Every worried [healthy] Tom, Dick, and Harry are going to be freaking out about every blip thing that shows up on their Apple Watch - Ethan Weiss
image by: Atrial Fibrillation Association - US
HWN Suggests
Beware the hype over the Apple Watch heart app. The device could do more harm than good
Set your smartwatch alarm. You’re about to be barraged by tons of hype about the health benefits of the Apple Watch. Unfortunately, it won’t include essential information and data that can put these claims in proper perspective.
Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook tweeted how an Apple Watch detected a rapid heartbeat in an 18-year-old girl, who said the device saved her life. Now, with the presentation on Saturday of findings from an enormous Apple Watch study at the American College of Cardiology meeting in New Orleans, the hype meter is about to go to 11.
The Apple Heart Study, conducted by Stanford University researchers and sponsored by Apple, evaluated the ability…
Apple Watch Has Mixed Results in Big Heart Study
Pulse monitor helped detect a small number of people with the heart-rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation, but doctors expressed concern about its accuracy and the risk of unnecessary treatments.
Catch the Rhythm
Marked by racing, irregular heartbeats, the inherited arrhythmia known as CPVT is typically silent until a child suddenly collapses and faints at an average age of 12. The trigger is an adrenaline surge caused by exercise or emotional stress. The condition, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, is a leading cause of sudden death from cardiac arrest in children and young adults.
Management of tachyarrhythmias: Out of Breath
Heart rates >140 are generally considered to be pathologic as this is when cardiac output begins to decrease.
Did Beethoven have an irregular heartbeat? Diagnosing the composer through his music
Many scientists have speculated that Beethoven had an arrhythmia (an abnormal heart rhythm), and some of his music is evidence of that. It seems that certain parts of the opening of the Piano Sonata in E-flat major (Opus 81a) were “transpositions” of irregular heart rhythms.
Should Your Watch Monitor Your Heart?
Apple’s new watch can screen for heart problems. But doctors are increasingly worried about the dangers of testing healthy people for disease.
Wearable Heart Rhythm Monitors: Which One, When, and Why?
Wearable heart rhythm monitors range from smartphone trackers to sophisticated implantable monitors. Their capabilities differ as do their use cases.
A ‘Game Changer’ for Patients With Irregular Heart Rhythm
What made the new method possible was the fusion of two techniques. The first, stereotactic radiation, is used at some medical centers to treat cancer patients. It employs a highly focused and intense beam of radiation to destroy tumors. The other technique maps the heart to pinpoint the exact location of scar tissue.
Apple Heart Study
The Apple Heart Study app uses data from Apple Watch to identify irregular heart rhythms, including those from potentially serious heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation. Apple is conducting this research study in collaboration with Stanford Medicine to improve the technology used to detect and analyze irregular heart rhythms, like atrial fibrillation - a leading cause of stroke.
Apple Watch ECG app: What cardiologists want you to know
We've read the fine print -- and consulted experts -- about Apple's irregular heart rhythm technology so you don’t have to.
Can Caffeine Cause Irregular Heart Rhythms?
In a small Brazilian study, participants with heart problems were randomly assigned to drink a caffeinated or decaffeinated drink, then assessed with ECGs and stress tests. Researchers found no difference in irregular heart rhythms between the two groups. So what’s the bottom line on coffee’s role in heart health, specifically irregular heart rhythms? “The available research suggests that caffeine in doses typically consumed, about 400 mg a day or about five cups of coffee, does not provoke arrhythmias...
Chocolate May Reduce Risk Of Developing Common Heart Arrhythmia
While research has demonstrated that consumption of dark chocolate may have far-reaching benefits for heart health, new research now points to a secondary benefit for reducing the risk of developing a common heart arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation.
Common Antibiotics Cause Arrhythmias, Death And Everything Else
Shocking news—unless you are a physician or know healthcare—that commonly used antibiotics can cause death! This time, the villains are macrolide antibiotics—Azithromycin (Zithromax), Clarithromycin (Biaxin), and Erythromycin.This shouldn’t come as a great surprise. We’ve long known that a number of medicines cause serious arrhythmias, often due to “QT prolongation.” So does hypokalemia (low potassium), hypomagnesia (low magnesium), which are often found in acutely ill patients, and certain other heart drugs. In comparisons, penicillin and amoxicillin did not have these side effects. With penicillins, severe allergic reactions are the major risk.
Ditching the meds: Lifestyle intervention and cardiac arrhythmia
Although we have been making huge strides in the treatment of this rhythm disturbance with medications and invasive procedures such as catheter ablations, we are now taking a step back to look at the obvious. The condition is much more common in individuals who are overweight, sedentary, have poorly controlled blood pressure, diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea.
Doctors Used an ER Patient’s FitBit Data to Figure Out How to Treat Him
If your fitness tracker motivates you to walk/exercise more, that’s a good thing. But providing critical life-saving data in the emergency room would be a whole other level of usefulness. And for a 42-year-old New Jersey man who had a seizure at work, Fitbit data helped ER doctors choose the best treatment and possibly save his life.
Electrophysiology: An electrician for your heart
In many ways, your body is like a machine, full of interconnected parts that rely on each other to function smoothly. And the “electrical box” in this intricate machine is your heart. Your heart uses electricity to beat properly. When something goes wrong with your heart’s electrical system, you need a heart “electrician” to fix it. This is the job of an electrophysiologist.
Heart Palpitations in Women: Is It 'Just Anxiety,' or Something More?
Women -- who are at higher risk than men for certain dangerous arrhythmias, and subsequent stroke in some cases -- are often told that their palpitations are "just due to anxiety." But even though they can be triggered by anxiety, it is important for doctors to rule out any dangerous arrhythmias before dismissing the palpitations as only the result of worrying.
Here’s What Cardiologists Say About the Apple Watch’s New Heart Monitoring Features
So, although doctors aren’t exactly recommending that patients go out and buy one of these, they say there’s potential—provided it works well and people use it correctly and with common sense.
Popular Antidepressants May Put Patients At Risk For Serious Arrhythmias
They found a small but significantly longer QT interval for SSRIs citalopram and escitalopram as well as for methadone and the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline. This effect increased at higher doses, suggesting a dose-response association.
Six Do’s and Don'ts When You Have a Heart Rhythm Problem
Time and time again, you have heard how to keep your heart healthy: exercise, eat right, don’t smoke. And while it’s important for everyone to take care of their heart, it’s even more important if you have an abnormal heart rhythm.
Study: Better Athletes Have More Heart Arrhythmias
Extreme endurance athletes, like long-distance runners, bikers, and even cross-country skiers, tend to have enlarged hearts. Also known as "Athlete's Heart," the condition may be associated with an increased risk of heart problems. Within this already elite group, are those who push themselves the hardest even more at risk?
The Apple Watch 4 is an iffy atrial fibrillation detector in those under age 55
As a physician, I’m excited about this new frontier in digital health. But I’m also cautious about its implications. Diagnostic tests like this one are rarely perfect. They usually generate false positives: incorrectly diagnosing a condition in people who do not have it.
The Apple Watch is evolving into a legitimate medical device
The smartwatch's new ECG function brings fitness trackers into real medical care.
The science of heartbreak: A loved one’s death boosts risk of cardiac arrhythmia
Heartbreak, it turns out, is more than just a metaphor: After the death of one’s spouse, people are at higher risk of having an abnormal heartbeat, a new study finds.
Circulation: Tachydysrhythmias
Management of tachydysrhythmias is guided by the patient’s clinical presentation. The unstable patient may require emergent treatment prior to complete assessment. Acute management almost always relies on IV medication and/or electrical cardioversion. Electrical cardioversion or defibrillation should be used to treat any unstable tachydysrhythmia except sinus tachycardia and multifocal atrial tachycardia.
Beware the hype over the Apple Watch heart app. The device could do more harm than good
Set your smartwatch alarm. You’re about to be barraged by tons of hype about the health benefits of the Apple Watch. Unfortunately, it won’t include essential information and data that can put these claims in proper perspective.
2 hours in the ER enough to rule out risky arrhythmias in most syncope patients
The majority of patients who present to the emergency department (ED) after fainting likely don’t need to be monitored for more than two hours to rule out any dangerous underlying arrhythmias, Canadian researchers have found.
Arrhythmia Alliance
Arrhythmia Alliance (A-A) is a coalition of individuals, patients groups, charities, professional medical groups and industry allies. These groups work together under the Arrhythmia Alliance umbrella to raise awareness of cardiac arrhythmias and to promote timely and effective diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias leading to an improved quality of life.
Heart Rhythm Society
The Heart Rhythm Society is the international leader in science, education and advocacy for cardiac arrhythmia professionals and patients, and the primary information resource on heart rhythm disorders. Its mission is to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education and optimal health care policies and standards.
Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome
SADS UK - The Ashley Jolly SAD Trust, is a charity that helps to prevent premature loss of life and to improve the lives of those adversely affected by cardiac arrhythmia.
Cardiac Risk in the Young
CRY is a charity to raise awareness of Cardiac Risk in the Young - Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS, SADS). CRY offers support to those who have suffered a loss through a network of affected families & counselling.
HeartPoint has been created by medical professionals to provide patients with a source of credible information about heart disease. Having any type of disorder of the heart can be scary- we're here so that you understand your heart, and how to take care of it with the best graphic and written explanations we can muster.
SADS Foundation
To save the lives and support the families of children and young adults who are genetically predisposed to sudden death due to heart rhythm abnormalities.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death among adults over the age of 40 in the United States and other countries. In the United States alone, approximately 250,000 people die every year from SCA, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Cardiovascular Physiology Concepts
This site is a web-based resource of cardiovascular physiology concepts that has been written for students, teachers, and health professionals. The contents of this site can be entered by several different routes. Searches can be conducted on individual words or phrases, keywords can be used to link to specific topics, a clinical-based content outline provides an organizational structure for the content, and tutorials can be used to course through the contents.
An arrhythmia may be present all of the time or it may come and go. You may or may not feel symptoms when the arrhythmia is present. Or, you may only notice symptoms when you are more active. Symptoms can be very mild, or they may be severe or even life-threatening.
TeensHealth was created for teens looking for honest, accurate information and advice about health, relationships, and growing up. We offer a safe, private place that's accessible 24 hours a day to get the doctor-approved info you need to understand the changes that you (or your friends) may be going through - and to make educated decisions about your life.
Texas Heart Institute
We're fully engaged in The Heart of DiscoverySM to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease and to share new knowledge worldwide. Never before have physicians had so many options to treat cardiovascular disease and new studies offer hope for future generations. Our pursuit of discovery will continue until the threat of cardiovascular disease is removed from all our lives.

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