While, dermatitis and eczema are synonyms, while in some languages dermatitis inferred an acute condition and eczema a chronic one. The cause of dermatitis is unclear however one possibility is a undermined interplay between the immune system and skin - Journal of Dermatitis
image by: Art And OCs
HWN Suggests
How to Tell the Difference Between Dermatitis and Eczema
So eczema and dermatitis are the same?
More or less. The two conditions are often used interchangeably by dermatologists when speaking about a variety of skin rashes and irritations. "Eczema and dermatitis are generic terms used to indiscriminately describe many types of skin inflammation," says New York City-based dermatologist Neil Sadick, who adds that the most common types we encounter are contact, seborrheic, and atopic dermatitis...
Sure, eczema and dermatitis refer to the same types of skin conditions, but just like with the different forms of acne, there are discrepancies among them.
Mexican Beer Dermatitis: Scourge Of The Beach Bum And The Proper Lady
A centuries-old skin condition -- phytophotodermatitis -- got a much cooler name this week: Mexican Beer Dermatitis. Phytodermatitis happens when lime juice on the skin meets major sun exposure. It can turn hands and arms splotchy red or brown, swell, and cause pain lasting for weeks or months. Think bartenders and vacationers mixing mojitos at beach bars without washing their hands afterward.
Till Dermatitis Do Us Part
The fairy tale goes like this: a couple meets, falls in love, exchanges rings and lives happily ever after. Nowhere does it mention that an itchy red rash might develop under the ring, turning that symbol of love into a source of irritation.
How to Tell the Difference Between Dermatitis and Eczema
So eczema and dermatitis are the same? More or less. The two conditions are often used interchangeably by dermatologists when speaking about a variety of skin rashes and irritations. "Eczema and dermatitis are generic terms used to indiscriminately describe many types of skin inflammation," says New York City-based dermatologist Neil Sadick, who adds that the most common types we encounter are contact, seborrheic, and atopic dermatitis.
Dermatitis® focuses on contact, atopic, occupational, and drug dermatitis...
Journal of Dermatitis
The Journal of Dermatitis is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal dealing with articles on various aspects of Dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, stasis dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, spongiotic dermatitis, chronic dermatitis, skin dermatitis, nummular dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, sweat dermatitis, facial dermatitis, neurodermatitis...
Dermatitis Academy
The Dermatitis Academy™ is dedicated to providing educational resources through a free centralized information portal developed and maintained by Sharon Jacob, MD, a board certified dermatologist and contact dermatitis expert.

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