Acupuncture is a "retrospective science, going on for 3,000 years. We know it works, we just don't know why - Leena Mathew MD
image by: Marnie Joyce
HWN Suggests
A Healthy Poke: Demystifying the Science Behind Acupuncture
While many practices in alternative medicine are slowly but surely making their way into the mainstream, acupuncture is one that still produces skeptical eyebrow raises. This phenomenon is partly due to linguistics. Scientists have worked to elucidate the mechanisms by which yoga, meditation, and various dietary interventions may work on the cells of the body, but there is something fundamentally more ancient-feeling about the language of acupuncture. Go to the NIH's website on complementary and alternative medicine (NCCAM), and even here you'll find a discussion that involves qi, yin, yang, and meridians.
Is it possible to discuss acupuncture in a way that makes sense to even the…
Search for an Acupuncturist is the leading resource for everything to do with Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs and Asian Medicine.
Skeptics, Get Ready: Does This New Study Prove That Acupuncture Really Works?
What the research team claims to have found is a significant increase in nitric oxide, which increases blood flow and could result in an analgesic effect. In any case, this study is at least a solid attempt at uncovering better evidence for why acupuncture is anything beyond an ancient placebo-effect delivery method. Whether it's convincing is another question.
What’s happening in your body during acupuncture?
Trials have shown mixed results, but a new study shows that something is happening when those needles go in.
Acupuncture in pain management
Acupuncture is a complementary therapy that is being increasingly used in the day-to-day management of pain. It originated in China, over 3000 yr ago and is practised worldwide. This article offers a summary of the models of its suggested mechanism of action, the evidence-base for its effectiveness and the clinical applications for which acupuncture can be considered.
Biological Implausibility Aside, Acupuncture Works
A large meta-analysis has shown that acupuncture's benefits can't be fully attributed to placebo effect, raising the question throughout Western medicine: Why?
Can Acupuncture Reverse Killer Inflammation?
The ST36 Zusanli () acupuncture point is located just below the knee joint. This spot in mice--and it is hoped perhaps in humans--may be a critical entryway to gaining control over the often fatal inflammatory reactions that accompany systemic infections.
Can Acupuncture Treat Depression?
The alternative practice may be able to replace medication or alleviate its side effects.
A Healthy Poke: Demystifying the Science Behind Acupuncture
Many of us have started to embrace the use of alternative medicine, but acupuncture, with its qi, yin, and meridians, still raises eyebrows.
Acupuncture Today
Acupuncture Today is a monthly newspaper delivered to members of the acupuncture and Oriental medicine profession.
Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine in Humans & Animals
There is but ONE True Medicine.
New, articles, and research about acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
TCM Congress
Each year, TCM Kongress Rothenburg hosts one of Europe’s foremost traditional Chinese medicine congresses at which they consistently recruit the industry’s top lecturers. Participants include clinicians, educators and students from around the world.
Our mission is to provide students the best, most comprehensive and up-to-date acupuncture online test preparation and a positive learning experience to prepare for the exam.
The Global Acupuncture Project
At the core of the Project is the training of local community healthcare providers so that they can provide the treatments. This is a very important aspect of this Project in that it empowers the people themselves.
World Acupuncture
The limited awareness and understanding of the scope, power and flexibility of 'Traditional Acupuncture' both within and without the profession is the greatest challenge we face today.
Sacred Lotus
Sacred Lotus has helped millions of people learn Chinese Medicine for over 15 years. Whether you need a quick reference or in depth knowledge, we provide authentic, researched, and well organized information.
Yin Yang House
Explore the world of Chinese Medicine, including tools such as Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Our network of sites are offered to help guide you on your journey.
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