First Aid
Friends are as companions on a journey, who ought to aid each other to persevere in the road to a happier life - Pythagoras

image by: vectorguy
Survival Kit List: 16 Things Every Woman Should Carry On A Summer Adventure
Bug spray? Check. Sunscreen? Check. JetScream Whistle? Didn't think so. When you venture into the great outdoors, do you have what you'd need should disaster strike.
What would you do if a member of your family suffered a medical emergency? You could certainly call for trained emergency medical responders, but what would you do while you're waiting for them to arrive?
Emergency Care For You
The following is advice for how to handle common emergency medical conditions. This section does not contain all the signs or symptoms of medical emergencies, and the advice is not intended to be a substitute for consulting with a medical professional. If you think you are experiencing a medical emergency, seek immediate medical attention.
Welcome to FirstAidWeb. Our unique self-guiding CPR course and First Aid course are a cost-effective, time-saving alternative for those individuals who need to learn the fundamentals of Basic Life Support but whose schedules may not permit lengthy lectures and expensive instructors.
The Survival Doctor
There are great blogs for surviving long-term disasters or social upheavals, fantastic spots for lists of medical supplies to keep. There plenty of sites about medical and alternative care, explaining diseases and treatments. My website is one. But rare is the blog with information on what to do if you have a medical emergency and can’t get help. This site hopes to do this. It’s combination of science, improvisational medicine, and Grandma’s home remedies.
Medical Emergencies and Resuscitation - Standards for clinical practice and training for dental practitioners and dental care professionals in general dental practice
First aid for epilepsy is basically very simple. It keeps the person safe until the seizure stops naturally by itself. It is important to know how to respond to all seizures, including the most noticeable kind -- the generalized tonic clonic seizure, or convulsions. covers four areas including the basics, first aid and kids, after an injury and animal bites and scratches.
First aid for common medical emergencies.
Keeping your child safe is your top priority. Learn how to protect your child inside the house and out, what to do in an emergency, how to stock a first-aid kit, where to call for help, and more.
Medical emergencies don't occur every day. But when they do, information can help you deal with these situations.
There are several conditions that require first aid and Medindia has endeavored to enlighten its viewers on some of them.
It is important to have a first aid kit available. Keep one at home and one in your car. It should include a first-aid guide. Read the guide to learn how to use the items, so you are ready in case an emergency happens.
Preparing for a medical emergency involving your pet is always best accomplished before the event takes place. This series is designed to help guide you through the important decisions about first aid, as well as how and when to transport your pet quickly and safely to a veterinary hospital or emergency facility.
The following is a list of symptoms and conditions that signal or constitute a possible medical emergency and may require immediate first aid, emergency room care, surgery, or care by a physician or nurse. Please note that not all medical emergencies listed below are life-threatening; some conditions require medical attention in order to prevent significant and long-lasting effects on physical or mental health.
Survive First Aid
Survive First-Aid Student Resource.

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