Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work - Thich Nhat Hanh

image by: SHEDS College, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India
HWN Suggests
The 3 Things That Helped Me Finally Stick With Meditation
Over the last few years, I’ve read a hundred different reasons why I should adopt a regular meditation practice. It’s the best way to harness the power of the present moment. It’s a tool for self-healing. It provides direct access to the divine.
The list goes on. My problem was that while I did recognize these almighty truths right from the start, I also found myself seriously stuck when it came to actually meditating.
My favorite spiritual writers sure made it sound easy — just sit down, quiet your mind, and be. In practice, this was a daunting, nearly impossible task. All the while, I talked nonstop about the power of awareness in the present moment. It wasn’t until I came…
Anxious? Meditation Can Help You 'Relax Into The Uncertainty' Of The Pandemic
Harris credits meditation with helping him work through the anxiety that caused that panic attack. He went on to write a memoir, 10% Happier, about his experiences with meditation, and he talks about the subject on his twice-weekly podcast. He's also been hosting a daily meditation online with different leaders in the community of people who study and teach mindfulness techniques.
Are we morally obligated to meditate?
A growing body of neuroscience research shows that meditation can make us better to each other.
How to Start Meditating
The world is stressful. That’s especially true right now. Here are strategies to take just a few minutes every day to calm your mind and check in with yourself.
Meditation Is a Powerful Mental Tool—and For Some People It Goes Terribly Wrong
"I just felt shattered. I had a job, a wife, and two beautiful children, and yet I felt that I would never experience joy again.”
So You Think You Can’t Meditate?
It happened sometime recently — maybe in the last six months, or a year — that everyone I know started meditating. Or at least they talked about the desire to meditate. Some used apps like Headspace; others just put on trippy music and zoned out. A few went to events put on by Medi Club, a kind of meditation-cum-social group.
How to Find a Meditation App for You
If you want to steal a few minutes of Zen and achieve something like contentment in the face of chaos and uncertainty, you might be tempted to download a meditation app.
Head Trip: Meditation Apps for Travelers
Having long tried to virtually transport listeners to beaches, rain forests and other dreamy respites, meditation apps today are also trying to appeal to people who are actually traveling to such places.
How Meditation Works
Mindfulness meditation is having a moment in the West, and with it some compelling reasons to understand and try it.
Meet Headspace, The App That Made Meditation A $250 Million Business
But perhaps Headspace’s most important strength over time lies in data, which it has been using to understand what makes new users become regulars, when people zone out of tracks and how the app can become personalized to predict users’ needs.
Should Schools Teach Kids to Meditate?
Meditation can help students be less stressed and more compassionate. But how many districts are ready to sign on?
Take 15: How Just 15 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life
The No. 1 excuse people give for not making time for their health and well-being is "I DON'T HAVE TIME." While some people have less free time than others, that statement is still 100% bogus. Let's face it; you make time for the things you value.
The Meditation Cure
Much of Buddhism can be boiled down to a bad-news/good-news story. The bad news is that life is full of suffering and we humans are full of illusions. The good news is that these two problems are actually one problem: If we could get rid of our illusions—if we could see the world clearly—our suffering would end. And there’s more good news: Buddhism offers tools for doing that job. A good example is the type of meditation known as mindfulness meditation, now practiced by millions of people in the U.S. and other places far from Buddhism’s Asian homeland.
What Meditation Really Is
Celebrating meditation, sharing experiences and knowledge.
The 3 Things That Helped Me Finally Stick With Meditation
My biggest hurdle used to be that I simply didn't have time to meditate. Juggling work demands while caring for two young children often left little time for much else. Then I came across a radical idea from writer Peter McWilliams: Meditating often creates more time than it takes. I interpreted this to mean that meditation calms the mind in such a way that you actually feel less crazed and time-starved than before.
10 World Renowned Meditation Tech Experts Share What's Next In 2017
Thanks to technology, today you can learn to meditate anywhere, anytime.
27 Meditation Statistics That You Should Be Aware Of
Meditation is a set of techniques used to develop mindfulness, promote calmness, and increase relaxation. As the numbers show, its popularity is skyrocketing, with more and more people meditating on a regular basis. In today’s stress-packed world, it’s no wonder people are looking for new ways to relieve stress and anxiety.
7 Ways Meditation Can Actually Change The Brain
The meditation-and-the-brain research has been rolling in steadily for a number of years now, with new studies coming out just about every week to illustrate some new benefit of meditation. Or, rather, some ancient benefit that is just now being confirmed with fMRI or EEG. The practice appears to have an amazing variety of neurological benefits...
Headspace is helping cause a cultural shift in how we think and talk about meditation.
Browse leading meditation teachers, scientists, and centers from around the world. Discover up-to-date information on the science and benefits of meditation. Listen to free, guided meditations; explore pressing topics such as stress reduction, brain health, creativity, and find the perfect teacher for you. Enjoy the Journey!
About Meditation
We are a team of creatives who love meditation and how it helps us grow and thrive. Like deep sleep and delicious food, we feel it’s essential to leading a rich life. Whether you want to relax, stimulate creativity, gain enlightenment, or cultivate compassion and mindfulness, we help you learn how to let go.
There is a dynamic team behind who is constantly working on bringing high quality articles and resources to both beginners and meditation lovers. Despite the huge amount of meditation websites available today on the internet, there is a big confusion and misconception about meditation techniques and the overall practices. As a passionate and visionary team, we will do our best to provide you with the best material and resources.
Meditation Station
Welcome to Meditation Station, the official website of the Meditation Society of America. Whether you're a beginner, expert, or somewhere in between, you will find valuable information on meditation techniques and concepts from all traditions throughout the world.
Open Source Meditation
We are the creators of Open Source Meditation, a non-profit, open exploration of all meditation techniques, styles and traditions without any of the obligations or hidden agendas.
Positive Meditation
Positive Meditation is a powerful combination of mindfulness and self-enquiry techniques which help people to let go of negative emotions like anger, stress, depression, anxiety and guilt.
The Daily Meditation
A voice for peace, love, and harmony. We produce guide to meditation and mindfulness, helping to promote peace and joy and to end anxiety and stress.
The Meditation Blog
Explores meditative practice, experience and research. The bloggers practise Acem Meditation, but represent their own views here.
The Meditation Initiative
Teaching people how to deal with stress, anger, anxiety, sadness and depression through the practice of daily meditation. Creating a world where people slow down and pay attention to their breath.
The Meditative Gardner
The Meditative Gardner does precisely what is says on the tin: bringing mindfulness into garden chores. You only have to read the title of their latest article “Meditating with a Squirrel” to know what this is all about: nature, loving your garden and letting your garden and gardening lead you to mindfulness. Excellent - The Daily Meditation
TM Blog
Need some inspiration? The TM Blog brings together personal stories, media coverage, and the latest research on the Transcendental Meditation technique.
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation is a simple, effective mental technique which allows the mind to transcend, or settle to the simplest, most powerful state of awareness. It does not involve any mental control or any active thought process.
Wildmind Meditation
Wildmind is an online resource for exploring Buddhist meditation.
Clear Empty Mind
I’m going to be completely open and honest and say that the site design of ClearEmptyMind is not my favourite (it’s somewhat cluttered). But once you get past that you find brilliant articles and videos that teach Buddhist philosophies and techniques and also discuss modern news stories from a Buddhist point of view. This blog makes me feel more connected to Buddhism (which is difficult being stuck in a village in the middle of England with absolutely no connections to Buddhism whatsoever) - The Daily Meditation
Insight Timer
Providing you with a daily meditation practice should be a privilege, not a product. That's why Insight Timer is free. When you became a member of Insight Timer you're encouraged to meditate for as long as you like, there are no monthly fees or lockdowns.
Rama Meditation Society
Rama Meditation Society shares the body of works of Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz - and supports those inspired by his teachings.
Every age has its greatest discovery. The greatest of all is inside of us.
Silence Your Mind
A practical, science-based guide that shows how in just 10 to 15 minutes a day you can make meditation part of your routine and improve your happiness, wellbeing and productivity, for people of all ages and all walks of life.
You have it in you to become fit, and we at Sonima want to help. By fit, we don’t mean perfect legs and six-pack abs and routines that require hours of your already hectic days. We mean doing what you can do, each day, to reduce the limits on your bodies and minds. It’s about achieving physical and mental freedom one step at a time. is the world’s first spiritual networking site designed to encourage direct interaction between seekers and spiritual Gurus hailing from various faiths across the world. The purpose of the site is to enable healthy conversations among the spiritually inclined. It is a platform where users can post their questions, thoughts, views, and seek inputs from masters/seekers.
Spirit Balance has a ton of personality that makes it one of the very best meditation blogs. You really get a sense of the writer’s personality when reading this blog, and it’s a very interesting personality at that. The blogger discusses his journeys to India and share many colourful Youtube videos too. This is probably the most unique blog in the world - The Daily Meditation
Tiny Buddha
Tiny Buddha is about reflecting on simple wisdom and learning new ways to apply it to our complex lives—complete with responsibilities, struggles, dreams, and relationships. Founded in 2009, Tiny Buddha has emerged as a leading resource for peace and happiness, with close to three million monthly readers.
Their weekly Meditations Illustrated feature is a fun way to get a new perspective on common meditation principles - DoYouYoga
Zen Habits
Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.
American Meditation Society
The American Meditation Society is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to providing meditation classes and meditation techniques that are personalized. A range of instruction is available including meditation for beginners to advanced practices that are designed for the individual. Meditation when properly taught is effortless and opens the heart.
British Meditation Society
British Meditation Society, is one of the longest established non-profit making meditation organisations in the UK. It's primary objective is for the Teaching of meditation, with a supporting philosophy and network of teachers across the UK.
David Lynch Foundation UK
Founded by filmmaker David Lynch to bring stress-reducing Transcendental Meditation to at-risk youths, veterans, prison inmates and the homeless.
International Meditation Teachers Association
The association is run by Meditation teachers for Meditation teachers and offers students of Meditation access to professional Meditation teachers in many countries throughout the world, whose work meets the professional and ethical standards set by IMTA.
Meditation Association of Australia
We endeavor to benefit the wider community through the personal, spiritual and therapeutic practice of meditation delivered by well-trained, ethical and professionally recognised teachers.
Shambhala Publications
We believe there’s an enlightened way of approaching every aspect of our lives, and, for more than forty years now, we’ve been bringing you books that bear witness to that belief--while providing you with practical ways to apply it.
The Buddhist Society
The Buddhist Society was founded in 1924, with the object “to publish and make known the principles of Buddhism and to encourage the study and practice of those principles.” It is guided by an elected Council.

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