Obesity has become a major health problem worldwide and especially in the western world. Could lap bands make a difference?
Is extreme makeover surgery too great a risk for too little reason? Or is it a medical achievement?
Medical tourism is primarily driven by lower health care costs and facilities and health care professionals that are comparable to back home. The added benefit is you get to travel but are you getting your money's worth?
So, if EMRs facilitate the delivery of health care why is it taking so long for the medical community to embrace EMRs?
That is the question that continues to be unresolved even after the landmark study that linked the increased incidence of autism to vaccinations was found to be fradulent
GM Foods seem to be in the best position to address the world's food shortages but the long-term benefits and adverse effects remain speculative. Don't you want to know what's in your food?
Some countries have legalized the therapeutic use of marijuana under strict prescription control. So why not the United States?
It is perhaps the most controversial scientific question of the last two decades. Does mobile phone use cause cancer?