Skin Health
What spirit is so empty and blind, that it cannot recognize the fact that the foot is more noble than the shoe, and skin more beautiful than the garment with which it is clothed? - Michelangelo

image by: akahawkeyefan
HWN Suggests
Dermatology Is More Than Skin Deep: What You Need To Know About Your Body's Largest Organ
Dermatology, the study of diseases of the skin—the human body’s largest organ--is both misunderstood and underrated. Even some physicians in other specialties think it’s “easy,” or borders on the trivial, but skin diseases are important because they are common, impose a huge economic and psychological burden on patients, and can be deadly.
In 2013, one American in four sought treatment for at least one skin ailment, and the average person was treated for 1.6 skin diseases. Nearly half of Americans over age 65 have skin disease, with an average of 2.2 each. Treatment of skin disorders accounted for $75 billion in medical, preventative and prescription and non-prescription…
Find Dermatologists
Take the initiative, especially if you’ve been a sun worshipper and sense trouble in an area, and schedule your first visit with a bona fide dermatologist - Amy Wechsler
Brown Skin Matters
We are a community sourced database of dermatological conditions on non-white skin.
You can use skinScan to support skin self-assessments, identify atypical moles, and track moles over time all with the aim of catching melanoma at an earlier stage of the disease.
Your awareness of the signs of skin cancer might allow you to find an early lesion on yourself or a loved one, before it is a significant health problem. Pre-cancerous skin changes include red, scaly lesions (especially on the face, ears, and backs of the hands) called actinic keratoses.
With SkinVision you can scan your skin for skin cancer risk, instantly from your phone.
VisualDx is a web-based clinical decision support system proven to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety.
How to take care of your skin while wearing a mask
Wu recommends wearing masks made out of natural fibers, such as cotton, bamboo, or natural silk to reduce the likelihood of irritation. Face coverings properly fashioned out of these materials might be an effective barrier to aerosol particles,
Skincare 101: The science behind your favorite moisturizers, serums, actives, and more
Everything you need to know to craft your perfect skincare routine.
The skin care wars, explained
When we talk about skin care, we’re talking about women, their bodies, and their money.
The skin is a very important (and our largest) organ: what does it do?
Our skin is a big deal – literally. It’s the largest organ in the body and one of the most complicated. It has many roles in the maintenance of life and health, but also has many potential problems, with more than 3,000 possible skin disorders.
Does it Matter That There’s CBD in Your Skincare?
I'm a wellness editor and CBD, more formally known as cannabidiol, is the star ingredient in almost every product that’s sent to me to sample these days. I’ve gotten CBD oil tinctures, chocolate, gummies, lube, carbonated beverages, matcha, and a shit-ton of skincare products, including lotions, face masks, and soap.
For skincare brands, urban pollution is good for business
Big Beauty has been all about skincare lately, and that part of the industry is thriving, thanks in large part to its ballooning anti-aging category. But another category of skincare might be the next growth area: As air quality declines in cities around the world, “anti-pollution” products are making their way into the mainstream, holding new appeal for urbanites trying to protect their skin.
Health Check: what should I eat to improve my skin?
These are some statements that pop up when asking Google the age-old question: what should I eat to improve my skin? Recommendations usually include cutting out chocolate, other junk foods and dairy products. But is there evidence to actually support this?
Is there a long-term cure for my dandruff?
Dandruff is actually caused by an oily scalp (not the over-dry scalp many assume), which can encourage the yeast Malassezia to grow. The trick is to treat it regularly.
Keep Your Gut Healthy and Your Skin May Follow
A wave of designer probiotic pills and powders — stylishly packaged, with names like Glow and Inner Beauty — is based on the idea that perfect skin may be linked to your tummy.
The fall of “anti-aging” skin care
Brands are still selling the idea of trying to look younger — they’ve just changed the vocabulary.
The Solution for Skin Ailments Could Be Right Under Your Nose
Your skin is a tapestry of ecosystems roughly the size of three bath towels. Complex societies of bacteria, viruses and fungi live in these diverse habitats — from the oil fields of the face and back, to the damp caverns of the nose, to the parched and hairless palms.
The Ultimate Guide to Better Skin, Based on Your Age
Because the world of skin care can be nothing short of daunting, we've broken it down for you. Here, how to properly care for your skin—both at home and in your doctor's office—based on your age.
Why Did Darker and Lighter Human Skin Colors Evolve?
But actually, humanity’s color gradient probably has little to do with sunburn, or even skin cancer. Instead, complexion has been shaped by conflicting demands from two essential vitamins: folate and vitamin D. Folate is destroyed by the sun’s ultraviolent (UV) radiation. Whereas the skin kickstarts production of vitamin D after being exposed to those same rays. Hence, the balancing act: People must protect folate and produce vitamin D. So humans need a happy medium dosage of sun that satisfies both. While the intensity of UV rays is dictated by geography, the amount actually penetrating your skin depends on your degree of pigmentation, or skin color. That’s the basic explanation, proposed in 2000 and fleshed out since by anthropologist Nina Jablonski and geographer George Chaplin. But for the full story of skin color, we’ve got to go way back to hairier days.
Why Dismissing Skincare as a Dangerous Scam Is Condescending to Women
It’s also worth acknowledging that, for many of us, skincare can be an important form of self-care.
Why Skin Conditions Need to Be Taken More Seriously
Very few skin conditions are life-threatening, so it is understandable that at times priority must lie elsewhere, but this doesn't mean skin conditions should be marginalized or under-prioritized as a whole.
Why taking selfies could be more damaging to your skin than the SUN
TAKING snaps on your smartphone could be ageing you quicker than sunburn.
Your skin is crawling with bacteria, and some of them might help fight cancer
Common microbes seem to help treat cancer—at least in mice.
Fair skin is an adaptation found in people from northern latitudes where solar rays are relatively weak. Here the benefits of dark skin are outweighed by the need for bone-strengthening vitamin D, produced through exposure to UV rays. But hotter, sunnier environments bring the risk of serious skin damage. Australia, where the majority of the population is of northern European descent, has the world's highest rates of skin cancer, accounting for more than 80 percent of all cancers diagnosed there each year.
Common Skin Problems & Solutions
Is your skin itchy, oozing, or breaking out? Moles, rashes, hives, and eczema are just a few of the more than 3,000 skin disorders that affect people every day. Changes in color or texture can result from inflammation, infection, or allergic reactions anywhere on the body. Some skin conditions can be minor, temporary, and easily treated -- while others can be very serious, and even deadly. Read on to see signs and symptoms of the most common skin disorders and learn how to identify them.
Skin care in the aging female: myths and truths
In pursuit of this goal, I spoke with four dermatologists and two estheticians. Here are their perspectives on how to keep your skin (and liver) in the best state possible. Final lessons: use sunscreen, Vaseline, and retinoids; don’t bother with facials; don’t rub poison ivy and citrus juices on your skin; and don’t be seduced by fancy packaging and high prices. Easy enough!
Skin Secrets From Hollywood’s Top Aestheticians
In most areas of life, it’s mother who knows best. But, when it comes to the topic of skin, we’d have to say it’s Hollywood’s top aestheticians who have the answers. (Sorry, mom!)
The Coach’s Next Play: Exfoliate
Getting professional advice on skin care outside the dermatologist’s office is nothing new (just think of Clinique’s famous “technicians,” with their white lab coats), but lately the popular and expensive practice of life coaching has been making its way into the beauty industry.
Dermatology Is More Than Skin Deep: What You Need To Know About Your Body's Largest Organ
Dermatology, the study of diseases of the skin—the human body’s largest organ--is both misunderstood and underrated. Even some physicians in other specialties think it’s “easy,” or borders on the trivial, but skin diseases are important because they are common, impose a huge economic and psychological burden on patients, and can be deadly.
10 Common Skin Myths That Need To Be Debunked Right Now
Have you heard the one about annunciating vowels being an effective anti-aging exercise or that it's normal for retinol to make your face molt? Those falsehoods and other misconceptions are like the urban legends of dermatology. It's unclear who's responsible for spreading these lies, but it's time to set the record straight. I'm here to dispel ten common skin myths.
12 Things Dermatologists Who’ve Had Skin Cancer Want You To Know
You found an iffy mole. It might be cancerous–and could become deadly within weeks. Yet the dermatologist will not see you now, or possibly even for months. As melanoma rates skyrocket, a shocking derm shortage is putting millions of women’s lives at risk. But what’s more frightening, sinister even, is the underlying cause, one that’s being prioritized over your health: money.
Seven myths and truths about healthy skin
The basic principles of keeping skin healthy are mainly common sense. You should wash your skin regularly to remove dirt, but not so much that you remove the essential moisture and water-proofing substances. Use a moisturiser if your skin feels tight or dry – a greasy ointment works best unless you have acne-prone skin, in which case you should use a non-greasy water-based cream. Avoid stress if possible, eat a healthy diet and drink water when you feel thirsty. And finally, protect your skin from too much sun with a hat and clothing or sunscreen.
The Interactive Dermatology Atlas contains more than 1000 photographs from patient visits over the past two decades.
Dermatology News
MDedge Dermatology offers dermatologists content from Cutis and Dermatology News in one time-saving website to enhance patient care and keep readers informed about clinical developments. This interactive site is designed to help clinicians quickly find the information they need to improve the treatment and care of patients with conditions affecting the hair, skin, and nails.
Skin Site
The Most Complete Source of Information on Skin Diseases.
Skin Therapy Letter
Written for dermatologists by dermatologists. Indexed by the US National Library of Medicine.
Derm101 is a comprehensive digital resource for healthcare professionals at all levels of training and practice, with content tailored to a range of specialties, from dermatology to primary care (pediatrics and family practice), and is available on every major platform—on the Web and via mobile devices in three languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese.
Dermatologic Disease Database
Brought to you by the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology.
Dermatology Times
Dermatology Times is a monthly tabloid newsmagazine that reports credible, relevant timely information on the latest trends in its market and is at the forefront of all developments in the dermatology arena.
DermIS is the largest dermatology information service available on the internet. It offers elaborate image atlases (DOIA and PeDOIA) complete with diagnoses and differential diagnoses, case reports and additional information on almost all skin diseases
Dermnet is a web site that contains over 23,000 images of skin disease.
DermNet NZ
DermNet NZ was established by the New Zealand Dermatological Society, the national association of New Zealand registered dermatologists, to provide information about skin diseases, conditions and treatment for patients and their health professionals. Information provided on DermNet NZ should not be regarded as medical advice for individuals.
DermWeb is a premier destination for dermatology links and resources on the Web. There are several areas of interest for practicing dermatologists, for dermatology students, and for the general public
EWG's Skin Deep
It's our mission at Environmental Working Group to use the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG's Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals. We launched Skin Deep in 2004 to create online safety profiles for cosmetics and personal care products. is an independent skin care information portal for savvy consumers. Our goal is to help you make genuinely informed choices in skin care and rejuvenation.
Warts, contrary to popular belief, are not given to people by frogs. Warts are caused by a viral infection in the top layer of skin. They are non-cancerous, epidermal growths most often occurring on the hands and feet of an infected person.
Your Skin 101
Your online guide to skin care products and tips for healthy, glowing skin.
American Academy of Dermatology
Get expert insights into the care and treatment of your skin, hair, and nails for a lifetime of healthy habits brought to you by the American Academy of Dermatology.
British Skin Foundation
We believe research is the key to beating skin disease, and we've come a long way in terms of what we know about them since the charity was founded back in 1996. In that time, we've taken great strides in understanding how many of the skin diseases function and spread, as well as how this will ultimately affect our management of them. Our unwavering commitment to funding quality research means we won't stop until we've found cures for common skin problems like eczema and acne through to potential killers like malignant melanoma.
Canadian Skin Patient Alliance
CSPA is a patient-centred organization serving patient needs to enhance care, to promote skin health and to find cures for Canadian skin patients.
NEJM Journal Watch
Our mission is to help clinicians efficiently understand medical developments to improve patient care and foster professional development. NEJM Journal Watch equips today's caregivers with the information and perspective needed to be clinically prepared and practice with confidence.
We at RashResource are committed to providing you with the most up-to-date information about symptoms and treatments for various rashes. RashResource also goals itself to supply and add as many pictures photos and images of rashes.
Skin Care
The Internet offers a wealth of information. However, as anybody who has ever searched for a specific topic knows, there are a lot of trivial web sites out there. We at LoveToKnow strive to gather the most useful information — on the topics you are searching for — and provide it in a convenient, easy-to-use format. Whatever you would love to know more about, you can find it here.
Skin Care Guide
Explore basic skin care and skin treatments to help you improve skin conditions like acne, eczema, herpes, skin cancer, psoriasis, sensitive skin and other skin conditions.
SkinHealth Centers
We're SkinHealth Centers - a team of physicians, facial cosmetic surgeons and medical aestheticians dedicated to developing and providing customized state-of-the-art cosmetic dermatology, laser and skin rejuvenation treatments.
8 Dandruff Shampoos That Will Work Miracles On Your Annoyingly Itchy Scalp
It turns out under-washing is the most common cause of dandruff, which is “ basically an overgrowth or imbalance of a normal yeast on the body,” says Haley. By letting sebum and dead skin build-up there, you create the perfect environment for fungal and bacterial infections, the former of which will jumpstart the flaking. Dandruff can also result from too much shampooing, or using too-hot water when showering.
National Eczema Association
Considered a chronic form of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis appears on the body where there are a lot of oil-producing (sebaceous) glands like the upper back, nose and scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis can affect people of any age, though it’s most common in infants and adults between the ages of 30 and 60. Among adults and teens, the condition is more common in males.

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