Are Omega-3 fatty acids one of nature's wonder supplements or are we just destroying the fish and the oceans and ultimately ourselves in the quest for health?
Children have ten times the risk as adults for 'Cat Scan caused cancer'. On top of this probably 1/3 of all CT scans are unnecessary. Whenever appropriate ultrasounds and MRIs should be substituted especially in the younger population
Despite advances in medical science, bugs such as E. coli will always be one step ahead of us. Every now and then they will emerge with a vengeance as they spread illness and in extreme cases, death. Always find out where you food is from
Time will tell how the long term effects of Fukushima will ‘fall out’. The stark reality is what occurred in Japan could happen anywhere! So, be ready for the next one
Stem cell therapy is probably one of the most promising medical advancements this century. Yet the politically charged embryonic stem cell issue has stymied research. But there is good news for your future!
Medical transport by air remains controversial primarily because of its cost and safety record. Do medical helos really make a difference?
Radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers. Instead of being worried about airport scanners, perhaps we ought to be paying more attention to ensuring that our homes are as safe as possible!
Fibromyalgia has come a long way from being an “it’s all in your head” disorder to being a disease with a better defined biochemical mechanism. There's hope now more than ever for this devastating health issue including several recently approved drugs
Salmonella outbreaks will continue to occur despite new regulations aimed at minimizing hen and egg exposure. Stay egg smart. Forego those raw eggs in your next Caesar and don't forget to keep your reuseable bags clean!
The most common adverse drug reactions are the effects from the drug itself - a virtual double-edged sword! Don't rely on the watchdogs. Always pay attention to the drug inserts, if you can read them, and not just the TV commercials