Women's Health
Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live — Mae C. Jemison, first African-American woman astronaut

image by: ACEP American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
HWN Suggests
8 reasons women's magazines are bad for your health
Growing up in suburban Toronto, I had a big pink wardrobe in the corner of my bedroom that stood about 8 feet tall. By the time I was 16, the closet was so filled with women's magazines that my parents worried the floorboards would crack under its weight.
Back then, I was particularly vulnerable to fashion and teen monthlies targeted at women, like Seventeen and Vogue. Their glossy pages offered an escape from dreary suburbia, and I couldn't get enough.
But when I revisit the health articles in these magazines now, I notice that the overwhelming majority of them are insane, aimed at fearmongering and totally science-free. I regret the time and money I dedicated to these…
Our Body review – a brave, unblinking, hospital’s-eye view of women’s health
Documentarist Claire Simon films women, including herself, receiving care in a women’s health, obstetrics and gynaecology ward at a Parisian hospital.
9 Health Issues That Are Affecting Way More Women Than You Realize
Our society is undergoing a major women’s health crisis. Illnesses that disproportionately affect women are under-researched and poorly understood, doctors doubt women’s pain, and women are generally in poorer health than men. Due to stereotypes that women are prone to exaggerating physical health problems and misogynistic myths that women's bodies are designed to suffer, many of the issues they face are normalized. But while it may be common, feeling unwell is not normal, and women will not enjoy gender equality until they achieve the same level of physical health as men.
It’s Time to End the War on Women’s Health
Current events are just the latest insult in a long history of male-centric medicine, often driven not by politicians but by scientists and physicians.
The Best Women's Health Apps, Period
oking to plan a pregnancy, or prevent one? Get an assist from one of these cycle-tracking apps.
What Serena Williams’s scary childbirth story says about medical treatment of black women
Black women are often dismissed or ignored by medical care providers. Williams wasn’t an exception.
Why Businesses Must Prioritize Women's Healthcare
It’s no secret that pregnancy discrimination is a very real problem, but it extends beyond women who are actively pregnant; the mere potential of pregnancy both makes employers less likely to hire women at all and drives down wages for women generally.
Why Every Woman Should Get Her Hormones Checked in Her 20s
“You can’t change something you aren’t even aware of,” underscores Tolentino. “Hormone testing will show you where you stand.” Allowing you to see whether you’re producing the right hormones at the right times, as well as highlighting deficiencies that may need to be addressed, tracking the balance of your hormones through medical tests whether by blood, saliva, or urine can have a great long-term impact on important personal issues, like fertility.
The healthcare gender bias: do men get better medical treatment?
A study this month found that women are less likely than men to be given CPR – but it is not the only way in which they are given short shrift in an industry where female pain is serially misdiagnosed
Women, Listen to your body... It might save you!
Heart attack and ovarian cancer no longer need to be such aggressive killers of women. You know yourself better than anyone else. When your body produces warning symptoms, listen to it!
Autoimmunity Is From Venus
Why do women have more problems like Sjögren's syndrome and lupus?
Everything's Pink... So Why Isn't There a Cure?
Pink marketing has added millions of dollars to breast cancer research but breast cancer continues to be a major killer of women worldwide. Is pink marketing better for business or finding the cure for breast cancer?
Health Tech Founder Shares Her Six Predictions For Women's Health In 2018
America’s largest and most competitive companies are starting to look at imperatives to grow their female workforce and female leadership through the lens of women’s health.
How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously
When my wife was struck by mysterious, debilitating symptoms, our trip to the ER revealed the sexism inherent in emergency treatment.
How women’s reproductive rights stalled under Trump
The administration’s mission to roll back women’s health care and family planning services, explained.
Is There an Alternative to Mammograms?
Mammography can be an inherently lousy screening test for breast cancer. Women deserve better! Now is an opportune time to replace this outmoded screening tool. The only problem is there is nothing on the horizon, yet.
Why Doctors Still Misunderstand Heart Disease in Women
But even with the increasing attention paid to heart disease in women over the past couple decades, it could still take some time to erase centuries of bias—not only within the medical community, but among women themselves.
Why Men and Women Battle Over the Office Thermostat
The argument boils down (sorry) to the way people perceive temperature. The current view is that the body has two types of temperature-sensitive neurons, one for hot and one for cold.
Why Women Are Living in the Discomfort Zone
More than 100 million American adults live with chronic pain—most of them women. What will it take to bring them relief?
8 reasons women's magazines are bad for your health
Today I’d tell my 16-year-old self to ignore the health advice in their pages — and keep these eight lessons in mind.
Clue is a menstrual tracking app, an encyclopedia, a resource for your health, and more.
Fight Like A Girl Club
The Fight Like A Girl Club was formed to provide a welcoming place where women (men are welcome, too!) battling cancer and other diseases, survivors, and loved ones can come together to share stories, experiences, hope, and encouragement with one another...
Women: Total Health & Wellness
Welcome to Women: Total Health & Wellness, a comprehensive health and wellness resource for women. Whether you are interested in learning more about common health conditions, exploring nutrition and exercise topics, or educating yourself about issues related to cancer treatment or other specific health concerns, you’ll find what you’re looking for at AWoman’sHealth.com.
Welcome to Epigee! This site exists as an educational resource for women, especially those wanting to know more about pregnancy symptoms, STDs, and birth control methods, or those who have questions about their menstruation or who are facing an unplanned pregnancy.
Girls Gone Strong
Girls Gone Strong is a global movement that aims to empower women to embrace all that's possible for their lives and for their bodies. We provide the tools and support for true, lasting change through body-positive, evidence-based, sustainable nutrition, training, and self-care information.
Global Moms Challenge
We connect moms in the U.S. with their peers around the world by sharing our partners’ stories and information with our community in an accessible, inspirational, and most importantly, actionable way. Our community supports the United Nations’ Every Woman Every Child Initiative to help women and children around the world lead healthy lives.
The global library of women's medicine.
Go Red For Women
Go Red For Women celebrates the energy, passion and power we have as women to band together to wipe out heart disease and stroke.
Half the Sky Movement
The Half the Sky Movement is cutting across platforms to ignite the change needed to put an end to the oppression of women and girls worldwide, the defining issue of our time.
Health made entertaining We won’t wrist-slap or lecture you into eating your five a day. We think being healthy should be fun and never feel like a chore or anything to feel guilty about.
Healthy Bitch Daily
Healthy Bitch Daily is a loose-lipped daily health and self-interest guide for the girl that doesn't take herself too seriously, but holds her body and Mother Earth on a pedestal or at least she's trying.
The not-for-profit National Women's Health Resource Center (NWHRC) is the leading independent health information source for women. NWHRC develops and distributes up-to-date and objective women's health information based on the latest advances in medical research and practice.
EmpowHER brings credible health information & women together in a safe trusted community. When you have information, you have the power to change outcomes in your life and every life you touch.
International Women's Day
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.
We are the country’s largest news-gathering organization covering medical breakthroughs, family health and issues important to women. The information we provide is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician.
Journal of Women's Health
Journal of Women's Health is the primary source of information to meet the challenges of providing optimum healthcare for women. This authoritative peer-reviewed journal publishes the latest clinical and research papers on the medical health issues that affect women throughout their lifespan.
Kris Carr
Welcome to my digital Queendom. I’m Kris Carr, New York Times and #1 Amazon best-selling author, wellness activist and cancer thriver. And I am passionate about… YOU. This is my soul space where I share my experiences and reflections through blogs and videos about plant-passionate living, health, happiness, spirituality, compassion and all things Crazy Sexy. Whether you’re a patient or someone who’s interested in better well—being—mind, body and spirit—all are welcome to the sacred party.
Lean In
We are committed to offering women the ongoing inspiration and support to help them achieve their goals. If we talk openly about the challenges women face and work together, we can change the trajectory of women and create a better world for everyone.
Meet Maven’s exclusive network of doctors, nurse practitioners, therapists, nutritionists, and more via video appointment or private message. Get instant answers, prescriptions, and peace of mind.
MORE.com is the online companion to MORE, the magazine that celebrates women 40+.
National Partnership for Women & Families
The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that uses public education and advocacy to promote fairness in the workplace, quality health care, and policies that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family.
North American Women's Health Online
North American Women’s Health Online (NAWHO) is dedicated to giving women accurate and detailed information about issues concerning women’s health. As educators, we take the time to draft informative and helpful articles in order to help promote better health in the lives of women everywhere.
OB Doctor Mom
Women's health care, from the perspecitve of someone on the inside. Early retirement from a medical career.
Our Bodies Ourselves
Our Bodies Ourselves (also known as the Boston Women's Health Book Collective) has been a go-to source for women's health information and issue advocacy for almost 40 years.
Red Tent Sisters
Learning to manage our fertility without hormones, choosing body-safe products, and ditching ideas about what sex “should” look like in favour of what we actually enjoy… those are just a few of the changes we’ve made that have radically improved our health and happiness. Which is why we want to share them with you.
Refinery29, the fastest growing independent fashion and style website in the United States, is a lifestyle platform that delivers nonstop inspiration to help women live a more stylish and creative life. It connects over 25 million monthly visitors and over 175 million users across all platforms with 24/7 programming covering everything from shopping and beauty to wellness and celebrities, giving readers all the tips, tricks, and tools they need to live a more beautiful life — and share it with the world.
With a mission of women inspiring women. SheKnows Media is revolutionizing the publishing industry by forging a new kind of model that seamlessly integrates users, editors and content creators onto a single platform designed to empower all women to discover, share and create.
Single Minded Women
Welcome to SingleMindedWomen.com, an online web community devoted exclusively to the needs of single women. Providing a place to support and honor their lifestyle choice, our mission is to provide a trusted community where single women can come together to share their views.
The health decisions that matter most are those made in the home. That's why Wildflower engages Mom, who makes the majority of health decisions for her family, using what's already in her hands....her smartphone. Our programs start with Due Date Plus, which engages Mom when she's pregnant, and continue with Grow, a family health application that supports Mom as she makes ongoing decisions for her family's health.
Women Fitness
A Complete Online Guide to Achieve Healthy Weight Loss and Optimum Fitness.
Women's Health Issues
Women's Health Issues (WHI) is the official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, and the only journal devoted exclusively to women's health issues at the medical/social interface. It is a journal for health professionals, social scientists, policy makers, and others concerned with the complex and diverse facets of health care delivery to women.
Women's Health Network
We pioneered the combination of alternative and conventional medicine in women's health, bringing science and discipline to natural and preventative methods. Our practice reflects the reality of how our bodies work: everything - the physical, the mental, and the spiritual - is connected.
Women's Heart Foundation
The Women's Heart Foundation is a 501c3 dedicated to prevention, survival and quality of life. WHF accomplishes its mission through education, advocacy and instituting prevention projects. WHF conducts outcomes research and provides free continuing medical education as part of The Gender Care Initiative® to promote excellence of care of women.
News, information, articles and videos on a variety of subject including health, beauty, fitness and more.
Women'sHealth reaches a new generation of women who don't like the way most women's magazines make them feel. Women's Health is for the woman who wants to reach a healthy, attractive weight but doesn't equate that with having thighs the size of toothpicks.
WomenHeart is the only national patient-centered organization that provides support, education and advocacy for women living with heart disease. Through our coalition of national organizations and community-based support networks, we offer comprehensive services to women with heart disease and empower all women to take charge of their heart health.
Womens Health Matters
Womenshealthmatters.ca is Canada's most trusted source of information, news and research findings on women's health.
The Office on Women's Health provides national leadership and coordination to improve the health of women and girls through policy, education and model programs.
World Moms Network
World Moms Network is a place where you can read about issues of parenthood from around the world focusing on topics of motherhood, culture, human rights and social good.
Aphrodite Women's Health
Women's health discussion forums, research news and women's health issues.
Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health
The aim of the project is to collect scientifically valid information that is relevant to the development of health policy, so that Commonwealth and State Government Departments of Health can base policy and practice in women's health on current data and accurate information.
AutoimmuneMom.com was born out of a frustration with a lack of online information about autoimmune conditions beyond the surface-level articles and blog posts, even on the top health websites. Believing there must be a way to develop content that dug into current research and examined deeper questions, the planning for the site began. And because moms are amazing resources for all things related to their kids, why not also create a way for them to help each other find new ideas for managing their autoimmune issues? After all, women are the majority of people affected by autoimmune, and many of us are moms.
Women's health and fitness news and information.
Black Women's Health Imperative
The Black Women's Health Imperative (Imperative) is the only organization devoted solely to advancing the health and wellness of America's 19.5 million Black women and girls through advocacy, community health and wellness education and leadership development. Founded as the National Black Women's Health Project in 1983 by health activist and McArthur genius Byllye Y. Avery, the Imperative promotes optimal health for African American women across their lifespan - physically, mentally and spiritually.
This web site isn't about women's liberation. It's about liberating women. We're not anti-bra. We're pro-breast. We believe healthy breasts can support themselves, free of wires and hardware. We believe there are no known health benefits from wearing bras - but there are disturbing parallels between wearing bras and the incidence of fibrocystic disease and breast cancer.
Canadian Women's Health Network
The Canadian Women's Health Network (CWHN) was created in 1993 as a voluntary national organization to improve the health and lives of girls and women in Canada and the world by collecting, producing, distributing and sharing knowledge, ideas, education, information, resources, strategies and inspirations.
Center for Research on Women with Disabilities
The mission of Baylor College of Medicine's CROWD is to promote, develop, and disseminate information to improve the health and expand the life choices of women with disabilities.
Center for Young Women's Health
The mission of our website is to help teen girls, their parents, educators, and health care providers improve their understanding of normal health and development, as well as of specific diseases and conditions. We want to empower teen girls and young women around the world to take an active role in their own health care.
If you're a sick chick in search of like-minded folks, the kind of people who are living well in spite of illness, you're in the right place! ChronicBabe offers hundreds of resources designed to help you keep on being a Babe, even with chronic illness.
Clue makes it easy to track your cycle and find your unique patterns. Confident, scientific - and not pink.
Dr. Marilyn Glenville
This site has been specifically designed for helping women (and their partners) to improve their health through every stage of their lives. From PMS and menstrual problems to weight loss.
EngenderHealth is an international nonprofit organization that has been working for 60 years to make reproductive health services safe, available, and sustainable for women and men worldwide.
The FDA's Office of Women's Health provides information about medical devices, cosmetics, and drugs, current health news, and information about research on women''s health issues. It provides links to regulatory information, scientific projects, and publications.
Feminist Majority Foundation
The Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), which was founded in 1987, is a cutting edge organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Our organization believes that feminists - both women and men, girls and boys - are the majority, but this majority must be empowered.
Hormone Health Network
The Hormone Health Network helps you and your health care provider have more informed discussions about hormones and health. Our free, online resources come from the most advanced clinical and scientific expertise in endocrinology.
Our mission is to provide reliable, in-depth information on breast cancer and related women's health issues. Within our thousands of pages of physician-edited information, we explain complicated medical terms in everyday language to assist you in making informed decisions.
Jewish Women's Health
This future portion of the Jewish Women's Health web site will be an out growth of the Nishmat Women's Health and Halacha Website, www.yoatzot.org, a website for the general public whose goal is to provide halachic and medical information about taharat hamishpachah (halachah pertaining to the physical relationship between husband and wife) and women's health.
The Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) is part of the Office of the Director of NIH. ORWH works in partnership with the 27 NIH Institutes and Centers to ensure that women’s health research is part of the scientific framework at the NIH–and throughout the scientific community.
Planned Parenthood
There are many health issues that only affect women. This section focuses on women's health issues.
The Echenberg Institute for Pelvic & Sexual Pain
The Echenberg Institute helps women and men suffering from genital pain find significant relief from their symptoms.

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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.