
If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary - Roger Stone

Health Musings
Have Shoes, Will Travel (With All 50 Pair!)

Have Shoes, Will Travel (With All 50 Pair!)

Ever been faced with a medical emergency while travelling? Face it, we all have. Here's how to prepare, even without the latest mobile app

Celebrity Health
Paula Deen is No Longer the Butter Queen

Paula Deen is No Longer the Butter Queen

We all know that eating sticks of butter and cups of sugar for a snack then sitting around like a sloth is not a good idea, unless you’re Paula Deen and have found a way to turn that into millions of dollars

Health Musings
Why Nobody Ever Talks About Henry the Ninth

Why Nobody Ever Talks About Henry the Ninth

Henry the Eighth had gout. Maybe if he had known that a diet consisting of forty litres of sour cherry juice a day would make you forget you ever had gout in the first place, there wouldn't have been all those beheadings!

Celebrity Health
Check out your Gout

Check out your Gout

Gout, the disease of kings, has the distinction of being one of the most recorded medical illnesses throughout history

Health Musings
Mammograms are Lousy, Women Deserve Better

Mammograms are Lousy, Women Deserve Better

Putting special interest groups aside, don’t we owe it to ourselves to raise our voices and our pink ribbons in support of the development of even better methods and means of screening for breast cancer for the women we love?

Celebrity Health
Robin Gibb's New Year's Resolution? Stayin' Alive

Robin Gibb's New Year's Resolution? Stayin' Alive

Legendary feather-haired falsetto Robin Gibb has been diagnosed with liver cancer which is a particularly hard disease to beat and the prognosis is generally poor

Celebrity Health
Hercules has Nothing on Kevin Sorbo

Hercules has Nothing on Kevin Sorbo

Surviving three strokes and an untreated aneurysm makes Kevin Sorbo much more like Hercules than his TV character

Celebrity Health
CTE & Football

CTE & Football

Football has one of the highest injury rates of any sport and often leaves players with life-altering, career ending disabilities including CTE, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Health Musings
Down with Celery!

Down with Celery!

So if we skip those pesky low nutrition vegetables, which ones should we consume to get the greatest nutritional value?

Celebrity Health
Dyslexia Can Be Overcome, Just Ask the Fonz

Dyslexia Can Be Overcome, Just Ask the Fonz

For nearly half of his life Henry Winkler lived with a severe case of undiagnosed dyslexia