At times, I forget I even have Bronchiectasis. But then, out of the blue, at the most random of times, it hits me. I cough and it’s phlegmy. And sometimes I taste blood - Don Kowalewski

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HWN Suggests
My story
Keep your options open when battling bronchiectasis...
I am writing my story in the hope that it might help other sufferers of bronchiectasis or other chronic lung disease. It is the story of my journey through illness to health, and it involves use of western and other "alternative" medicines, so if you have already decided against alternative medicines this site will not be for you. If you are undecided, I hope you will find my experience helpful.
It is my own personal story as I have lived it. I am just a normal person, a middle aged working mum with two great children. I make my living as an accountant and I have no financial interest in any type of medicine. I just…
Which Patients Develop Bronchiectasis?
This registry report gives a nuanced clinical picture of patients who live with non–cystic fibrosis–associated bronchiectasis. The varied approaches to therapy reflect a lack of evidence-based interventions for treating patients with this increasingly recognized disorder.
6 Tips for Managing Bronchiectasis
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with bronchiectasis, there are ways you can help slow down the progression of the disease and improve your quality of life. We’ve put together a list of tips to help improve your life with bronchiectasis using information from the National Institute of Health.
Beating Bronchiectasis: My Journey from Diagnosis to Treatment to Full Recovery In Just One Year
In this episode, I describe my health struggles, diagnosis with Bronchiectasis, and full recovery over the course of one year.
Beware Of “Saxophone Lung”?
OK, I admit it. Had I not originally come across the term “Saxophone Lung” on a medical site, I would have thought it was a joke, but a bit of Googling turned up a host of articles on both Google and Google Scholar.
How Do You Approach a Patient With Bronchiectasis
Clinically, bronchiectasis can look very similar to COPD, with sputum production, cough, frequent pulmonary infections, dyspnea, and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is by CT scan, with evidence of dilated airways, frequently with fluid pooling.
Living with Bronchiectasis
This blog post was written by Mary Kitlowski, founder of Running On Air, who is living with Bronchiectasis.
My story with bronchiectasis
My story of how I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis, took a lot of antibiotics and steroids, felt awful for years, tried ayurvedic medicine and now live with no symptoms. A patient's story for the benefit of other bronchiectasis sufferers.
Ploughing through PACES
My presumed diagnosis in this young female is bronchiectasis as evidenced by the presence of clubbing and coarse inspiratory and expiratory crepitations that alter with coughing and are associated with inspiratory clicks.
The Bronchiectasis and NTM Initiative
The Bronchiectasis and NTM Research Registry is a consolidated database of adult non-cystic fibrosis (non- CF) bronchiectasis and/or nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease patients from major clinical and research institutions. The goal of the Registry is to support collaborative research and assist in the planning of multi-center clinical trials for the treatment of non-CF bronchiectasis and/or NTM lung disease which represents a progressive, chronic disease of the lungs which afflicts thousands of patients
Things I Have: Bronchiectasis
At times, I forget I even have Bronchiectasis. But then, out of the blue, at the most random of times, it hits me. I cough and it’s phlegmy. And sometimes I taste blood.
Why Me? The History and Mystery of my Bronchiectasis.
Like many confronted with serious illness or chronic disability I have asked myself, self-pityingly at times, "Why me?" I get anxious, frustrated, angry, frightened, panicky - a gamut of emotions surrounding my breathlessness.
My story
I am writing my story in the hope that it might help other sufferers of bronchiectasis or other chronic lung disease. It is the story of my journey through illness to health, and it involves use of western and other "alternative" medicines, so if you have already decided against alternative medicines this site will not be for you. If you are undecided, I hope you will find my experience helpful.
Bronchiectasis R Us
Please feel free to browse the forums and topics available. We have all the info you need to know and much much more here on BRUS
Bronchiectasis News Today
Bronchiectasis News Today is a science and health publishing website that occasionally writes about clinical trials taking place in the Bronchiectasis research community.

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