Traditional Chinese Medicine

Only the healing art enables one to make a name for himself and at the same time give benefit to others - Chinese Proverb

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine

image by: XiXinXing

HWN Suggests

The Enigma of Chinese Medicine


A few years ago, while visiting Beijing, I caught a cold. My wife, who is Chinese, and wanted me to feel better, took me to a local restaurant. After we sat down, she ordered a live turtle. The proprietors sent it over. I startled as the waiters unceremoniously cut the turtle’s throat, then poured its blood into a glass. To this frightening prospect, they added a shot of baijiu, very strong grain alcohol. The proprietor and waiters, now tableside, gestured with obvious pride for me to drink the potent medicine. I winced, found the courage, and drank up.

I felt better later that night and in the days that followed, but I wasn’t sure why. Was it…

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 The Enigma of Chinese Medicine

It seems entirely reasonable to believe in the effectiveness of T.C.M. and still have grave doubts about qi. In other words, it is possible for people to practice a kind of “accidental medicine” — in the sense that symptoms might be alleviated even when their causes are misdiagnosed (it happens all the time in Western medicine, too).

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