
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver - Maya Angelou


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HWN Suggests

To support breast cancer research, skip pink ribbons and check out these charities

Our grocery stores are drowning in orange and pink. It’s the annual October battle between Halloween and breast cancer awareness month, and despite a deeply American love of all things spooky, the pink ribbons are winning.

If you look closer at the endless sea of pink, you’ll see one charity repeated more than all the rest: Susan G. Komen. The organization is nearly ubiquitous, and that name recognition might make you think of them if you want to support breast cancer research. But take a moment before you hand over your money in a virtue-fueled shopping spree, and ask where your cash is actually going.

Susan G. Komen, of all the laudable organizations out there, is not…

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 To support breast cancer research, skip pink ribbons and check out these charities

Spend your dollars on research that might actually save lives.

Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund

Dame Olivia Newton-John (DBE) has established the Olivia Newton-John Foundation Fund, an independent charity sponsoring global research into plant medicine for cancer.

Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Our mission is to achieve prevention and a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime by providing critical funding for innovative clinical and genetic research at leading medical centers worldwide, and increasing public awareness about good breast health.

California Breast Cancer Research Program

The mission of the California Breast Cancer Research Program is to prevent and eliminate breast cancer by leading innovation in research, communication, and collaboration in the California scientific and lay communities.

Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation

Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation is dedicated to achieving a future without breast cancer by engaging the public and the scientific communities in innovative research. We do this through performing and facilitating innovative and collaborative research, translating science to engage the public as informed partners, and inspiring novel research.

Keep A Breast

Combining sculpture, philanthropy, and symbolic artistry, The Keep A Breast Foundation is a nonprofit breast cancer awareness organization unlike any other. Keep A Breast creates one-of-a-kind plaster forms of the female torso that are customized by fine artists and auctioned to raise consciousness and funding for breast cancer research and treatment.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Today, LBBC’s mission is to connect people with trusted breast cancer information and a community of support. LBBC addresses the needs of those who are newly diagnosed, in treatment, living with a history of breast cancer or managing metastatic disease.

The Breast Cancer Deadline

Since 1991, the National Breast Cancer Coalition's trained advocates have lobbied at the national, state and local levels for public policies that impact breast cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. Our grassroots advocacy effort has hundreds of member organizations and tens of thousands of individual members working toward increased federal funding for breast cancer research.

Think Before You Pink

Think Before You Pink®, a project of Breast Cancer Action, launched in 2002 in response to the growing concern about the number of pink ribbon products on the market. The campaign calls for more transparency and accountability by companies that take part in breast cancer fundraising, and encourages consumers to ask critical questions about pink ribbon promotions.

American Breast Cancer Foundation

A national 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Our mission is to provide women and men in financial need, regardless of age or race, access to breast cancer early diagnosis, to assist patients and their families, and to support research.

Boarding for Breast Cancer

Boarding For Breast Cancer (B4BC) is a non-profit, youth-focused education, awareness, and fundraising foundation. Our mission is to increase awareness about breast cancer, the importance of early detection and the value of an active lifestyle.

Breast Cancer Action

Breast Cancer Action has never been your typical breast cancer organization. We’re working to address and end the breast cancer epidemic at the intersection of breast cancer, the environment, social justice, and feminism.

Breast Cancer Alliance

The mission of the Breast Cancer Alliance is to fund innovative breast cancer research and to promote breast health through education and outreach. Breast cancer survivors, their friends and health-care professionals are fulfilling t

Breast Cancer Charities of America

The Breast Cancer Charities of America (BCCA) is the only non-profit bringing the integrated cancer care message to the women of America. We bring together the different healthcare and allied healthcare disciplines, oncology, nursing, psychology, sociology, nutrition, exercise physiology, spirituality and more.

Breast Cancer Now

We’re Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer research charity – and we're dedicated to funding research into this devastating disease.

Breast Cancer Prevention Partners

BCPP (formerly Breast Cancer Fund) is a science-based advocacy organization that works to prevent breast cancer by eliminating exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.

Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation

The Breast Cancer Recovery Foundation sponsors Infinite Boundaries wellness retreats for breast cancer survivors. We nurture, enhance and aid the emotional, spiritual and physical recovery for women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Society of Canada

Our mandate is to fund vital Canadian research into improving the detection, prevention and treatment of breast cancer as well as to ultimately find a cure and create awareness through education.

Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation

The Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation is one of the nation’s leading breast cancer research and education charities. It was founded in 1985 in memory of Lynn Sage, a Chicago-area woman who endured a six-year struggle with breast cancer before she died at the age of 39. Our mission is to support the understanding, research and treatment of breast cancer in partnership with Chicago’s Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

McGrath Foundation

The McGrath Foundation raises money to place McGrath Breast Care Nurses in communities right across Australia and aims to increase breast health understanding.

National Breast Cancer Coalition

We need something more than hope. We’ve set a deadline of January 1, 2020 to know how to end breast cancer. Hope is a wish. The deadline is a commitment.

National Breast Cancer Foundation

We provide help and inspire hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education, and support services.

Susan G. Komen

We’ve transformed how the world treats and talks about this disease and have mobilized the largest and most passionate community. Since 1982, we’ve funded more than $988M in research, more than $2.2 billion in education, screening and treatment, serving millions in over 60 countries worldwide.

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