins - Gunavanthi D. Boorgula
Rifaximin (Xifaxan)
This antibiotic has, therefore, little value outside the enteric area and this will minimize both antimicrobial resistance and systemic adverse events. Indeed, the drug proved to be safe in all patient populations, including young children - Carmelo Scarpignato
Right Heart Failure
There are limited therapeutic options, they are brittle in their response to interventions, and they are usually on a spectrum of vasodilators that we have to reference on Up-To-Date - Quentin Reuter MD
Right to Health Care
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition - WHO
Right to Try
Right to Try helps terminal patients get the potentially life-saving medicines they need before it's too late.- RighttoTry.org
Treatment may require several weeks. Only by treating for at least one week after the resolution of symptoms (and for a total of at least 4 weeks) can one guarantee eradication - Dr. Greene
Riot Control Agents (Tear Gas, Mace & Pepper Spray)
“Tear gas” is an umbrella term for riot-control agents with chemical irritants, but the name is a misnomer - Allison C. Meier
Risk Stratification PE (Pulmonary Embolism)
Simplified PESI (sPESI) and Hestia scores identified similar numbers of patients with pulmonary embolism as low risk. Both groups had similar 30-day all-cause mortality. However, interobserver reliability was better with sPESI - Thomas Davis
Risk Stratification Scores
This is largely very good for medicine and for our patients, as clinical decision scores create an evidence base that – when properly applied – is combined with physician judgment to improve the care of their patients. The trend towards clinical decision tools is only accelerating - Dr. Joe Habboushe
Risk Stratification Scores
This is largely very good for medicine and for our patients, as clinical decision scores create an evidence base that – when properly applied – is combined with physician judgment to improve the care of their patients. The trend towards clinical decision tools is only accelerating - Dr. Joe Habboushe
Risks Covid-19
What we do know is that everyone is different, and your own level of risk is affected by many different interacting factors including age and existing health conditions - Heart Matters
Risperidone (Risperdal)
The rate of off-label use of antipsychotics worldwide is still high. Risperidone is reportedly the antipsychotic the most commonly prescribed off-label - Ismaeel Yunusa
Ritalin/Concerta (Methylphenidate)
At long last, the scientific research community is rethinking a 20-year old study about the benefits of medicating ADHD with stimulants like Ritalin - Dale Archer
Restless leg syndrome is now recognized as both a sleep disorder and a neurological disorder. Despite this progress, RLS still remains something of a mystery condition - Dr. Michael J. Breus
As prompt treatment of RMSF is critical to a positive outcome, dx should be made on clinical grounds, history, epidemiology & clinical exam. This can be challenging, as many pts will not recall the tick bite - Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center
RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
RNAs, or ribonucleic acids, are some of the most important molecules for life on this planet. RNA is found in every cell in the body, and plays an important role in the flow of genetic information - Oliver Rogoyski
Robotic Surgery
We’re all going to have to adapt to AI and robotics - Matt Beane
Personally, I'm not afraid of a robot uprising. The benefits far outweigh the threats - Daniel H. Wilson
Robots: Innovation or Hype?
Sci Fi film scenes from 50 years ago are now an everyday reality, robots performing complicated surgery. So, do they make a difference?
Rocephin (Ceftriaxone)
Ceftriaxone is a commonly used third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic. Its pharmacokinetic profile, spectrum of coverage, and tolerability make it an attractive option for use in the emergency department (ED), outpatient clinic, and hospital setting - Spencer H. Durham PharmD
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
As prompt treatment of RMSF is critical to a positive outcome, dx should be made on clinical grounds, history, epidemiology & clinical exam. This can be challenging, as many pts will not recall the tick bite - Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center
Rocuronium > Succinylcholine in my opinion — All day, every day - Jared Patterson
Roe vs Wade
When the all-male supreme court ruled to protect abortion rights in 1973, activists didn’t foresee the fight that lay ahead - Jessica Glenza
Rogaine (Minoxidil)
Minoxidil was first introduced as an antihypertensive medication and the discovery of its common adverse event, hypertrichosis, led to the development of a topical formulation for promoting hair growth. To date, topical minoxidil is the mainstay treatment for androgenetic alopecia - Poonkiat Suchonwanit,
Rohypnol (Roofies)
"Roofies." Sounds like a cartoon character or a piece of candy. However, nothing could be further from the truth about Roofies, also known as the drug Rohypnol - Neuroscience for Kids
Move over massage, it’s time to welcome Rolfing. Developed in the mid-20th century by Ida Rolf, this is a hands-on process used for the treatment of injuries and chronic pain - Lucy Fry
Root Canals
If there’s any one dental topic that is misunderstood, it’s root canals. Maybe it’s because of the name. If you think about it, almost every other dental treatment term sounds fairly harmless - Thomas P Connelly DDS
47 percent of #rosacea patients surveyed had never heard of rosacea prior to receiving their diagnosis, and a whopping 95 percent said they had known little or nothing about the signs and symptoms of the disorder - National Rosacea Society
Other rarely used names for it are exanthema subitum (which means sudden rash), roseola infantum, or sixth disease - Nurse Judy
Rotator Cuff Injury
There is an increasing amount of surgery being performed for rotator cuff tears. The rate of cuff repair surgery is increasing, even though the guidelines for performing rotator cuff surgery remain quite uncertain - Federick Matsen MD
Rotavirus causes about one-third of diarrheal deaths in children; vaccinating children against it could save hundreds of thousands of lives and make life easier for so many parents - Marion Roche
Rotavirus Vaccine
Vaccine kicked Rotavirus to the curb in a few short years - Tara Haelle
Roundup (Glyphosate)
With the question of the endocrine-disrupting potential of Roundup at real-world doses still unsolved and glyphosate classified as a probable carcinogen, it’s time to restrict or ban glyphosate herbicides - Dr Ramon Seidler PhD
Roundworms (Nematodes)
Roundworms, also known as nematodes, are a common term for parasites that comprise the phylum Nematoda that contain mainly free-living species and are located everywhere on earth - Charles Patrick Davis MD PhD
RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation)
Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is an airway management technique that produces inducing immediate unresponsiveness (induction agent) and muscular relaxation (neuromuscular blocking agent) and is the fastest and most effective means of controlling the emergency airway - Chris Nickson
RSI (Rapid Sequence Intubation) Pediatrics
RSI is superior to and more reliable than nasotracheal intubation, oral endotracheal intubation without neuromuscular blockade (NMB), and surgical cricothyroidotomy - Michael J Gerardi MD
Since RSV cannot be prevented, the best thing a parent can do is try to postpone it - Christopher Johnson
RSV Vaccines
The goal of RSV vaccination is not to prevent RSV infection but, rather, to prevent RSV-associated LRI - Robert A. Dudas
The most clearly defined and recognisable form, and the one in which the molecular defects responsible have been best elucidated, is the syndrome known today as distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA); also called ‘classical’, ‘type 1′ or ‘hypokalaemic’ RTA, terms that encapsulate both its origin and one of its cardinal clinical features - Oliver M Wrong and Robert J Unwin
Rubella (German Measles)
Although rubella usually produces only a relatively mild rash and fever in children and adults, it is devastating to fetuses in the first trimester - Donald G. McNeil Jr
Measles is probably the best argument for why there needs to be global health, and why we have to think about it as a global public good - Seth Berkley
Rucking, which is simply walking with a weighted backpack, is a great way to combine strength training and cardio without setting foot inside a gym - Hilary Achauer
RUG (Retrograde Urethrogram)
To keep up with the time sensitivity that most trauma patients present with, the RUG has been shown to not only be an efficient test but to be the primary modality and most efficacious test in evaluating patients who have concerning findings of urethral injury. It is a test that is readily available in locations with radiology capabilities and can be quickly done in the department - Taming the SRU
Ruling Out ACS
Evaluation of patients with chest pain has made a huge transition, especially with the introduction of cardiac troponin measurements and risk stratification tools - Barbra Eva Backus MD
Ruling Out Pulmonary Embolism
If something does not make sense, if you struggle to determine the pathology, consider pulmonary embolus (PE) - Alexandra Godfrey PA-C
Ruling Out Pulmonary Embolism in Pregnancy
Investigation for pulmonary embolus (PE) in pregnancy is a complicated area. It is well know that PE is the leading cause of death in pregnancy in the developed world. The pregnant patient fulfils all of Virchow’s triad-venous stasis, vessel damage and hypercoagulability - Emergency Care Institute
Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it - Oprah Winfrey
Running Apps
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke
Running Events
Act like a horse. Be dumb. Just run - Jumbo Elliot
Running Vacations
You're a runner...you love running...you sit at work and think about running...you can't wait for your next run...you love it so much that you wish there was a way to base your vacation around running? Your wish has come true - RunningVacations.com
Ruptured Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane Perforation)
Tympanic membrane rupture can occur at any age, although it is mainly seen in the younger population, associated with acute otitis media. As a patient's age increases, trauma becomes a more likely cause of TM rupture - Nicole Dolhi
Ruptured Globe
You should suspect it when someone has moderate to severe pain, decreased vision, hyphema, and deviation of the pupil - Drew Carlton
Rural America
This virus does not recognize geographic or economic boundaries, and it may punish, rather than reward, the traditionally self-sufficient. Let’s lend them a homegrown hand - Dr. Jennifer Olson
Rural Health
Physicians who are drawn to rural practice want to make a difference in peoples lives and want to have a respected position where you care for a town and the town cares for you. Robert C. Bowman MD
Rural Health Journals
I roamed the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand - Leonardo da Vinci
Rural Health Organizations
Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence - A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
The FAST Scan is used in the trauma setting to figure out where a patient may be hemorrhaging from. The RUSH Exam on the other hand is a more broad ultrasound protocol used on any patient with undifferentiated hypotension - Vi Dinh
Riding a wave of interest in ancient grains, rye is sprouting in many influential kitchens — in pasta, porridge, brownies and, most gratifyingly, in bread - Julia Moskin

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