Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it - Hans Selye

image by: Andrés Nieto Porras
HWN Suggests
How I Stay Calm When I Feel Like I'm About to Lose It
I am very guilty of acting out and not keeping a lid on my less-than-honorable emotions from time to time. But this only leaves us feeling worse. Feeling guilty, embarrassed, and remorseful. Instead try following these steps the next time you feel like you're about to lose it.
1. Pause and breathe.
I say to myself, “I am here. I am still. I am safe. I can feel my inhale and exhale. Everything’s OK.” Even just 20 focused seconds of repeating this plus some deep breathing is instantly calming. Try it! If you can take 10 or 15 minutes (like I was forced to)—all the better!
2. Employ your rational mind.
Your emotional mind (ego) is not predictable or necessarily…
Coping With Stress, Burnout Or Anxiety: The One Thing You Need To Know
Take the first step: acknowledge that you've got some thinking going on, and it's causing you some stress. Then step up your EQ, and surf into self-leadership. Understand that your thinking is totally normal, and you don't need to reach for a headphones, a beer bottle or Jessica's throat to relieve your stress. Underneath the anxiety, you're still you. You are not your circumstances, your calendar or your relationships. Or your thinking. Hang in there - a new thought is on its way. No mindset required.
Stress Can Make You Sick. Take Steps to Reduce It
In his new book, “The Stress Solution,” Dr. Rangan Chatterjee offers advice on countering the damaging effects of chronic stress.
The Hidden Costs of Stressed-Out Workers
Companies often don’t realize how much they pay for lost time and productivity from unhealthy workplace dynamics. But there are ways to lower the stress level.
The Hidden Stress of Growing Up a Child of Immigrants
Though immigrants come from a variety of backgrounds, there are certain stressors that U.S.-born children of immigrants have in common.
Under Pressure: The Search for a Stress Vaccine
In the decades since, Sapolsky’s speculation has become scientific fact. Chronic stress, it turns out, is an extremely dangerous condition. And not just for baboons: People are as vulnerable to its effects as those low-ranking male apes.
When Stress at Work Creates Drama at Home
The spillover effect can jeopardize relationships—here’s what you can do if hard times on the job change how you behave during off-hours
Why Being Stressed All the Time Can Make You Sick
Fortunately for many of us, we don’t have to deal with life-threatening situations on a regular basis. However, we still experience stress. This stress can be chronic, due to a specific situation or overall lifestyle. But our stress response is meant for short-term resolvable conflict. So in a way, the stress response is misplaced in today’s world of enduring stressors. Danger comes when we experience repeated elevations of these stress hormones, or when we are exposed to too much of these stress hormones at a young age. Instead of physical threats, many of us experience psychosocial stress, which triggers a similar stress response but is often not resolvable.
How Stress Makes You Sick
Feeling overwhelmed affects everything from digestion to stroke risk.
Stress: How It Works And How To Beat It
It doesn't have to be this way.
What happens to your body when you’re stressed
We all feel stressed from time to time – it’s all part of the emotional ups and downs of life. Stress has many sources, it can come from our environment, from our bodies, or our own thoughts and how we view the world around us. It is very natural to feel stressed around moments of pressure such as exam time – but we are physiologically designed to deal with stress, and react to it.
5 Simple Tips For Managing Work Stress
One thing remains clear, the majority of employees experience stress at work, and stress has been shown to negatively impact performance and well-being. Learning how to manage it is key to restoring health and staying productive. The earlier you acknowledge it, the better it will be as you advance your career.
7 charts that explain America's stress problem
The biggest causes of stress seem to be health-related: illness, disease, and the death of a loved one. Lower down the list are life changes and transitions, such as moving to a new neighborhood, city, or state, or problems with personal relationships, like separation with a significant other or divorce.
A Genetic Clue to Why Stress Makes People Sleepy
This evolutionarily perplexing behavior could help repair damaged DNA.
Americans Are Among the Most Stressed People in the World, Poll Finds
The findings were not all bleak for the United States. Despite having widespread negative experiences, Americans also generally reported more positive experiences, on average, than the rest of the world did. Globally, just 49 percent of those interviewed said they had learned or had done something interesting the day before. In the United States, however, 64 percent of adults said the same.
Big Question: Why Do I Yawn When I'm Nervous or Stressed?
ATHLETES DO IT before competition. Concert violinists do it before going onstage. Paratroopers even do it before throwing themselves out of a plane for the first time. Of all the involuntary physical reflexes humans experience before stressful events, yawning seems not only improbable, but also kind of ridiculous—like sneezing a lot before a knife fight.
Five Daily Habits To Reduce Your Stress At Work
Our fast-paced, rapidly changing world has brought with it the expectation of doing more in less time, but also the pressure to be connected and "on" 24/7 just to keep pace with the increasing demands. It’s no wonder that stress and burnout have become growing workplace problems.
How to beat exam stress
Mindfulness-based practices have been shown to reduce stress, and make our negative thoughts seem less threatening. Here are some you can try.
Nine Ways Successful People Defeat Stress
Feeling stressed? Of course you are. You have too much on your plate, deadlines are looming, people are counting on you... You are under a lot of pressure — so much that at times, you suspect the quality of your work suffers for it. This is life in the modern workplace. It is more or less impossible to be any kind of professional these days and not experience frequent bouts of intense stress.
Ten rules of email that will reduce your stress levels
Email and smart phones can be stressful. Academics are calling this constant work connection “technostress”. Consequently, many European countries are now offering employees the “right to disconnect”. The way email is used is complex, it cannot simply be labelled as “good” or “bad” and research shows that personality, the type of work people do and their goals can influence the way they react to email.
The Out-of-Office Blues
Not every workplace makes it easy to get away. As a result, some people don’t take the full amount of vacation they’re entitled to, end up working through their “vacations,” or worry that their managers frown on the time off.
How I Stay Calm When I Feel Like I'm About to Lose It
I am very guilty of acting out and not keeping a lid on my less-than-honorable emotions from time to time. But this only leaves us feeling worse. Feeling guilty, embarrassed, and remorseful. Instead try following these steps the next time you feel like you're about to lose it...
American Institute of Stress
Today, AIS provides a diverse and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual discovery creates and transmits innovative knowledge, improves human health and provides leadership to the world on stress related topics.

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