Success requires enough optimism to provide hope and enough pessimism to prevent complacency. - David G Myers

image by: Croce Rossa Italiana - Comitato di Susa
HWN Suggests
AEDs Save Lives But AEDs in Hiding Are Rendered Useless
Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is the third leading cause of death in the United States. In the U.S. alone, approximately 326,200 people of all ages experience EMS-assessed out-of-hospital non-traumatic SCA each year and nine out of 10 victims die. In fact, the number of people who die each year from SCA is roughly equivalent to the number who die from Alzheimers disease, assault with firearms, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes, HIV, house fires, motor vehicle accidents, prostate cancer and suicides combined.
While these statistics paint a dismal picture, it is encouraging to know that SCA can be treated successfully through early intervention. Over the past…
Defib 247
It's a huge edge, sometime life-saving, to adopt a good idea early and put it into practice - Brandon Webb
Opinion: Saving lives by restarting hearts
Hamlin’s story of triumph should not be limited to professional athletes with access to the best medical care on the planet. That’s why his recent visit to Washington, D.C., has the potential to be equally impactful to anything he does on the field.
Why The Access To AEDs Act, Championed by Damar Hamlin, is Such a Big Deal
The Access to AEDs Act would be groundbreaking since no comprehensive, streamlined legislation to prepare and protect schools and student athletes with AEDs exists today. Another key component of the proposed bill is its commitment to help fund AEDs in schools nationwide.
AEDs: The Power to Save Lives
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to save a life. You just need to know where you can find one, and it will practically do the rest itself.
Automatic External Defibrillators - Truth & Fiction
Few innovations have had such immediate and sweeping popularity as Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs). However, there is no centralized registry to collect data on the use and effectiveness of AEDs.
Coffee shops, 24-hour ATMs the best locations for life-saving AEDs, research shows
Team creates list of top 10 businesses where placing automatic external defibrillators would save lives.
Medical Emergencies at 40,000 Feet
I have responded five times to "Is there a doctor on board the plane?" In three of the cases, it was a true emergency. Airline systems are woefully underprepared to deal with these situations. Here's what needs to change.
PulsePoint: An App with Lifesaving Potential
Got cardiac arrest? There's an app for that, and it's called PulsePoint. With any luck it's coming to a town near you. And it just might save your life—or help you save someone else's.
All About AEDs: Don’t Think Twice About Using This Life-Saving Device
Given the simplicity and impact, we should all learn to use automated external defibrillators.
Ambulances are so 2016. After a cardiac arrest, the fastest way to send help is on a flying drone
The best medicine for a person going into sudden cardiac arrest is an electric shock. That jolt temporarily stops the heart, along with its rapid or erratic beat. When the heart starts itself up again, it can revert to its normal rhythm and resume pumping blood to the brain and the rest of the body. The sooner this happens, the better. When a patient is shocked within one minute of collapse, the chance of survival is nearly 90%. But if it takes 10 minutes to administer a shock, the odds of survival fall below 5%.
Bob Harper’s Broken Heart
I’m slowing down and relishing in every moment. I get up every day and know that I’m super lucky - Bob Harper
Defibrillators Can Save Lives -- When You Have One on Hand
Do you know where the nearest defibrillator is? Seconds count if you or someone near you has a sudden cardiac arrest. It happens to roughly 1,000 Americans every day. Although it often accompanies a heart attack, sudden cardiac arrest can happen to young and seemingly healthy people, too, and 95% of victims die before emergency personnel arrive.
How defibrillators may be the reason for fewer cardiac arrest deaths
“The chances of survival decrease 7 to 10 percent every minute someone is in cardiac arrest,” said Dr. Viren Vankawala, AtlantiCare Physician Group cardiologist. “An (AED) can really play a role in survival. I encourage everyone to ... have AEDs in public places and learn how to use them.”
Preventing Sudden Cardiac Death: Automated External Defibrillators in Ohio High Schools
Given the concordance with previously published data, the survival rate when an AED was deployed in a high school appeared to be at or near 60%. In our study, most (approximately two-thirds) of these SCA incidents occurred in adults. Even when they did not involve student-athletes, most of these incidents occurred at or near athletic facilities.
Regulations...State of California SB 658
Effective January 2016...removes physician oversight and training requirements, however the laws from the previous legislature were not removed, and still remain in place.
Researchers Plot Locations Where AEDs Could Save More Lives
Prompt use of an automated external defibrillator, or AED, can greatly increase the survival rates of people who suffer a cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation: Access to AEDs a Major Challenge
Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are life-saving medical devices, and yet access to them during a cardiac arrest is significantly limited.
The Automated External Defibrillator: Medical Marvel But Measurement Mystery
Overall, available evidence suggests that fifteen years of equipping American buildings with hundreds of thousands of bystander AED units has had little impact on national out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival statistics.
The Device That Saves Lives, But Can Be Hard to Find
If you needed an automated external defibrillator to help a victim of sudden cardiac arrest, chances are you would have trouble finding one, even if a device were located nearby. That's despite the fact that about one million AEDs—portable devices that can jump-start the heart and save lives when sudden cardiac arrest strikes—are installed in office buildings, malls, schools and sports stadiums around the U.S.
The Tragedy Of The Life-Saving Device That Is Largely Ignored
The AED is a bit like the safety information card on an airplane. It's there, but most don't notice it. And there lies the tragedy of the AED--the time from its acute need (as in sudden cardiac arrest) to its use is far longer than that critical few minutes required to intervene when someone's heart has stopped. Simply put, people fail to make the immediate connection to the AED and waste precous minutes in less-than-effective activities. Or even worse, a life-saving device stays in its display case. The automated defibrillator is only automated when it's put in use! And that, for the vast majority of times, is rare.
Thinking Out of the Box: Defibrillator Surgery Offers New Hope
A box won't define me anymore. I won't feel like I'm carrying a small "purse" or camera anymore. It will be implanted inside me. The defibrillator will be part of me. I may face new obstacles in my recovery, but with two heart-related operations in six months under my belt, I've become a stronger person -- inside and out.
Heart defibrillators save lives: So why are they still so hard to find?
When easy-to-use heart defibrillators came onto the market two decades ago, they were billed as a way to save the lives of tens of thousands of victims of cardiac arrest each year. But today defibrillators are still few and far between. And they often sit in back rooms or lockers, shuttered away from public view.
The Complete History of AEDs & External Defibrillation
In 1775, a Dutch veterinarian named Peter Abildgaard used electricity to stop—and then revive—the heart of a chicken, thus proving once and for all that electricity could be used to manipulate heart rhythms. Ever since then, scientists have been working diligently to master the art of defibrillation, the process of using controlled electric shocks to restore normal heart function in cardiac arrest sufferers..
AEDs Save Lives But AEDs in Hiding Are Rendered Useless
Innovative strategies for AED deployment are being explored, including deliveries by Uber, Lyft, and cardiac drones. In addition, installation at ATM machines and integration into existing vending machines--which are climate-controlled--is a possibility.
Crowdsav is developed by the team from Health Visuals Pte Ltd, a company which develops software solutions to tackle public health problems. This project evolved from the needs of the non-profit First Aid Corps, which aims to improve survival rates from sudden cardiac arrest by simplifying saving lives.
Defibs Plus
Defibs Plus is an Australian owned and operated company, passionate about increasing the survival rate from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). Our goal is to empower communities to be well equipped and to feel confident with bystander CPR and defibrillation
Welcome to the UK’s leading Public Access Defibrillator website. AED Locator is pleased to introduce you to the website. Our aims and principles have not changed. Saving lives is our first and foremost objective. Using innovative, advanced technology with HeartSafe® Public Access Cabinets and Defibrillators, we provide communities with proven solutions to obtain AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) in the quickest time possible should a sudden cardiac arrest occur.
It appears that the AED PAD movement is a major step in the right direction. However, we may never know the true effectiveness of AEDs until a central registry tracks its utilization as opposed to only receiving anecdotal media accounts of the successes and not the failures.
PulsePoint is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our mission is to make it much easier for citizens who are trained in CPR to use their life saving skills to do just that…save lives! Through the use of modern, location-aware mobile devices PulsePoint is building applications that work with local public safety agencies to improve communications with citizens and empower them to help reduce the millions of annual deaths from Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
Save Station
We need access to an AED within 4 minutes of cardiac arrest to ensure the greatest chance of survival. Use this crowdfundng platform to help your community place a life-saving AED!
AED Locations - New Zealand
AED Locations is a community-orientated volunteer project designed to make people aware of how many AEDs (automated external defibrillators) there are in New Zealand. AED Locations aims to increase awareness by offering a website where individuals can locate the defibrillators in their local area, and by providing signage for display at these sites. Public & Private Entities Grant for funding Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). This program is designed to help institutions and individuals everywhere place these amazing life saving devices at an affordable price. You may even apply as an Individual for a Home AED!
AED Registry provides a world-wide resource of publically accessible Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) nearest to your immediate location. Our mission is to best equip every Good Samaritan around the globe by providing the largest database of truly Verified Ready AEDs.
AED Institute
The mission of AED Institute is to promote within the community, the science and education of early defibrillation and CPR. We are a local distributor of AEDs and AED accessories. We are an American Heart Association and American Safety & Health Institute training center. We can assist you with everything you need to make your business, school or home, heart safe. From purchasing an AED to training, we strive to provide the absolute best customer service. We want you to be ready in the event of a cardiac emergency.
AED Link
The National AED Registry lets participating 911 agency dispatchers know where your automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are located so they can be found and used quickly when needed.
Defib 247
Defib 247 is a global campaign aimed at increasing public awareness about how PADs (Public Access Defibrillation sites), which contain an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) can make a difference in the survival rate of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). Our vision is to double the survival rate of SCA by 2016.
The Mikey Network
The Mikey Network is working to create public awareness and provide education about heart healthy lifestyles. We are committed to placing "MIKEYS" (public access defibrillators) in as many high-risk locations as possible so people affected by sudden cardiac arrest might have a second chance at life. Through The Mikey Network, the beat goes on. .

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