Meralgia Paresthetica
It was just a small area at first but the numbness spread and then the burning sensation began - Words By Kim

image by: Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation
HWN Suggests
For the past few months, I’ve grown increasingly aware of a slight numbness in my lower right thigh that would spring up towards the end of a long run. By long run, I mean 10+ miles. I think it may have started after the Portland Marathon last October. I’m not entirely clear. But I distinctly became aware of it as soon as I started venturing out on 16-milers organized through a local running group.
The sensation wasn’t too bothersome. It felt like your skin after you apply benzocaine to stop a mosquito bite from itching. To the touch, it was almost a bit warm and dull. It was always in the same place: the outer right thigh, from mid-quadracep down to just above my knee.
Jeggings And Tight Jeans Can Cause Meralgia Paresthetica
The condition could be mistaken for other disorders. Physicians may think it is a hip, groin, abdominal or iliotibial band problem. This can cause misdiagnosis and may lead to other unnecessary treatment given to the patient.
Hello, Moon
And like foot-binding, the jeans can have deleterious medical consequences. In 2001, the Canadian Medical Association Journal published a doctor's report stating that low-rise jeans can cause a condition called meralgia paresthetica, characterized by numbness or tingling in the thighs, by pinching a nerve located at the hip. Left untreated, the numbness can become permanent. Forget the question of style: This is a human rights issue.
Meralgia Paresthetica
I think I have to lose weight. Not to look better. Not to avoid a heart attack. Not for any of the usual reasons.
Meralgia Paresthetica, The Elusive Diagnosis
Meralgia paresthetica is a mononeuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that can lead to significant disability when the diagnosis and treatment is delayed or missed. This condition is relatively common but is frequently mistaken for other disorders.
Meralgia Paresthetica: A Review of the Literature
Before considering MP as a cause of the patient's symptoms, clinicians may want to first rule out common pathologies. MP is often considered an elusive diagnosis since it can mimic the neurological symptoms (e.g. numbness, paresthesias) that present with other more common causes of anterolateral thigh pain present with such as lumbar stenosis, disc herniation, and nerve root radiculopathy
Pain Relief Exercises for Meralgia Paresthetica
Meralgia paresthetica, also known as Bernhardt-Roth syndrome, is a neurological condition that causes sensory changes in the outer surface of the thigh. Exercises that reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility and strength may help decrease pain due to meralgia paresthetica.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to meralgia paresthetica?
If tightness of hip flexor musculature is present, application or moist heat followed by hip flexor lunge stretches should be recommended.
For the past few months, I’ve grown increasingly aware of a slight numbness in my lower right thigh that would spring up towards the end of a long run.
Within the NINDS research programs, meralgia paresthetica is addressed primarily through studies associated with pain research.
The Original Kings of County
Classically, it presents subacutely as burning pain, paresthesia, or hypesthesia over upper outer thigh. It can be unrelated to position, but also be worsened by thigh extension, prolonged standing, or Valsalva maneuvers. In severe cases, it can be debilitating and distracting enough to affect activities of daily living (ADLs) and prevent sleep.
FP Notebook
Associated with compression at inguinal ligament.
In most people, this nerve passes through the groin to the upper thigh without trouble. But in meralgia paresthetica, the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve becomes trapped — often under the inguinal ligament, which runs along your groin from your abdomen to your upper thigh.

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