Prosthetic technology is certainly advancing rapidly, but there’s a catch. For most people, these state-of-the-art devices are neither attainable, nor well suited for day-to-day life - Rose Eveleth

image by: Lara Jameson
HWN Suggests
The Perfect, 3,000-Year-Old Toe: A Brief History of Prosthetic Limbs
The earliest known prosthesis, dating possibly as far back as 950 B.C., was discovered in Cairo on the mummified body of an ancient Egyptian noblewoman. The prosthesis is made largely of wood, molded and stained, its components bound together with leather thread. It is, as prostheses go, tiny.
Because it is a toe.
The prosthetic digit—the oldest little piggy in the world—is extraordinarily lifelike, its curved nail sunken into a similarly curved bed. Which is, in its way, remarkable. A toe! One that is several thousand years old! And it's not just a toe-sized peg—a little device that would have made mobility more manageable for someone who was, by reasons of birth or amputation,…
Life & Limb: The Evolution of Prosthetics
From outfitting sprinters like Oscar “Blade Runner” Pistorius from South Africa, a double leg amputee competing in 2012 Summer Olympic Games, to giving wounded war veterans the chance to continue their mission, modern prosthetics are changing lives for the better.
When State-of-the-Art is Second Best
Prosthetic technology is certainly advancing rapidly, but there’s a catch. For most people, these state-of-the-art devices are neither attainable, nor well suited for day-to-day life.
Bionic Brains and Beyond
High-tech implants will soon be commonplace enhancements under our skin and inside our skulls, making us stronger and smarter. Daniel H. Wilson on our 'superabled' future.
Bionic Legs, i-Limbs, and Other Super Human Prostheses You'll Envy
Save your tears for Tiny Tim. A boom in sophisticated prostheses has created a most unlikely by-product: envy.
Can Prosthetics Outperform Real Limbs?
MIT Media Lab’s Hugh Herr explains how he looks to nature when developing new bionic appendages. The amputee and avid rock climber discusses how his biomechatronics division is pioneering the technologies that aim to augment human physical capabilities.
Paralympics’ Repair Shop Offers Helping Hands for Damaged Limbs
The service, which is provided to all athletes at no cost, extends to each venue, where on-site technicians change tires, tighten screws and adjust alignments.
Prosthetic Limbs, Controlled by Thought
Engineers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab have developed a next-generation prosthetic: a robotic arm that has 26 joints, can curl up to 45 pounds and is controlled with a person’s mind just like a regular arm.
Scientists Are Working On Prosthetics Controlled By Your Mind
Soon, scientists will begin human trials on brain-controlled bionic limbs.
Smart Bionic Limbs are Reengineering the Human
Forget prostheses that merely resemble a human limb. Scientists are building bionic limbs with machines intelligence that can sense their environment and predict a user's intentions. Smart robotics will enhance the powers of the able-bodied, too.
The Insane and Exciting Future of the Bionic Body
From “i-limbs” to artificial organs, advances in technology have led to an explosion of innovation in the increasingly critical field of prosthetics.
This Prosthetics Startup Shows How Software is Eating the World
Y Combinator is applying the same tactics it uses to create software startups to the creation of driverless cars and medical devices.
The Perfect, 3,000-Year-Old Toe: A Brief History of Prosthetic Limbs
While today's prosthetics strive to surpass human capabilities, the earliest versions sought to replicate them.
8 Prosthetic Devices to Watch Out For
No one wants to be stuck using a prosthetic arm or leg. But there are some exciting—and sleek—advances on the horizon.
American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists
The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists is dedicated to promoting professionalism and advancing the standards of patient care through education, literature, research, advocacy, and collaboration.
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
ISPO aims to improve the quality of life for persons who may benefit from prosthetic, orthotic, mobility and assistive devices...
Prosthetics and Orthotics International
Prosthetics and Orthotics International is an international, multidisciplinary journal for all professionals who have an interest in the medical, clinical, rehabilitation, technical, educational and research aspects of prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation engineering, as well as their related topics.
Next Step
Prosthetic limbs improve the quality of life for amputees, and Next Step Bionics & Prosthetics, Inc. seeks to provide the prosthetic care every amputee deserves. Not only do we have the most recent bionic and prosthetic technologies available, but we also focus on ensuring that our clients have proper-fitting sockets.
Fast Company
Resource for the latest news on prosthetics.

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