Most women wrongly believe they will die from breast cancer. Statistically 1 in 4 women will die from heart disease. The Red Dress Campaign reminds women of the need to protect their heart health and inspires them to take action - Stacy Matson

image by: PenWin
HWN Suggests
The Heart Truth
Sarah Temple (BA 1987 Woodsworth) has worked in marketing and branding all her career and is currently executive director of communications and marketing at Simon Fraser University. But she’s still proud of the project she calls “a professional and personal highlight” – the iconic The Heart Truth campaign. In just ten years, Temple and her team changed how the world viewed heart disease: re-energizing research, doubling awareness, and yes, saving lives. Here’s how it all began.
Almost 15 years ago, Temple was a senior vice-president at Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide in Washington DC. The National Institutes of Health, an American government agency, hired Ogilvy to develop a social…
Today Is World Heart Day. Here's Why You Should Care
On September 29th every year since 2012, World Heart Day has been celebrated around the world. The mission is to reduce the number of cardiovascular disease-related deaths and raise awareness about the risks.
The Heart of the Matter
February is the month where we celebrate all things “heart”. Not just the little candy hearts or crepe paper valentines but the blood-pumping, keep you alive kind as well. It's National Heart Awareness month and its purpose is to spread the word about women and heart disease, its causes, symptoms, and prevention. And what better way to bring attention to something scary than to partner it with something women REALLY love – FASHION.
American Heart Association looks beyond heart disease and stroke to improve overall health and well-being globally
As heart disease and stroke continue to claim more lives worldwide than all other causes, the American Heart Association is boldly growing beyond borders and its core business to advance health and well-being across the globe. It’s all part of the Association’s new mission: To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.
Go Red Celebrates Awareness of Cardiovascular Disease in Women
The month-long campaign focuses on awareness, support and education for women’s heart disease. The campaign is designed to inspire women to take a stand and unite against the deadly disease. Go Red events continue to grow each year, as thousands of companies and people join the efforts.
Heart Month & Beyond: Promoting Public Awareness of Heart Disease Risk Factors & Symptoms
While efforts targeted to women are worthwhile, nearly half of the population is left out of this campaign. Risk factors for men are similar to women, but have always been pulled to the forefront, and again, perhaps this is largely in part due to the fact that men present with the “typical” symptomology discussed earlier, and are much more likely to be immediately recognized with and treated for AMI. So, particularly for women, increased awareness remains key to shifting the paradigm.
Launch of “Heart on Your Sleeve” Social Media Campaign
The aim of the social media campaign is to raise awareness about acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) within the community at a ground level. Within Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are almost twenty times more likely to die of RHD.
The Heart Truth: what’s that little red dress all about?
I’ve worked in public relations for decades, and I have to say that, from a PR perspective, those folks over in Breast Cancer are doing a fabulous job of raising awareness about their cause. It’s a world of PINK out there! Yet the same women who are raising awareness and funds in support of breast cancer research may be unaware that heart disease – not breast cancer – is actually our biggest health threat. This year, heart disease will kill six times more women than breast cancer will. In fact, heart disease will kill more women than all forms of cancer combined.
The Heart Truth
Sarah Temple (BA 1987 Woodsworth) has worked in marketing and branding all her career and is currently executive director of communications and marketing at Simon Fraser University. But she’s still proud of the project she calls “a professional and personal highlight” – the iconic The Heart Truth campaign. In just ten years, Temple and her team changed how the world viewed heart disease: re-energizing research, doubling awareness, and yes, saving lives. Here’s how it all began.
World Heart Day
On May 2012, world leaders committed to reducing global mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by 25% by 2025. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is accountable for nearly half of all NCD deaths making it the world’s number one killer. World Heart Day is, therefore, the perfect platform for the CVD community to unite in the fight against CVD and reduce the global disease burden.
Go Red For Women
Go Red For Women encourages awareness of the issue of women and heart disease, and also action to save more lives. The movement harnesses the energy, passion and power women have to band together and collectively wipe out heart disease.
Heart Foundation
The Heart Foundation is dedicated to reducing the dreadful effects of the number of people living with, or dying from heart, stroke and blood vessel disease.
Million Hearts
Million Hearts is a national initiative to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes over the next 5 years. Million Hearts brings together existing efforts and new programs to improve health across communities and help Americans live longer, healthier, more productive lives.
WomenHeart understands that a heart disease diagnosis can be scary, confusing, and isolating. Our community is here for you.
American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
AACVPR is a multidisciplinary professional association comprised of health professionals who serve in the field of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. Members include: cardiovascular and pulmonary physicians, nurses, exercise physiologists, physical therapists, behavioral scientists, respiratory therapists, dieticians and nutritionists. We are committed to the continued professional development of our members through networking and educational opportunities.
American College of Cardiology
The mission of the American College of Cardiology is to advocate for quality cardiovascular care''through education, research promotion, development and application of standards and guidelines''and to influence health care policy.
American College of Chest Physicians
The American College of Chest Physicians promotes the prevention and treatment of diseases of the chest through leadership, education, research, and communication.
American Heart Association
Our mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single purpose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question.
American Society of Hypertension
The mission of the Society is to organize and conduct educational activities designed to promote and encourage the development, advancement, and exchange of scientific information in all aspects of research, diagnosis, and treatment of hypertension, and related cardiovascular diseases.
Baker Medical Research Institute
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute is the nation's premier health and medical research institute tackling the deadly trio of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Our work extends from the laboratory to wide-scale community studies.
British Heart Foundation
Our vision is of a world in which people do not die prematurely of heart disease. We'll achieve this through pioneering research, vital prevention activity and ensuring quality care and support for everyone living with heart disease.
Canadian Adult Congenital Heart Network
The Canadian Adult Congenital Heart (CACH) Network was founded in October 1991. The CACH Network was created to pool the knowledge and experience of congenital heart disease professionals in Canada to help strengthen their skills and knowledge of the discipline, and to create a community of individuals committed to caring for adults with congenital heart disease-and their families.
Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation
The Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation (CACR) is a multi-disciplinary association of professionals dedicated to providing leadership in clinical practice, research and advocacy in cardiac disease prevention and rehabilitation for the enhancement and maintenance of cardiovascular health of Canadians.
Canadian Cardiovascular Society
The CCS is the national voice for cardiovascular physicians and scientists. The CCS mission is to promote cardiovascular health and care through: -knowledge translation, including dissemination of research and encouragement of best practices -professional development, and leadership in health policy.
Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance
The Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance (CCHA) is a volunteer-run registered charitable organization made up of patients with a congenital heart defect, their friends, families, and the medical community. With your support, we aim to improve the quality of care for these patients, many of whom require lifelong expert care. - See more at:
Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
On these pages you will find information of interest to both the Cardiac Specialists and the Health Professional.
Caribbean Cardiac Society
Welcome to the website of the Caribbean Cardiac Society. The Caribbean Cardiac Society is a non-profit organization comprised of medical professionals, including physicians, surgeons, nurses and technologists, who are involved in the treatment of supporting services to cardiac patients in the Caribbean region.
Children's Heart Federation
The Children`s Heart Federation is dedicated to helping children with congenital or acquired heart disease and their families in the UK and Ireland. We are a parent-led charity consisting of 22 organisations, all of which are registered charities whose main aim is the support of families of children with heart conditions.
Congenital Heart Information Network
The Congenital Heart Information Network organization provides reliable information, support services and resources to families of children with congenital defects and acquired heart disease, adults with congenital heart defects, and the professionals who work with them.
Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society
The Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society is a not-for-profit charitable corporation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The CHSS' purpose is as follows: - To associate persons interested in, and carry on activities related to, the science and practice of congenital heart surgery. - To sponsor and oversee multi-institutional clinical studies evaluating the application of surgical interventions in congenital heart disease...
European Heart Network
The European Heart Network plays a leading role in the prevention and reduction of cardiovascular diseases, in particular heart disease and stroke, through advocacy, networking, capacity-building and patient support, so that they are no longer a major cause of premature death and disability throughout Europe.
European Society of Cardiology
To fulfil its mission of "reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease in Europe", the ESC provides an array of scientific and educational activities, such as the production and continuous updating of Clinical Practice Guidelines, the organisation of educational courses and initiatives, pan-European surveys on specific disease areas and the ESC Congress, the largest medical meeting in Europe.
GuardaHeart Foundation
We at Guard A Heart are dedicated to bringing heart disease prevention and awareness to the forefront of our lives. We have gathered an incredible team and board to rally for this cause. We want to attack this issue with different methods and approaches for communication and community cultivation.
Heart & Stroke Foundation
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is one of Canada’s largest and most effective health charities. Over the last 60 years we have invested more than $1.35 billion in heart and stroke research, making us the largest contributor in Canada after the federal government. In that time, the death rate from heart disease and stroke has declined by more than 75 per cent.
Heart Foundation NZ
We help people affected by heart disease. We fund research. We help people make healthy living choices. We run programmes to encourage Kiwi heart health.
Heart Rhythm Society
To improve the care of patients by advancing research, education and optimal health care policies and standards.
International Children's Heart Foundation
The mission of the International Children's Heart Foundation (ICHF) is to bring the skills, technology and knowledge to cure and care for children with congenital heart disease to developing countries. ICHF does this regardless of country of origin, race, religion or gender.
Irish Heart Foundation
The Irish Heart Foundation is the national charity fighting stroke and heart disease, funded up to 90 per cent by public and corporate donations.
Living Heart Foundation
LHF delivers a unique brand of education and health features to diverse communities in need. This is achieved through the creation of mutually beneficial partnerships that include healthcare providers, educators, schools, hospitals, industry and active/retired professional athletes. This blending is our form of a public/private collaborative.
Myocarditis Foundation
The Myocarditis Foundation, MF, organization is dedicated to providing accurate and up-to-date information to medical professionals, patients and their families, and to the scientific advancement of both the diagnosis and treatment of the disease with the goal of saving more lives.
National Lipid Association
The National Lipid Association (NLA) is a non-profit membership association that serves physicians, nurses, pharmacists and dietitians who help manage patients with lipid disorders and cardiovascular disease.
Needy Heart Foundation
Our experience has brought to light that many such cases drop in to the hospital and leave sadly accepting the fate and to depend on prayers. The sad aspect is that many have not even come to hospitals because of economic crisis and succumb to slow death. The fact is that many are innocent kids. The situation demands our intervention in whatever way possible to save these lives and bring smiles on the faces of the innocents.
Quality Improvement for Institutions
The ACC Quality Improvement for Institutions program provides assessment, monitoring, and evaluation tools that transform clinical data into practical solutions that can make a difference in peoples’ lives.
Swiss Foundation of Cardiology
Articles, features and latest news in Cardiology.
The British Cardiac Patients Association
The primary aim of our association is to give support, reassurance and advice to cardiac patients, their families and carers.

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