Cardioembolic Stroke

The best way to prevent cardioembolic stroke remains early detection and treatment of AF - WD Freeman

Cardioembolic Stroke
Cardioembolic Stroke

image by: Atrial Fibrillation Association - US

HWN Suggests

Cardioembolic stroke: everything has changed

The diagnosis of cardioembolic stroke has two sides to the coin: on the negative side, there is the absence of evidence of another cause of stroke. On the positive side, there is evidence of a cardioembolic stroke such as a Holter recording showing intermittent atrial fibrillation, an echocardiogram showing a cardioembolic source such as thrombus in the left atrium, a ventricular aneurysm, ventricular dyskinesia or cardiomyopathy.

An additional important consideration is the clinical pattern of cerebral involvement: a patient with cortical ischaemia in multiple vascular territories should be regarded as having a cardioembolic (or aortic atheromatous) source. For example, if a right-handed…

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 Cardioembolic stroke: everything has changed

Historically, because of the difficulty of using warfarin safely and effectively, many patients with cardioembolic stroke who should have been anticoagulated were instead given ineffective antiplatelet therapy (or no antithrombotic therapy). With the arrival of new oral anticoagulants that are not significantly more likely than aspirin to cause severe haemorrhage, everything has changed.

Cardiology Clinics

Review of some of the controversies involving this not uncommon disorder.


Cardioembolic stroke is common and disproportionately more disabling than nonembolic mechanisms of stroke. Its incidence is expected to rise because of the age-related incidence of atrial fibrillation and an aging population.

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