Health Musings

Great ideas emerges from useless fragments of thoughts - Michael Bassey Johnson

Health Musings
Aaron Rodgers - Three’s A Charm?

Aaron Rodgers - Three’s A Charm?

The National Institutes of Health has declared that we are in the midst of a "national epidemic" of concussions and head injuries involving both professional and amateur contact sports

Health Musings
Justine Henin - A Champion Retires - Again

Justine Henin - A Champion Retires - Again

Perhaps it was that beautiful backhand that contributed to her final retirement

Health Musings
Turns Out Video Games Really ARE Bad for Kids

Turns Out Video Games Really ARE Bad for Kids

Mega video game manufacturer Nintendo has issued a warning that using their new 3D game system can be harmful to the vision development of children ages 6 and under

Health Musings
AirPort Scanners and The World’s Biggest Ball of Twine of Bust

AirPort Scanners and The World’s Biggest Ball of Twine of Bust

Airport scanners - the government says the amount of radiation is negligible, the manufacturers say it's not a problem...duh, what else are they going to say?

Health Musings
Science Fiction Meets Science Reality

Science Fiction Meets Science Reality

Scientists have not yet figured out how to miniaturize crack teams of pilots or CIA agents, but they have been able to create ‘smart pill’ technology

Health Musings
Can Moving be Healthy?

Can Moving be Healthy?

Why are women in Arkansas seven times more likely to have heart disease than women in Colorado and why is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) less prevalent in the tropics?

Health Musings
Think Twice - Diagnostic Imaging Centers Come With a Price!

Think Twice - Diagnostic Imaging Centers Come With a Price!

Any reasonable person should be convinced that routine CT scan screening of otherwise healthy people is probably not the wisest choice

Health Musings
A Reasoned Diatribe on Eating in a Healthy Fashion

A Reasoned Diatribe on Eating in a Healthy Fashion

You are what you eat. Eating is an agricultural act. (Wendell Berry) These two philosophies neatly sum up what I believe about cooking and eating

Health Musings
The 2009 Beauty Recession: Is It Over?

The 2009 Beauty Recession: Is It Over?

While it is true that many plastic surgeons are operating less, being beautiful is still within the budget for many men and women

Health Musings
The $wine Flu Cassandra

The $wine Flu Cassandra

Is the vaccine worse than the disease? Some people say yes!