Drowning is fast, silent and not what you'd expect. And it can happen in as little as 30 seconds – about as long as it takes to reply to a text message - National Drowning Prevention Alliance

image by: Creative Swim Therapy
HWN Suggests
Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
Drowning is almost always a deceptively quiet event. The waving, splashing, and yelling that dramatic conditioning (television) prepares us to look for, is rarely seen in real life.
The Instinctive Drowning Response – so named by Francesco A. Pia, Ph.D., is what people do to avoid actual or perceived suffocation in the water. And it does not look like most people expect. There is very little splashing, no waving, and no yelling or calls for help of any kind. To get an idea of just how quiet and undramatic from the surface drowning can be, consider this: It is the number two cause of accidental death in children, age 15 and under (just behind vehicle accidents) – of the approximately…
Drowning is a top cause of death for young children. Here's what parents should know
Drowning is a leading cause of death in childhood, especially for children under 4 years old. There are many steps parents can take to help prevent drowning at home, at a public pool and around natural bodies of water. Drowning is fast, silent and not what you'd expect. It can happen in as little as 30 seconds.
Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative to Prevent Drowning
Each year, drowning claims the lives of 322,000 people. Low- and middle-income countries bear the greatest burden of drowning, accounting for over 90 percent of global drowning deaths. Sixty percent of all drowning deaths are among those under 30-years-old, with children between 1 and 4-years-old at a much higher risk of drowning. Many of these deaths can be prevented. The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative to Prevent Drowning supports drowning prevention activities
A Racial History of Drowning
According to the USA Swimming Foundation, about 70 percent of African-American children, 60 percent of Latino children and 40 percent of white children are non-swimmers. Lack of access and financial constraints account only partly for these numbers. Fear, cultural factors and even cosmetic issues play a role as well.
Drowning Can Happen to Anyone — Including Your Child
Tragedies like these happen to other people, we often think. It doesn’t happen to us. Especially something like drowning, because that seems so simple to prevent: Go to places with lifeguards. Make sure your children can swim. Keep an ear out. Glance at the water regularly. The problem is, none of that’s enough.
Drowning Prevention
When most of us are enjoying time at the pool or beach, injuries aren’t the first thing on our minds. Yet, drownings are a leading cause of injury death for young children ages 1 to 14, and three children die every day as a result of drowning. In fact, drowning kills more children 1-4 than anything else except birth defects.
Electric Shock Drowning Prevention
How to prevent the tragic mix of dockside swimming and electricity.
How Should You Respond to a Drowning?
As more adults and children head to pools and beaches during the hot summer months, the risk for drownings increases. But how should one respond to a drowning? The United States Swim School Association executive director Sue Mackie joins Tanya Rivero to offer advice.
Respect for Water Cuts Risk of Drowning
In an overwhelming majority of cases, these tragedies are preventable if youngsters and their guardians have greater respect for the water and take well-established precautions.
This Wrist Strap can Save You From Drowning
Kingii is a relatively small device that wraps around your wrist and contains an inflatable bag that can easily be deployed while under water.
Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts
Every day, about ten people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children aged 14 or younger. Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States.
Water Safety for Little Kids
Water is so much more exciting now that your little kid can splash and swim and dunk his or her head. It’s also a time when active supervision and basic childproofing is critical – no exceptions. The best part is it’s a great way to connect with your child with no distractions.
Drowning is never dry: Two ER doctors explain the real swimming danger kids face
People who think “dry drowning” exists describe it as a rare condition. But real drowning — the wet kind — sadly is not rare. It is a leading cause of pediatric injuries and deaths.
Sink or Swim? The global drowning crisis
Every year, nearly 400,000 people round the globe die by drowning, making it one of the world's most common causes of accidental death.
Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning
Except in rare circumstances, drowning people are physiologically unable to call out for help. The respiratory system was designed for breathing. Speech is the secondary or overlaid function. Breathing must be fulfilled, before speech occurs.
6 Pool Safety Questions You Need Answered Before You Dive In
Getting in the water contains many benefits including exercise, relaxation and of course, a fun way to cool down. But it’s not without risk: About 1 in 8 pool inspections conducted reveal serious violations that threatened public health and safety, found a CDC report.
Stop Drowning Now
We are the resource for people working to eliminate drowning in their community. Every day, approximately 10 people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children age 14 or younger. But we see a future in which no one drowns.
Global Drowning Fund
The Global Drowning Fund, an initiative of Royal Life Saving Society – Australia, prevents drowning in developing countries through advocacy, research & partnerships
International Water Safety Foundation
The International Water Safety Foundation is a non-profit organization raising drowning awareness while bringing basic swimming, water safety, and safe rescue skills to children.
National Drowning Prevention Alliance
NDPA's works to elevate awareness to educate, advocate, innovate, and equip to prevent drownings.
National Water Safety Month
National Water Safety Month's history of highlighting water awareness and swim safety started in June 2003, when the World Waterpark Association launched its National Water Safety Week. People celebrated this water awareness week for four years. In May 2007, the National Recreation and Park Association, which had been celebrating National Aquatics Week in July from 2004 to 2006, decided, along with the WWA, that a month-long water safety initiative in May would be best because it's when swim activity increases across the country. That’s when National Water Safety Month was officially born.
Royal Life Saving Society UK
The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) is the Drowning Prevention Charity and the UK’s leading provider of water safety and drowning prevention education.
Safe Kids Worldwide
When you think of places where kids are around water, you may think of recreational areas such as pools, lakes and oceans. But have you thought about the areas in your home where kids can get into water?

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