I think a lot of psychopaths are just geniuses who drove so fast that they lost control ― Criss Jami, Killosophy

image by: Martin Sharman
HWN Suggests
How to Tell if You’re a Psychopath or Just a Bad Person
Over the course of my life, I've been called "psycho" a handful of times. What fun-loving girl hasn't, right?
There was the ex who said my serial infidelity was a "definite" sign of psychopathic tendencies. There was the ex who once saw me in a crowded room, turned white, and left immediately. (That same ex who told me that I'd driven him to drugs.) And then there was the former coworker who told me that he could really see me in a "Tony Blair position" in a future government, and looked pained when I asked if that was intended as a compliment.
We think we have an idea of what psychopaths are like—narcissistic Patrick Bateman types, twisted serial killers, or the president…
How Psychopaths See the World
It’s not that they can’t consider other people’s perspectives. It’s that they don’t do so automatically.
There's a Little Bit of Psychopath in All of Us
Most people think they know what a psychopath is: someone who has no feelings. Someone who probably tortured animals for fun when they were little. But here are five things you probably didn’t know about psychopaths.
What is a psychopath?
Millions recently flocked to the cinema to watch Joker, the origin story of Batman’s notorious nemesis. Many have commented that the film is a portrait of a textbook psychopath. But perhaps the bigger question is how many among the audience have similar traits? Indeed, is it possible that you are a psychopath yourself?
Can psychopaths be cured?
Psychopaths possess a combination of charm and emotionlessness that makes them capable of ruthless, impulsive, and even criminal acts. And, for a long time, psychologists believed that these people were simply incapable of experiencing emotion — and that there was no way to change that. But now, emerging research is showing that this might not be the full story.
Do Psychopaths Genuinely Lack Empathy, Or Are They Feeling You?
Psychopaths certainly have the capacity to feel a range of emotions. The description of them as having reptilian (snake-like) brains is mostly a metaphor.
How To Deal With A Workplace Psychopath
Working alongside a psychopath could take a serious toll on your well-being. Being proactive about your approach can help reduce some of the damage.
How to Identify a Psychopath or Sociopath
The terms “psychopath” and “sociopath” often get used interchangeably, but they’re not exactly the same. Regardless of semantics, here’s how to spot the heartless, charming evil of a psychopath or sociopath.
Inside the Mind of a Psychopath
Neuroscientists are discovering that some of the most cold-blooded killers aren't bad. They suffer from a brain abnormality that sets them adrift in an emotionless world.
I’m O.K., You’re a Psychopath
Do psychopaths enjoy reading books about psychopaths? In his engagingly irreverent new best seller, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry (Riverhead, $25.95), the journalist Jon Ronson notes that only about one in 100 people are psychopaths (there is a higher proportion in prisons and corporate boardrooms), but he wonders if this population will be overrepresented among readers of his book.
Life as a Nonviolent Psychopath
Neuroscientist James Fallon discovered through his work that he has the brain of a psychopath, and subsequently learned a lot about the role of genes in personality and how his brain affects his life.
Love Beer And Coffee? You Might Be A Psychopath
A new study associates taste preferences with personality traits.
Psychopath. Successful Psychopath.
The quintessential psychopath is a paradoxical mix of traits: On the one hand, the psychopath is superficially charming, articulate and devoid of anxiety, but he is also guiltless, callous, self-centered and aimless. These traits allow psychopaths to dupe others into believing they are trustworthy.
Psychopathic, Narcissistic Machiavellians
The traits that make con artists—and stockbrokers and lawyers—tick.
The Psychopath, the Altruist and the Rest of Us
Studies of psychopaths and extreme altruists suggest that their behavior could be linked to the amygdala, part of the brain.
What is the difference between a psychopath and a psychotic?
This is a common question. The news and media often confuse the two, but they are very different, and the distinction is rather important. One reason people have trouble with the two is that we throw around the term, “psycho.”
What It's Like to Spend 20 Years Listening to Psychopaths for Science
Kiehl is a neuroscientist at the Mind Research Network and the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, and he's devoted his career to studying what's different about the brains of psychopaths – people whose lack of compassion, empathy, and remorse has a tendency to get them into trouble with the law.
When Your Child Is a Psychopath
The condition has long been considered untreatable. Experts can spot it in a child as young as 3 or 4. But a new clinical approach offers hope.
Women can be psychopaths too, in ways more subtle but just as dangerous
Hear the word psychopath and most of us think of violent, dominant men. There are lots of male psychopathic monsters from movies to illustrate this point. Think Alex in A Clockwork Orange, or Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. But we do have some female examples: Annie Wilkes in Misery, and who could forget Alex Forrest’s bunny-boiling character in Fatal Attraction?
How to Tell if You’re a Psychopath or Just a Bad Person
Self-diagnosed psychopath and neuroscientist Dr. James Fallon reveals how psycho you have to be in order to be an actual psychopath.
5 Surefire Signs You're Dealing With A Psychopath
While Hollywood’s portrayal of psychopaths as serial killers can be accurate, not all psychopaths commit horrendous crimes. In fact, many of them are successful business leaders.
9 Signs That You’re Dealing With a Psychopath
First a bit of terminological history, to clear up any confusion about the meanings of “sociopath,” “psychopath,” and related terms...
A transgender psychopath's blog.
Psychopathic Writings
Is there such a thing as a spare time psychopath? Probably not, so I guess I'm a professional one. In the last decade or so researchers and experts have published much new knowledge about psychopaths and psychopathy for the public to learn more about this 1% minority of the world. I think some insider information has been missing from the picture and this is why I have decided to contribute with some of the knowledge that only someone who lives with the condition can provide.
Psychopaths and Love
Ths website is dedicated to those who have been victimized
To help other victims of psychopaths, both male and female, I have started the website Psychopathyawareness. This website explains clearly, for the general public, what psychopaths are, why they act the way they do, how they attract us and whom they tend to target. Above all, I hope that psychopathyawareness will help victims find the strength to end their toxic relationships with psychopaths and move on, stronger and wiser, with the rest of their lives.

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