Superbugs (Drug Resistant Bacteria)

Oh, this is a ticking time bomb, because the bacteria are developing resistance mechanisms more rapidly now than we can find new antibiotics - Robert Moellering MD

Superbugs (Drug Resistant Bacteria)

image by: SuperBugs

HWN Suggests

Fight the Superbugs! Why You Should Give a Cluck About Antibiotics in the Food Supply

"Superbugs”: it sounds like a Hollywood blockbuster about space aliens, or maybe a Pixar film about a fun-loving gang of insects wearing capes. But the antibiotic-resistant bacteria (aka “superbugs”) that have been hitting the headlines recently have nothing to do with Oscar nominations — and they are a real matter of life and death.

Antibiotics that doctors have long depended on to save human lives have stopped working. And part of the reason is that farmers abuse them in animal agriculture for non-medical reasons, giving rise to those “superbugs.” Here’s how that happened, and what you can do.

Debugging the myths

There’s a lot of confusion about…

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 Fight the Superbugs! Why You Should Give a Cluck About Antibiotics in the Food Supply

“Superbugs”: it sounds like a Hollywood blockbuster about space aliens, or maybe a Pixar film about a fun-loving gang of insects wearing capes.

7 Questions You Probably Have About 'Superbugs,' Answered

If more and stronger action isn't taken soon to address the growing issue of superbugs like CRE, reports suggest we could face serious consequences: By 2050, these infections could kill 10 million people worldwide -- more than all types of cancer, combined.

The 12 most dangerous superbugs, ranked by the WHO

The World Health Organization says we need to step up the fight against a dozen bacteria that are growing resistant to all the antibiotics we have to treat them.

Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics

Center for Innovative Phage Applications and Therapeutics We are the first dedicated phage therapy center in North America, bringing innovative research and clinical practice to the field of medicine. Join us on our journey and witness a revolutionary wave of solutions to combat antibiotic resistance.

Stop Superbugs

Stop Superbugs is a global health initiative led by the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC). We recognise that good work is already happening all around the world. Practical, local projects driven by passionate volunteers are helping to save lives.

Superbugs and Superdrugs

This unique conference will present attendees with a complete view into the latest in combating multi-drug resistance, diagnostics and new focus on vaccine development for the prevention of nosocomial bacterial infections.

Horikoshi Superbugs

The Horikoshi superbugs project conducted a world-wide search for bacteria that thrive under extreme conditions of pH, salinity, and temperature.


A Wired Science Blog about superbugs

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