
The bar for approval of medical devices is too low. There is no reason we shouldn’t require, as we almost always do for drugs, a randomized placebo-controlled trial showing improvements in “hard” outcomes like mortality before approving them - Haider Warraich


image by: masha_tace

HWN Suggests

What the Medical Device Industry Can Learn From Starbucks

Last week, waiting for my iced coffee at Starbucks, I enviously observed the girl in front of me paying with her phone. Fast forward 30 seconds and boom! Iced coffee in hand, I took a few minutes to peruse the app and see what it actually provided -- besides the ability to get more iced coffee no matter where I left my wallet. Turns out, it had the whole menu, with ample nutritional data, a store locator, a gifting feature, and the ability to share on social media.

Information. Education. Sharing.

According to the Pew Research Center, 64 percent of adults now carry a smartphone of some kind -- nearly double the 35 percent prevalence just four years ago. We also know…

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 What the Medical Device Industry Can Learn From Starbucks

What better use for an app, which you carry with you constantly, than to provide information about a device that is implanted in you permanently? For the nearly 100,000 valve replacement patients (and their health care providers), the yet to be developed MyValve app could show the size, model, and manufacturer of the valve, in addition to the implanting institution, name of the surgeon, reason for valve replacement (or repair), and information about their disease. There is already tons of information about the devices on these companies' websites so why not allow them to read it on their phone or tablet?

5 New Implantable Cardiovascular Technologies to Watch

New cardiovascular device therapies for atrial fibrillation (AF) and heart failure (HF) are rapidly evolving with the use of innovative materials and new technologies.

Pacemaker Club

Our purpose is to help cardiac pacemaker and implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) recipients meet, share information and support each other.

Boston Scientific

You may currently have a heart device, or you may have been told by your doctor that you could potentially need a heart device sometime in the future. Boston Scientific makes a wide range of devices that will help protect you and your heart.

Introducing Stitches!

Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.

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