He who eats alone chokes alone - Arab Proverb

image by: TenarAiuola
HWN Suggests
The Grand Vision of Dr. Heimlich, After the Maneuver Limelight
How will the world remember Dr. Henry Heimlich?
It may not remember him at all, as "abdominal thrust" is now the term of choice of the Red Cross and the American Heart Association for the life-saving response to choking victims.
And if we do continue to remember his name, we may not do so fondly, if the folks over at Radiolab have their way. In a recent podcast, producer Pat Walters tracked his idol -- the man who invented the maneuver that saved his life was he was eleven -- to his home in Cincinnati. And, as sometimes happens when we meet our heroes, he became disillusioned.
"When I think about my kids ... when…
SpongeBob Saves Lives!
Who lives in a Pineapple and knows the Heimlich? SpongeBob SquarePants!!! We know adults and kids alike find SpongeBob entertaining, but who knew he could help save lives???
Can New Devices Match Heimlich to Stop Choking?
LifeVac and Dechoker pose alternative to abdominal thrusts.
How to Help Someone Who Is Choking - Heimlich Maneuver
Do you know how to help someone when they are choking?
This Crude Sketch Just Might Keep You From Choking To Death
How can you save yourself if you begin to choke on food and no one is around to administer the Heimlich maneuver?
What Happens When Your Food Goes ‘Down The Wrong Pipe’
We’ve all been there: You’re having a pleasant meal when suddenly, out of nowhere, your food goes down the wrong pipe. It’s uncomfortable, annoying and scary at the same time. It’s the worst.
What Lies Beneath the Fear of Choking?
Pseudodysphagia, or the fear of choking, is an excellent example of the type of hypochondria-related condition that can severely disturb normal functioning.
The Grand Vision of Dr. Heimlich, After the Maneuver Limelight
How will the world remember Dr. Henry Heimlich? It may not remember him at all, as "abdominal thrust" is now the term of choice of the Red Cross and the American Heart Association for the life-saving response to choking victims.
Choking: 5 Things You Need to Know
First, you should make sure the person can’t speak, cough, or breathe. (Ask “are you choking?” and then “can you speak?”) If he can, you should not do the maneuver or anything else that could interfere with his ability to clear his airway by coughing forcefully...
In Home CPR
If you take a CPR course from the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association you will find the content to be nearly identical. However, the two organizations have noticeably different recommendations on how to respond to a child or adult who is conscious and choking.
If choking is occurring, the Red Cross recommends a "five-and-five" approach to delivering first aid...

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