If you are diagnosed with heart disease we want you to know that there is hope, because every day in operating rooms across the country, doctors miraculously bring dying hearts back to life using surgical procedures that were once unthinkable...Barbara Walters

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HWN Suggests
Why Heart Surgery May be Better in the Afternoon
The time of day of your surgery could have long-term impacts on your health. That’s according to researchers who looked at the way circadian rhythm—the body’s internal clock—affects the outcomes of a patient recovering from a complex heart procedure.
Patients who underwent open-heart surgery in the afternoon experienced better health outcomes compared to those who got operated on in the morning, study authors found after six years of observing nearly 600 patients who underwent heart valve replacement. In the subsequent 500 days after surgery, researchers found, those patients who had surgery after noon had half the risk of a major cardiac event—for instance myocardial infarction,…
Top-Ranked Hospitals for Cardiology & Heart Surgery
More than 700 hospitals are listed in Cardiology & Heart Surgery. All are experienced in treating difficult cases–a hospital is listed only if at least 1,308 inpatients in need of a high level of expertise in this specialty were treated there in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The top 50 hospitals are ranked, based on score.
Doctors usually think bigger hospitals offer better surgery. Turns out, we’re wrong
For millions of Americans who undergo surgery every year, choosing a location of care can be challenging. The publicly reported quality measures of hospitals are difficult to understand. Even if you ask a group of surgeons for surgery recommendations, they often disagree. When I sought out advice from colleagues on where my mother should have her operation, everyone had an opinion.
How an Indian doctor built a billion dollar company by making heart surgeries affordable
In India, Shetty is sometimes described as the “Henry Ford of heart surgeries” because his hospitals have managed to achieve economies of scale due to the sheer number of operations they undertake in a day.
Why Heart Surgery May be Better in the Afternoon
The time of day of your surgery could have long-term impacts on your health. That’s according to researchers who looked at the way circadian rhythm—the body’s internal clock—affects the outcomes of a patient recovering from a complex heart procedure.
Aurora Health Care
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia yet remains one of the most difficult to treat effectively. AF is recurrent, is associated with reduced quality of life and with risks of heart failure, stroke and death. In many cases, conventional treatments are not effective.
Cedars-Sinai is committed to providing the highest quality patient care. Our quality is measured in high patient satisfaction scores, continuous clinical performance initiatives, excellent medical outcomes, ongoing research and academic programs, and national designations and awards.
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic''s Heart and Vascular Institute is one of the largest cardiovascular specialty groups in the world, providing patients with expert medical management and a full range of therapies. Our areas of expertise combine research, education and clinical practice to provide innovative and scientifically based treatments for cardiovascular disease.
Duke Heart Center
The Mission of the Duke Heart Center is to achieve the highest level of excellence in patient care, research, and education in the science and delivery of cardiovascular medicine through a collaborative, integrated and multidisciplinary approach. The Heart Center provides seamless and efficient care to its patients through the care continuum.
Hope Heart Institute
The mission of the Hope Heart Institute is serving humanity through cardiovascular research and education.
London AF Center
The London Atrial Fibrillation Centre comprises a team of dedicated healthcare professionals based mainly in The London Bridge Hospital in central London, who have international recognition in the field of treatment and research into atrial fibrillation (AF). By establishing a pedigree in both AF management and research we are able to offer "cutting-edge" treatments for Atrial Fibrillation and make management decisions based on opinions informed by the latest scientific data.
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
A heart transplant is recommended for children who have serious heart dysfunction and will not be able to live without having the heart replaced. Some of the illnesses that affect the heart in this way include complex congenital (present at birth) heart disease and cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle in which the heart loses its ability to pump blood effectively).
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic's heart care and heart surgery annually receives top rankings in U.S. News & World Report's "Best Hospitals" edition. Cardiac specialists at all three Mayo Clinic locations specialize in diagnosing and treating disorders of the heart.
Meriter Heart & Vascular
We specialize in heart and vascular problems - we do it all, and it's all we do. Our cardiologists are highly trained specialists dedicated to providing the most advanced medical treatment available. Our practice is large enough to bring you state-of-the-art advances in medical care, yet we're small enough to give you personalized and compassionate attention.
Our cardiac specialists improve the lives of thousands of patients every year using advanced surgical and non-surgical procedures. We offer state of the art cardiac imaging and management of heart rhythm disturbances. Individual treatment programs are provided by our experts within clinical cardiology.
NY Cardiac Center
THE NEW YORK CARDIAC CENTER is a charitable, educational, and research foundation. Its mission is to be a part of the ongoing effort to diagnose and prevent heart disease. We help to develop better treatment for those who have it and assist in training new scientists, educators and cardiologists. We''re committed to improving your chances of living a full and healthy life. To do so we commit our resources to innovative projects in research, education and treatment.
Penn Heart and Vascular
Penn Heart and Vascular combines the renowned expertise of its clinicians, researchers and educators to provide comprehensive, high quality care to all patients, no matter how "high risk" their condition.
Rush University Medical Center
At Rush, cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, researchers and nurse specialists take pride in providing the highest quality heart health care available anywhere. Working in teams to address the full scope of heart problems, it is this commitment to quality along with an atmosphere of caring that is the foundation for the trusting relationship that our patients and our physicians enjoy.
Stanford Hospital
The Heart Center at Stanford Hospital & Clinics provides patients and referring physicians the broadest possible range of treatments, allowing the best choice for individual needs based on the most up-to-date therapies and services. Each year, more than 5,000 patients from around the world come to Stanford to receive the most advanced care for cardiovascular diseases.
Texas Heart Institute
Welcome to the Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital website. In keeping with our mission to reduce the devastating toll of cardiovascular disease, we are pleased to provide a wealth of reliable information.
Texas Heart Institute
The first heart transplants were performed in the late 1960s. But it was not until the use of anti-rejection medicines in the 1980s that the procedure became an accepted operation. Today, heart transplantation provides hope for a select group of patients who would otherwise die of heart failure.
The Howard Gilman Institute
The Howard Gilman Institute for Heart Valve Disease is opening doors to a healthy heart by providing clinical expertise and wealth of knowledge to patients and their physicians. The Institute is headquartered at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical Center and SUNY Downstate College of Medicine in Brooklyn with a satellite office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
The UCLA and Olive View-UCLA Medical Centers are pleased to offer a comprehensive selection of fellowship training opportunities including a focused clinical tract or combined research and clinical training leading to an advanced degree (STAR).
UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center
The mission of the UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center is to function at the cutting edge of modern technology; to excel in patient care, research and education in cardiac electrophysiology. We ultimately aim to be a resource for the greater Los Angeles area, serving as a center of excellence for the management of cardiac arrhythmias.
UCSF Medical Center
Our service is based on how electrophysiology affects your heart. A sub-specialty of cardiology, we are on the forefront of discovering cures and new treatment for all forms of abnormal heart rhythms. Our team performs more than 400 catheter ablation procedures and 900 total procedures annually. This high volume ensures efficiency and expertise in treating arrhythmias. We receive referrals from all parts of the world because of our expertise and state-of-the-art technology.
University of Rochester University Center
We offer the most complete cardiovascular care around. From cholesterol management to bypass surgery, from pacemakers to cardiac rehabilitation, from at-risk fetal and newborn monitoring to individualized care for older adults, we can treat virtually any condition you have. In fact, we're home to Western New York's only Heart Transplant Program.
University of Virginia Heart & Vascular Center
Welcome to the website of the University of Virginia Heart & Vascular Center. Here you will find complete information on the clinical services, research and physicians available at UVa. Also available is a comprehensive library of information about heart conditions in adults and children, heart disease prevention, heart procedures, cardiac rehabilition, stroke and more.
Cardiac transplantation has become a viable treatment option for patients with end stage cardiac disease. The USC cardiopulmonary transplant team is headed by Vaughn A. Starnes, M.D., a world-recognized leader and innovator in heart, heart-lung, lung transplantation, and cardiothoracic surgery.
Vanberbuilt Heart
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a heart condition or disease? Want to learn more? Following is a list of common diseases and conditions associated with the heart. For each condition, we have included an explanation from the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency to help reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

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