The human body is a nanoscale engineer par excellence. Our cells push and pull billions of molecules around every second in order to grow, communicate with each other, attack invaders or heal after injury - Alok Jha
image by: Furmanj
HWN Suggests
Why There Aren't Yet Nanobot Doctors
For years, the cutting edge of medicine has promised nanobots. Tiny little machines that could run around your body delivering drugs, checking up on arteries, and generally keeping people healthy. But so far, those machines haven’t quite come to dominate the way some people thought they might. The human body is vastly more complicated than any robot we’ve ever made. So creating a miniscule robot to go inside of it, to work with that vast infrastructure, and to do our bidding, is a huge challenge.
The first thing to know about nanorobots in medicine is that they’re not like the robots you’re probably imagining. “A robot means a machine that can handle things automatically,” says Aniket…
Nanorobots Target And Attack Malignant Tumors Without Harming Healthy Tissue
Nanomedicine continues to show promise of developing innovative and effective techniques for combating cancer. The great benefit of most of these treatments is that they attack malignant tumors and cells directly without damaging healthy tissue. This is a welcome contrast to traditional chemotherapy treatments that damage healthy and cancerous tissue alike.
Google’s Newest Search: Cancer Cells
Google Inc. is designing tiny magnetic particles to patrol the human body for signs of cancer and other diseases, in the latest example of the Internet giant’s sweeping ambition. Google said its nanoparticles, less than one-thousandth the width of a red blood cell, would seek out and attach themselves to cells, proteins or other molecules inside the body. The company also is working on a wearable device with a magnet to attract and count the particles, as a monitoring tool.
Nanomedicine Aims New Treatments at Cancer and Dangerous Wounds
Working on a very small scale lets scientists give drugs abilities denied to larger molecules.
Nanomedicine: Big Potential for Small Products
Nearly 250 nanomedicine products are being used or tested in humans, according to a new analysis that identified emerging trends in this sector. But experts caution that the long-term impact of nanomedicine products on human health and the environment is still uncertain.
Nanotechnoglogy world: Nanomedicine offers new cures
The human body is a nanoscale engineer par excellence. Our cells push and pull billions of molecules around every second in order to grow, communicate with each other, attack invaders or heal after injury.
Nanotechnology Applications That Can Change The World: Healing The Body
Nanotechnology applications in many fields have the potential to profoundly change the world of everyday experience. Here are some recent achievements in nanomedicine.
Small Misunderstandings
Given how varied nanotechnological research is—and how freighted it can be with misconceptions—it’s sometimes tempting to dismiss the term nanotechnology outright. As Bentley puts it, the word once helped get people excited, but when it began to grow more pervasive, it grew increasingly “difficult to identify what’s relevant.”
Small Packages
What happens, they ask, when these nanomaterials and products get into the environment, or into our bodies? Can the cool things they are designed to do also be harmful if they end up in the wrong place?
The Challenges and Methods for Characterizing Nanomedicines
The European Science Foundation has defined nanomedicine as “the science and technology of diagnosing, treating and preventing disease and traumatic injury, of relieving pain, and of preserving and improving human health, using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the human body.” In contrast to the traditional medical fields, nanomedicine focuses its efforts specifically towards research and development on the nanoscale.
What the Heck Is Nanotech?
Yup. Really, nanotech is not a discipline or field in its own right so much as a broad umbrella that encompasses a wide array of other areas of inquiry. From this perspective, it’s likely to be more of a bridge toward innovation in those fields rather than a singularly transformative force in its own right.
Why There Aren't Yet Nanobot Doctors
Scientists have long said that tiny robots would soon be able to conduct surgery and deliver drugs deep inside the body. Here’s why they’re still not a reality.
Nanotechnology News Portal is a global meeting place for investors and industry following the sector.
Nanotechnology Now
We offer consulting, technology monitoring, and in-depth analysis, as well as up-to-the-minute news briefs and breaking developments in the nanosciences.
You will enjoy exploring the world's most comprehensive nanotechnology and nanoscience resources.
Nanalyze provides investors with a controlled environment to research, analyze, and discuss "true" nanotechnology companies.
The mission of Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine (Nanomedicine: NBM) is to promote the emerging interdisciplinary field of nanomedicine. Nanomedicine: NBM is an international, peer-reviewed journal presenting novel, significant, and interdisciplinary theoretical and experimental results related to nanoscience and nanotechnology in the life sciences.
Nanomedicines Alliance
The Nanomedicines Alliance focuses on the global advancement of nanomedicines from research to commercialization.
NanoMedicines Research Centre
NMRC research tackles complex, life-shortening diseases that cannot be managed with conventional therapies.
Updated information on nanotechnology.
Our team is also highly innovative, and boasts pioneering research in varied areas that are at the fore-fronts of medical science and pharmaceutical technology such as polymeric micelles, multi-specific multi-targeting, anti-sense DNA, siRNA, ribozymes, and gene therapy.
The Nanotube Site
The primary purpose of The Nanotube Site is to facilitate the exchange of ideas among researchers by concentrating links to sites dedicated to nanotubes.
AZoNano educates and informs a worldwide audience of researchers, engineers and scientists with the latest industry news, information and insights from the Nanotechnology industry.
Foresight Institute
Foresight is the leading think tank and public interest institute on nanotechnology.
International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Nanomedicine. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Nanomedicine
International Journal of Nanomedicine
An international, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the application of nanotechnology in diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systems throughout the biomedical field. Reflecting the growing activity in this emerging specialty, the aim of this journal is to highlight research and development leading to potential clinical applications in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology
Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology covers wide varieties of topics such as molecular nanotechnology, nanosensors, nanoparticles, nanodrugs, Nanomaterials, nanobiotechnology, nanobiopharmaceutics, nanoelectronics, nanorobotics, etc..
Clene Nanomedicine
Clene has a new vision for a pharmaceutical future using therapeutic elements in clean, new nanoforms.
Manhattan Scientifics
We emphasize novel technology in the Nanomedicine space with the potential to be disruptive and the ability to establish sustainable businesses.
Zyvex Labs
is developing ‘Atomically Precise Manufacturing’ to create society-changing devices—devices in which control of the location of individual atoms at the single-lattice-site level yields unprecedented capabilities.
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