Precision Medicine

The progress of science is the steady realization of how little we actually know - Nathaniel Comfort

Precision Medicine

image by: Jeyang259

HWN Suggests

The Overhyping of Precision Medicine

Science has always issued medical promissory notes. In the 17th century, Francis Bacon promised that an understanding of the true mechanisms of disease would enable us to extend life almost indefinitely; René Descartes thought that 1,000 years sounded reasonable. But no science has been more optimistic, more based on promises, than medical genetics.

Recently, I read an article promising that medical genetics will soon deliver “a world in which doctors come to their patients and tell them what diseases they are about to have.” Treatments can begin “before the patient feels even the first symptoms!” So promises “precision medicine,” which aims to make medicine predictive and personalized…

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 The Overhyping of Precision Medicine

Science has a history of inflated promises when it comes to disease treatment.

European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine

Raising awareness and recognition of Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine throughout all Member-countries of the European Union and Associated countries...

Gene Sherpas: Personalized Medicine and You

The Sherpa speaks the language of the trail, he/she knows short cuts and dangerous paths to avoid. This blog is for those wishing to take the journey and those wishing to become Gene Sherpas.

Health Nucleus

Health Nucleus, a clinical research and discovery center, is the premier health intelligence platform integrating genomics, advanced clinical imaging and robust machine learning in a spa-like setting. Using our proprietary technology to identify actionable opportunities today, we empower you and your physician to proactively plan for a longer, healthy life.

Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine

The Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine (JLPM, J Lab Precis Med, Online ISSN: 2519-9005) is an open access, peer review, international online journal that publishes both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts aimed to reporting new findings in this field, so providing current, practical information on laboratory and precision medicine.

Journal of Personalized Medicine

Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM; ISSN 2075-4426) is an international, open access journal aimed at bringing all aspects of personalized medicine to one platform. JPM publishes cutting edge, innovative preclinical and translational scientific research and technologies related to personalized medicine (e.g., precision medicine, pharmacogenomics/proteomics, systems biology, ‘omics association analysis).


NantHealth is a next-generation, evidence-based, personalized healthcare company enabling improved patient outcomes and more effective treatment decisions for critical illnesses.

npj Precision Oncology

npj Precision Oncology is a new open access, online-only, international, peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing cutting edge scientific research in all aspects of precision oncology from basic science to translational applications, to clinical medicine.

Personalized Medicine Coalition

The Personalized Medicine Coalition is an independent, non-profit group that works to advance the understanding and adoption of personalized medicine for the ultimate benefit of patients. Our diverse members work together to educate opinion leaders and the public about the issues that will shape how personalized medicine develops and how quickly all of us can benefit from it.

Personalized is a free to use portal for professionals in the field of Personalized Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics.

Precision Medicine

Precision Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access journal dedicated to the publication of papers to accelerate better individual diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The scope of the journal covers, but is not limited to, genomic, epigenomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic medicine which are expected to unify molecular and clinical research at the point of individual precision healthcare.

Precision Medicine Alliance

PRECISION MEDICINE ALLIANCE is at the forefront of precision medicine. Our goal is to connect all stakeholders to our value-based platform and establish PRECISION MEDICINE FIRST in the clinical world for an optimal outcome for each individual patient and a sustainable performance of our healthcare systems.

The Journal of Precision Medicine

The Journal of Precision Medicine is the world’s first print publication to discuss the many key global issues surrounding this rapidly evolving landscape. It does so by connecting both ends of the life science continuum – the compelling discoveries being realized in molecular research with the critical needs of the patient in the clinical setting. Providing a forum for the global Life Science community to share thought provoking and forward thinking opinion, The Journal of Precision Medicine will play an important role in advancing the progress already being made in this exciting field..

Theranostics Health

Theranostics Health, LLC (THX) is a pioneer in the next stage of molecular medicine: the blending of therapeutics and diagnostics to make personalized patient treatment a reality. The technology developed by the company represents a new paradigm in molecular medicine where the biomarker that services as the diagnostic is also the therapeutic target and the activity of actual protein drug targets in a patient’s tissue sample can be measured.

U.S. Preventive Medicine

U.S. Preventive Medicine® has developed a suite of prevention, early detection and chronic condition management products and services that improve health outcomes while reducing health care costs. Every person at our company is working relentlessly to deliver the "ultimate prevention experience" to more people so we can one day give everyone more good years.

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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.

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