Endovascular Heart Procedures
Only do what your heart tells you - Princess Diana

image by: Ezgu NiyatВрачи Узбекистана
HWN Suggests
A look at the future of vascular surgery
It does not take a soothsayer to realize that more and more vascular lesions will become amenable to endovascular treatment. By 2026, one can predict that 75% to 95% of all vascular lesions requiring treatment will undergo an endovascular procedure. With the creativity of vascular surgeons and others, this percentage will likely increase. Moreover, all of these treatments will be deliverable via percutaneous approaches.
Does this increasing role for endovascular treatments mean that the day of open surgery is over? Definitely not. There will always be a need for hybrid (open + endovascular) repairs in ∼5% of vascular lesions. Cervical approaches to the carotid artery, the need for…
Which Heart Patients Need Stents? A New Study Stirs Debate
Some doctors say medication can treat mild cases of clogged arteries as well as surgery, while others remain believers of angioplasty procedures called PCIs.
The First Endovascular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) 1
The first endovascular repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm was performed by Dr. Juan Parodi in 1990, but it took quite some time to be accepted as a standard of care. Today the endovascular approach is the preferred procedure to repair an AAA and this is because of the advances in medical devices and dedication of physicians to this less invasive non-surgical approach...
Angioplasty: Ending Inappropriate Use
Angioplasty and stenting continue to be used in stable coronary artery disease (i.e. not in the middle of a heart attack), even though large randomized controlled trials have shown that they add no significant survival benefit. Angioplasty and stenting are exceedingly expensive and carry risks (including heart attack and stroke) to the patient.
Endovascular stent surgery
The conditions most often treated by endovascular stent surgery are: coronary artery disease; narrowing (stenosis) of the carotid artery in the neck, a risk factor for stroke; and aortic aneurysm.
Treating Vascular Disease
Practice guidelines set standards for our members, but all physicians treating patients with vascular disease should also use them. Vascular specialists need an in-depth understanding of vascular disease, as well as technical skill, but they also need the ethics to treat patients like a brother or a sister, not the source of payment for a new car.
A look at the future of vascular surgery
First, the easy prediction. How far will the endovascular revolution go? Will all invasive treatments for vascular lesions become endovascular? It does not take a soothsayer to realize that more and more vascular lesions will become amenable to endovascular treatment. By 2026, one can predict that 75% to 95% of all vascular lesions requiring treatment will undergo an endovascular procedure With the creativity of vascular surgeons and others, this percentage will likely increase. Moreover, all of these treatments will be deliverable via percutaneous approaches.
Endovascular Therapies for Peripheral Arterial Disease
Remarkable technological advances in the past decade, along with patient preference, have shifted revascularization strategies from traditional open surgical approaches toward lower-morbidity percutaneous endovascular treatments.
Endovascular Today
Endovascular Today is a publication dedicated to bringing you comprehensive coverage of all the latest technology, techniques, and developments in the endovascular field.
European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery
The European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery is aimed primarily at vascular surgeons dealing with patients with arterial, venous and lymphatic diseases.
Journal of Endovascular Therapy
The Journal’s scope is multidisciplinary, representing all topics related to minimally invasive peripheral vascular diagnosis and treatment. Original clinical studies, experimental investigations, state-of-the-art reviews, case reports, technical notes, vascular images, editorials, articles on the business of endovascular therapy, and letters to the editors are published, as well as feature articles related to peripheral endovascular interventions.
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (VES) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal that publishes information to guide vascular specialists in endovascular, surgical, and medical treatment of vascular disease.
Vascular News
Vascular News is the one-stop source for news and views in the vascular and endovascular world.

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